Ferrari hybrid with motor V12

Ferrari hybrid with motor V12


According to leaders of Ferrari Amedeo Felisa, claims Ferrari in its bid is intended to eventually include hybrid model, and although not known exactly what will work hybrid Felisa confirmed that by the conventional engine will be found v12 powerful.</p>

Felisa also hinted that the emergence in the market for this vehicle is to be expected, because in Maranello estimate that battery technology has not advanced enough to meet all their needs. Moreover, they consider that such a thing would be needed from three up to four years.</p>

Before the advent of motorization hybrid Ferrari intends to implement a range of technologies which will reduce consumption of fuel, respectively, reducing harmful emissions.</p>

Among other things this also started with the introduction of stop-start systems which will equip California model. In fact, California will be exactly, which will serve as a model Ferrari, which will introduce new technologies.</p>
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