Facebook and Twitter bring to social isolation

Facebook and Twitter bring to social isolation


From time to time presented any organization or group that persistently reiterates that the presence of stress in the online world leads to isolation in real life. Study on new and proves what until now we knew: social networks lead to multiple contacts on the “real”.</p>

Activities like that online communication is via email and use the blog as well as other forms of association in the online world can bring to the escorts on enriched in reality. This conclusion of the organization’s experts have issued “Pew Internet and American Life Project “, which usually analyzes the problem of this kind.</p>

“Social isolation has not improved significantly since 1985 something, so only about six adults can not claim to have with whom to talk about their problems,” said the study mentioned Keith Hampton, professor in the School of Communications to University Annenberg from Pennsylvania.</p>

Social isolation no connection with any technologies, the Internet has led to defifnitivisht not there that people go out in public places.</p>
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