Fear Of Being Less Than Perfect
Many People let their poor body image keep them from happiness. We have all been exposed to such unrealistic ideals of the human form and face that it takes a superhuman effort to overcome the fear of being less than perfect. Perfect faces and perfect bodies are everywhere we look, Magazines, TV, Movies, Web all glorify perfectly sculptured faces and hard bodies. It is nice if you happen to be beautiful, but it is certainly not necessary for a happy relationship.</p>
If it were, only the beauties we see on the screen would have relationships. The old sayings “Beauty is only skin-deep” and “Pretty is a pretty does” are as true today as they were in our grandmothers day.</p>
As we get older, many of us fear that we will no longer be physically attractive to our mates. After all we reason, how could someone love our wrinkles, flabby skin, and aging bodies? The truth is, love doesn’t fade as we age. In fact, it is just the opposite. When you really love someone, you love that person from the inside out. His or her internal beauty increases and deepens with age. Every line, wrinkle, and stretch mark represent the precious time you have been together and the memories you have shared. By accepting your body with all its flaws, you accept yourself.</p>
Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=279. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=279
Many People let their poor body image keep them from happiness. We have all been exposed to such unrealistic ideals of the human form and face that it takes a superhuman effort to overcome the fear of being less than perfect. Perfect faces and perfect bodies are everywhere we look, Magazines, TV, Movies, Web all glorify perfectly sculptured faces and hard bodies. It is nice if you happen to be beautiful, but it is certainly not necessary for a happy relationship.</p>
If it were, only the beauties we see on the screen would have relationships. The old sayings “Beauty is only skin-deep” and “Pretty is a pretty does” are as true today as they were in our grandmothers day.</p>
As we get older, many of us fear that we will no longer be physically attractive to our mates. After all we reason, how could someone love our wrinkles, flabby skin, and aging bodies? The truth is, love doesn’t fade as we age. In fact, it is just the opposite. When you really love someone, you love that person from the inside out. His or her internal beauty increases and deepens with age. Every line, wrinkle, and stretch mark represent the precious time you have been together and the memories you have shared. By accepting your body with all its flaws, you accept yourself.</p>
Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=279. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=279