E PaImagjinueshme - Color Sensing
Unimagineable! Let me leave Albforum with this magnificient work of art of American technological intelligence.
Agilent Technologies Introduces Color Sensing Application Development Kits Color detection: identifying the presence or absence of a specific color. Cheap $140.
There is more! Me shume e pa imagjinueshme ne trurin e njeriut detection of color in-depth remotely.
Ke nje pen me ngjyre te kuqe ne xhep. After you locate the pen object in your pocket like for example X-Ray machines at airport can do it then be able to tell the object pen has red color.
Do shikoj nje demostrim te kesaj te fundit. Kush eshte student per elektronike ne USA mund te i siguroj nje cmim me te lire ne seminar. Send PM me and I hope I can reply fast.
Thank you! Your request to enroll in the event hosted by Agilent Technologies as noted below has been accepted.
Event Name: 2004 High-Speed Optical Digital Design Seminar
Date: ******
Time: *****
Registration time: ******
Location: *****otel****ference Center
Unimagineable! Let me leave Albforum with this magnificient work of art of American technological intelligence.
Agilent Technologies Introduces Color Sensing Application Development Kits Color detection: identifying the presence or absence of a specific color. Cheap $140.
There is more! Me shume e pa imagjinueshme ne trurin e njeriut detection of color in-depth remotely.
Ke nje pen me ngjyre te kuqe ne xhep. After you locate the pen object in your pocket like for example X-Ray machines at airport can do it then be able to tell the object pen has red color.
Do shikoj nje demostrim te kesaj te fundit. Kush eshte student per elektronike ne USA mund te i siguroj nje cmim me te lire ne seminar. Send PM me and I hope I can reply fast.
Thank you! Your request to enroll in the event hosted by Agilent Technologies as noted below has been accepted.
Event Name: 2004 High-Speed Optical Digital Design Seminar
Date: ******
Time: *****
Registration time: ******
Location: *****otel****ference Center