Experimental version of Google launches new service Google Wave

Experimental version of Google launches new service Google Wave


Bedore 2 weeks is experimental version released on the Internet Wave Google service, which combines email, instant messages and regulation of content according to appearance of Wikipedia. Google hopes that this service will transform how people communicate through website.</p>

Wave will be open for invited users 100,000, while each of them will be able to call five other people.</p>

The new service is open to the integration of applications that run independent developers, announces the British broadcaster BBC.</p>

Programmer Lars Rasmussen, who stands behind Wave along with his brother Jens, says the new service is “a tool for communication and cooperation.</p>

He stressed the fact that email is still the basic tool for communication in the Internet, even though it comes to a technology which has already 20 years.</p>


The new service enables users to see how their interlocutors writes message and formulate answers before question completed.</p>

Rasmussen says he is aware that this option might prove annoying for someone, but mentions that this will enable significant time savings.</p>

Programmers are working in defusing the option of reading the messages to others until they are written.</p>

Wave provides the ease of sharing pictures, which simply “withdraw” from the desktop platform Wave.</p>
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