Dating Scene The Importance of Listening

Dating Scene The Importance of Listening

Never underestimate the importance of being a good listener. Too many married woman have told me that often, when speaking to their husbands, they stop talking in mid sentence because they know they are not being listened to. They feel like a piece of furniture, and this experience of being ignored is a denial of their value. Their spirit is crushed.</p>

So on a date, be attentive to the person you are with when they speak. It will make them feel very much alive. Take note of what they say and commit it to memory. If they talk you they don’t like eating fish, or that they are allergic to cats, make sure you don’t forget this information. It is important to them, and they will expect it to be important to you. And your cat, TiBBLES? Well , he will be happy to be locked in the closet with the Dover sole.</p>

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