Dating Tips and Tricks

Dating Tips and Tricks

Dating is courtship, make no mistake about it. It is a series of social encounters that permit a man and a woman to become well enough acquainted with each other determine whether or not they wish to marry. It is fashionable in some circles to pretend that dating is something less than courtship, but this is a naive point of view, one that eventually confuses all the parties involved in a dating relationship.
Even for an experienced dater, the act of asking someone with whom you aspire to have a romantic relationship for a date is an ego wrenching experience. The gracious recipient of an invitation understands this and reacts accordingly, by aether accepting or refusing an invitation as soon as possible, preferably at the moment the invitation is tendered. If you cannot reply immediately, then let the person know as soon as possible. It is cruel to keep someone dangling, especially when the delay is a stalling tactic against telling someone you do not want to go out with him or her.</p>


  A gracious acceptance is enthusiastic:</p>

:I would love to go the movies with you Friday night” A refusal should be equally gracious, especially if you hope to receive another invitation. If possible, indicate why you cannot accept: ‘Im sorry, but i have already made other plans and can not go to the movies with you Friday night, i would love to do it some other time” In other words, make it clear that another invitation is welcome. The invitee, female or male, might also suggest another day: “I can’t go out with you Friday, but what about a movie Sunday evening? Im free then. Are you?”
If you receive an invitation from someone you do not with to go out with, it is sometimes kinder to send out some signals to that effect rather than leading the person on. Start by saying no, very politely, and possibly offering some polite excuse. Some people do not read subtle messages, though, and you may have to escalade the signals. When someone repeatadly asks you out despite your offering no encouragment, make your excuse a little curter: “No, i can’t go out that night. Thank you for asking me, though.”</p>


Never be coy about asking for a date. Don’t say, “So, would you like to go out with me sometime?” Even worse is, “Do you like to go to the movies?” A woman who loves movies but does not want to go out with you will not consider this an invitation, and a woman who hates movies but wants to go out with you will be frustrated. Far better is the specific, direct invitation: “Would you like to have dinner and go to a movie with me Friday night?”
Responsibility for asking for dates used to fall entirely on the shoulders of men, while women passively waited for invitations. Today, although women still take the initiative less than men do, there is No reason that a woman cannot ask out a man. She should, of course, expect to pay for the evening when she does. And she should realize that she may be rebuffed. Just as men have been laying their egos on the line for years and occasionally getting knocked down by uninterested women, so, too, must women expect to find the occasional man who is not interested or is otherwise engaged.</p>

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