'Designer baby' born to UK couple


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'Designer baby' born to UK couple

A boy has been born to a British couple who want to use stem cells from his umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.

Michelle and Jayson Whitaker's baby, Jamie, was genetically selected while he was still an embryo to be a near perfect match to four-year-old Charlie.

It is not the first UK baby selected to help cure a sibling - a couple whose child was suffering from leukaemia and needed a bone marrow transplant took the same route in 2001.
Painful treatment

Dr Lana Rechitsky from the Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago, who matched the Whitaker tissues, told the BBC Jamie was the second baby born in Britain as a tissue match.

But the condition of the sibling of the first child has gone into remission and treatment had not been necessary so far.

Jamie's brother suffers from a rare and potentially fatal form of anaemia, which requires a regular, painful treatment.

It can only be cured by a transplant of stem cells from a sibling with a perfect tissue match.

Mr Whitaker, a 33-year-old business manager who recently moved to Derbyshire from Bicester in Oxfordshire,said that he and his wife had made the right decision.


Primus registratum
Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple

Human beings who were not the perfect match were simply discarded and a child has been created with the primary purpose of benefiting his elder brother. This does not conform to Jamie's human dignity.|Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple|ruud|Ruud|Thu Jun 19 20:38:00 2003||1|0|0|0
0013000067000002|0013000067000000|13|156|Ndsohta e kane pasur ne mendje per te pasur nje femije te dyte dhe me kete rast jane shtyre me teper qe te kene jo vetem femijen e dyte, por te shpetojne femijen e pare. Po mos e benin nje hap te tille, femija i pare do i vdiste nga leucemia dhe ato do mbeteshin pa femije. Mua nuk me duket se eshte gabim...|Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple|AnaBlue|AnaBlue|Thu Jun 19 23:12:00 2003||1|0|0|0
0013000067000003|0013000067000000|13|2848|....|Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple|ruud|Ruud|Fri Jun 20 00:37:00 2003||1|0|0|0
0013000067000004|0013000067000000|13|1697|pershendetje A Stranger,

tema qe kini hapur ka shume rendesi shkencore... por drejtimi qe i kini dhene eshte shoqeror.
Mendoj qe edhe perdorimi i gjuhes eshte nuk eshte ai i duhuri, materiali nuk eshte shume i gjate sa te mos perkthehet ne shqip.|Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple|ildaaa|-Fleur-|Fri Jun 20 12:22:00 2003||1|0|0|0
0013000067000005|0013000067000000|13|2848|ju lutem diskutimem e pergjendrohen ne anen shkencore te temes se eshte me te vertete teme e bukur sic tha dhe Dott ESSA /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif|Re: 'Designer baby' born to UK couple|ruud|Ruud|Fri Jun 20 21:28:00 2003||1|0|0|0
Fillimisht postuar nga A STRANGER:
A boy has been born to a British couple who want to use stem cells from his umbilical cord to treat an older brother with a life threatening blood disorder.

Michelle and Jayson Whitaker's baby, Jamie, was genetically selected while he was still an embryo to be a near perfect match to four-year-old Charlie.

Painful treatment

Dr Lana Rechitsky from the Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago, who matched the Whitaker tissues, told the BBC Jamie was the second baby born in Britain as a tissue match.

Jamie's brother suffers from a rare and potentially fatal form of anaemia, which requires a regular, painful treatment.

It can only be cured by a transplant of stem cells from a sibling with a perfect tissue match.
Nje cifti britanik i ka lindur nje femije qe do te perdore qeliza burimore nga Umbilical Cord te sheroje vellain e madh i semure me nje crregullim gjaku vdekjeprures.
Femija i Michelle dhe Jayson Whitaker's , Jamie, u zgjodh gjenetikisht kur ishte akoma nje embrion qe te jete shume i ngjashem me vellain e tij 4 vjecar Charlie.

Sherim i dhimbshem

Dr Lana Rechitsky nga The Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago qe bashkoi indet e Whitaker, i tha BBC qe Jamie eshte femija e dyte ne britani qe eshte e lindur si nje ind i ngjashem.

Vellai i Jamie-t vuan nga nje forme e rralle dhe mundesisht fatale anemie, qe kerkon kurim te dhimbshem dhe te rregullt.

Mund vetem te kurohet me nje transplant te qelizave burimore nga nje vella ose moter me inde shume te ngjashme.

happy now......ne shqip kam perkthyer vetem pjeset qe kane te bejne me shkencen. biseda mund te vazhdoja qe ketu.....