Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni


Lara Croft
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

U.S. Denies Iranian Report of bin Laden Capture

TEHRAN, Iran (Feb. 28) - Pentagon and Pakistani officials on Saturday denied an Iranian state radio report that Osama bin Laden was captured in Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan ''a long time ago.''

There have been reports that military forces believed they had identified bin Laden's general location and had him encircled, but Pakistani officials have denied any specific knowledge of bin Laden's whereabouts.

The claim came at a time when Pakistan's army was hunting al-Qaida suspects in a remote tribal region along the border with Afghanistan, believed to be a possible hiding place for the al-Qaida leader.

Iran's state radio, quoting an unnamed source, said that U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's visit to the region this week was in connection with the arrest.

Larry Di Rita, the chief Pentagon spokesman who traveled with Rumsfeld this week to Afghanistan, denied the report. ''I don't have any reason to think it's true,'' he said Saturday.

Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, also said he had no information to suggest bin Laden had been caught.

''Things are going well, and we believe we will eventually catch all the leaders of al-Qaida, but I know nothing of that report,'' he said.

In Washington, another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, also denied Saturday that bin Laden was captured.

The report was carried by Iran radio's external Pushtun service. The director of Iran radio's Pushtun service, Asheq Hossein, said he had two sources for the report that bin Laden had been captured.

Iranian state radio quoted its reporter as saying the arrest happened a long time ago.

''Osama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election,'' he said.

Pakistani Army spokesman Gen. Shaukat Sultan also told The Associated Press that the report was not true. ''That information is wrong,'' he said.

A Pakistani official said previously that members of al-Qaida are being sought in the border region, although bin laden was not a specific target.

Separately, Pakistani forces killed 11 people in an exchange of fire Saturday after a minibus failed to stop at a roadblock in a tribal region where the ongoing anti-terrorism operations have been taking place, an army spokesman told the AP. The shooting occurred a day after armed men and soldiers exchanged fire at a military compound in the region.

Speaking to the AP in Tehran, Hossein identified one of the sources for the bin Laden report as Shamim Shahed, editor of the English-language Pakistani newspaper The Nation in Peshawar. Hossein said Shahed told him Friday night that bin Laden was arrested ''a long time ago.''

But Shahed, who is The Nation's Peshawar bureau chief and not its editor, denied telling the Iranian radio station that bin Laden had been captured.

''I never said this,'' Shahed said in a telephone interview with the AP's Islamabad bureau. ''But I have for the last year been saying that he is not far away. He is within their (the Americans') reach, and they can declare him arrested any time.''

Hossein said he had a second source for his report that bin Laden had been captured, but he declined to identify him except to say he was ''a man with close links to intelligence services and Afghan tribal leaders.''

Homayoun Jarir, son-in-law of Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, said he could not confirm the report.

The Iranian news agency IRNA was first to report the capture of Saddam Hussein. IRNA also carried the state radio report about bin Laden's capture and said it had contacted a radio announcer at the Pushtun service who confirmed the news.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

e ça masanej se u kap bin ladeni, ai s'eshte shqiptar e s'shoh se çmund me diskutu per te.

per me teper eshte krijim amerikan, por me thene te drejten nuk e di impaktin qe pati si mit ne boten muslimane. perendimi kish kohe qe e kish harru.

e keqja e "forces amerikane" eshte qe luan vetem me fakirat, pa pas impakt te vertete ne boten e kulturuar perendimore. mendoj se mbas rrezimit te "kullave te barit" amerika e ka humb prestigjin qe u mundun me i dhone pas luftes dyte boterore bota perendimore. sot puna eshte kthy si ishte ne fillimet e epokes koloniale. amerika shihet veç si treg shitje (sklleverish e mallrash).


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Do isha shume i lumtur te ishte e vertete kjo po me duket se u pergenjeshtrua me pas lajmi apo jo??


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Eshte e vertete se bin laden eshte kapur dhe mbahet ne nje vend te mfshehte.Perfundimisht pjesa me e madhe e terroristave te al kaidas pritet qe te arrestohen ne javet e ardhrshme.
Lajm shume i gezuar ky, per paqen ne mbare boten.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Fillimisht postuar nga Joe Somebody:
[qb] Eshte e vertete se bin laden eshte kapur dhe mbahet ne nje vend te mfshehte.Perfundimisht pjesa me e madhe e terroristave te al kaidas pritet qe te arrestohen ne javet e ardhrshme.
Lajm shume i gezuar ky, per paqen ne mbare boten. [/qb]
Eshte kapur. Nje scientist ne Pakistan kerkon falje se ka ndihmuar Libine ne armet berthamore. Kaq poshte moralisht kane rene myslymanet e Pakistanit sa te kerkojne falje publike Amerikes & Perendimit. Nuk flasin kot iranianet. Kane ata informatoret e tyre te sigurte qe thote Osama eshte kapur.

Po thone ketu ne Amerike disa disa se jane bukosur me para pakistanezet. Pakistanezet kane pastaj treguar se ku fshihet Osama. Paraja te kthen nga myslyman ne budist. Hasan Zyko Kamberi i madhi i bejtexhinjeve shqiptare ka thene ne "Paraja" se "me para sheh varrin e Fatimese ne Qabe". Fatimeja ishte motra/vajza e profetit Muhamed
Bushi do ta nxjerre Osamen 2 jave para zgjedhjeve qe te fitoje. Ky eshte arsyetimi im mbi Bushin.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Ne se Bin Laden do ishte kapur amerikanet do ta kishin deklaruar ne cast.
Kush nga ju me thote te pakten nje raste qe amerikanet te kene fshehur nje ngjarje te rendesishme, pra edhe ne se Bush do e fshihte lajmin jane gazetaret ata qe te pakten brenda 24 oresh do ta verifikonin lajmin!!!!!

Ajo qe di une eshte se Bin Ladeni dhe Mulla Omari i kane ditet e numeruara edhe ne vrimen e miut te futen dhe jo vetem ata, por te gjithe ata qe vrasin mira njerez ,femije ,gra ,pleqe e te pafajshem ne emer te nje feje kunder nje tjetre.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Fillimisht postuar nga DFV:
[qb] Ne se Bin Laden do ishte kapur amerikanet do ta kishin deklaruar ne cast.
Kush nga ju me thote te pakten nje raste qe amerikanet te kene fshehur nje ngjarje te rendesishme, pra edhe ne se Bush do e fshihte lajmin jane gazetaret ata qe te pakten brenda 24 oresh do ta verifikonin lajmin!!!!![/qb]
Nuk i njihke mire amerikanet. Te pakten eliten anglo-saksone. Anglosaksonet te gjithe jane 20% e popullsise se Amerikes kane komanduar & komandojne Ameriken. 35% jane popujt gjermanike. Ka me teper e leme me kaq.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Fillimisht postuar nga *The Patriot*:
[qb] Hajt per hajer atehere. :thumbsup: [/qb]
It is true!

2-4 jave para zgjedhjeve do nxjerri Bush ate Bin Ladenin per turizem ne Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 90% te votave Bushi prape. Uroj te zgjuarit mbrapa tij te mendojne te ngrejne ekonomine. Duket se ka anglo-saksone te zgjuar mbrapa tij. Alan Greenspan iu tha pir*** europianeve ne Gjeneve kur Schroeder i kerkoi te ndaloje ngritjen fiktive te Euros ndaj dollarit ne dhjetor.

Pas Bushit vjen Schwarzeneggeri republikani Terminator. Cudi morra vesh se Schwarzenegger eshte dhender ne familjen/dinastine Kennedy.

Megjithate vota ime eshte per John Kerry.


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

a mos punon ketu dikush ne FBI apo ne CIA ?? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
ju keshilloj qe ta gjeni se kush ia mbyti bushit qenin?? e leni anash bin ladenat dhe sadamat ata e kryejn punen e vet.
me siguri nese e lexon bushi kete forum ,juve qe e permbani ate do tju thirte qe ta perkrahni ne tubimet parazgjedhore /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

shih ,shih sa mire te informuar qe qenkeni,une kam edhe nje dyshim se mos valle dikush prej jush eshte edhe keshilltari i bushit?? apo zedhenesi i tij,hahaha

edhe ne qofte se e zene bin ladenin ,qe nuk besoj asgje nuk do te ndryshoj sikur mekapjen e sadamit,cfar u ndryshua ?,asgje vetem me shume te vrare nga okupatoret dhe nga tradhtaret :kiss: .


Primus registratum
Re: Eshte kapur OSAMA binladeni

Postuar nga amar:a mos punon ketu dikush ne FBI apo ne CIA ??
ju keshilloj qe ta gjeni se kush ia mbyti bushit qenin?? e leni anash bin ladenat dhe sadamat ata e kryejn punen e vet.
me siguri nese e lexon bushi kete forum ,juve qe e permbani ate do tju thirte qe ta perkrahni ne tubimet parazgjedhore .

shih ,shih sa mire te informuar qe qenkeni,une kam edhe nje dyshim se mos valle dikush prej jush eshte edhe keshilltari i bushit?? apo zedhenesi i tij,hahaha

edhe ne qofte se e zene bin ladenin ,qe nuk besoj asgje nuk do te ndryshoj sikur mekapjen e sadamit,cfar u ndryshua ?,asgje vetem me shume te vrare nga okupatoret dhe nga tradhtaret .

Hm, me keto mesazhe e paskeni shkelur ne kallo kete talibanin ketu