Re: "Distanca Mendore" ne nje lidhje!
Ej te me falesh se e kisha llafin per kete princesen e Norvegjis e jo te Suedis. Na bon lomsh keto vendet Nordike. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Jam dakort qe inteligjenca nuk diktohet nga kushtet e ambientit ashtu sic 'diktohet' njohuria. Por ama une nuk e quaj diktim por Ndikim. Ambjenti ndikon ndersa sesa do ja dal ne jete individi varet nga deshira dhe kapaciteti qe ka.
Ka pastruesa qe punojn per te paguar studimet, sic ka edhe nga ata qe punojn per te paguar ushqimet.
Pra edhe nje here mendoj qe lidhja nuk ka te beje me zanatin, me klasen, nese eshte klase fshatare, puntore apo intelektuale por me kapacitetin qe ka njeriu te komunikoj, me ate cka di te percjelli, me ate cka di te ofroj etj.
The results of the survey (requested by the tabloid Dagbladet – at least that is what the tabloid VG, Dagbladet’s chief competitor says) have not yet been disclosed, though some have remarked that with regard to Princess Mette-Marit the question should actually have been: Do you want to have sex with her again? Mette-Marit had quite a reputation before she married into the Norwegian royal family. There is a video where she and a friend show how well nature has endowed them.
The survey also asked whether the men would like to have Mette-Marit as the mother of their children. The Princess’s name figured on a list along with other famous (and sexy) Norwegian women. 500 women were asked the same questions with regard to famous Norwegian men, including Crown Prince Haakon Magnus.
Prior to her marriage with Haakon Magnus in 2001, Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby (born 1973) was a single mother. In the early 1990s she lived with a 15 year older man, but, after this relationship floundered, had a child by another, who was a drug addict. This child, Prince Marius (born 1997), has been adopted by the Crown Prince with whom Mette-Marit has two children, Princess Ingrid Alexandra (born 2004) and Prince Sverre Magnus (born 2005).