Firefox marks the 30 million new users

Firefox marks the 30 million new users


Slowly but sure Internet Explorer is losing its dominant position in the world of internet browser. At most risk are you so Mozilla Firefox.</p>

Mozilla Corporation chief executive John Lilly in the publication of his service Twitter has written that during the last two months Firefox has increased to 30 million new users. Mozilla knows this information, because each copy of Firefox once in a 24 hour check out any The new browser version.</p>

Method of calculating the new users is the number of submissions note within 24 hours, after which growth is multiplied by the number three to be included even those users who do not have that day enabled computer at all. This method is not one hundred percent sure, but according to Lilly, provides very approximate information about the real situation. Lilly alleges that because of the increase is so great students and students returning to school faculties and the fact that many of them buy new computers.</p>

However, Internet Explorer is still king of the market with 65.71 percent turnout, while Firefox continuous increase so far has managed to capture 23.75 percent of the market.</p>
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