Electronic reader with two screens from Asus

Electronic reader with two screens from Asus


While the whole world is whir for Apple and its TABLET computer which will be presented or not, the company Asus has decided to take matters into their own hands and to present its vision how should such a device appears . That means an electronic reader with two screens and with price to very free in market.</p>

It is best achieved when combined cheap price and innovation, and such is just something the company Asus prepares us. The first electronic reader two screens, should cost only £ 100, that would make even one of the readers on the free market.</p>

For specifics now know very little, but presumed that Asus will be able to present the more expensive version of the device which would support the third generation (3G) and greater space for storage of data.</p>

This electronic reader should be presented to the market by the end of this year.</p>

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