Dashurite e vjetra


Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

me sa kuptoj une, duket sikur sapo u be paler and paler dhe u fsheh mbas reve...ndoshta per tu rishfaqur me nje tjeter light and shape /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[qb]It feared the distant storm and sheepily called upon the clouds to hide.
... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif [/qb]

Her face a moon-like sphere became with faint yellow light and spots of sorrow. Indistinctly saw the knight at leaving, him being unable to bear the thunder. Slowly the hand she raised, oh that hand, to wave goodbye to whom she dreamed of and eyes moisted at watery pain, closed swiftly, in a moment the light to see again.
"And, thus you went my dearest grieve, and left me here with me myself only, but I the memory carved shall bear so that the soul on thou thy room may raise. And at departure you would only spell those words, the most hated ones,
And after all my erstwhile dear
My no longer cherished
Need we say t'was no love
Now that love is perished.... (Shakespear)

With perplexed sight would I the face cover with my life-long veil my tears to keep afar, oh bitter drops unlike any gulp of wine. And you saw nothing, none of these..

You didn't see the bitter taste
Of anguish sweep across my face
You didn't feel my proud heart beat
Heavy and slow beneath your feet
You spoke of triumphs still unwon
Of glorious deeds as yet undone.
And, I, the while you talked to me,
I saw the gulls float lonesomely
Till lost amidst the hungry blue
And loved you, better than you knew (Elizabeth Akers)

He's gone I'll say, he's gone alone, with my heart crown to wonder elsewhere, he's gone I'll say, he's gone alone. While then to my dear Morpheus shall I look, pleading for some long-wished peace, with my bleeding heart at hand...

Oh Morpheus, give me joy till morning
For my forever painful love
Just blow out candles burning
And see my dreams in blessing move
Let from my soul disappear
The separation's sharp rebuke
And let me see that dear look
And let me hear voice that dear
And when will vanish dark of night
and you will free my eyes at leaving
Oh, if my heart would have the right
To lose its love till dark of evening (Pushkin)

But, dawn so mercless comes close with that bright light which my love kills, and I the darkness again invite, my sweet-soul face again to see...
Come to me in my dreams
And then
By day I shall be well again
For then the night will more than pay
The hopeless longing of the day
But, as thou never come in soothe
Come now and let me dream it truth
And part my hair and kiss my brow
And say "My love, why suffer thou"

But never dreams looathe me this much, they only lie me with a touch, a touch of pain, a sorry kiss, to take with it then my eternal bliss. And I to myself long shall sing, hoping my notes shall be heard somewhere, by someone. My anger of letting a piece of heaven go and forced be a sky of hell endure shall make other words from my mouth spring forth...

...stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep–while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Oh, fate so tired I show in taking out whatever in shall refuse to stay. You took my spirit's crown away and waving, thus to you shall say:

Your life's proud aim, your art's high truth,
Have kept the promise of your youth;
And while you won the crown, which now
Breaks into bloom upon your brow,
My soul cried strongly out to you
Across the ocean's yearning blue,
While, unremembered and afar,
I watched you, as I watch a star
Through darkness struggling into view,
And loved you better than you knew.
(Elizabeth Akers)

... So many years at then passed by, the tired knight once came to turn, so old and consumed by life he proved, with only a wish a little rest to find. The castle empty was at that with the sweet lady gone since long. Only at the doorstep he paused and stay to read the last word of her who left behind was...

"I used to dream in all these years
Of patient faith and silent tears,
That Love's strong hand would put aside
The barriers of place and pride,
Would reach the pathless darkness through,
And draw me softly up to you;
But that is past. If you should stray
Beside my grave, some future day,
Perchance the violets o'er my dust
Will half betray their buried trust,
And say, their blue eyes full of dew,
"She loved you better than you knew!"

And so the pretty flowers said, keeping thus loyal to the Lady dead.... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Pan ignoramus
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Fillimisht postuar nga eniad:

And so the pretty flowers said, keeping thus loyal to the Lady dead.... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif [/qb]
... What is more to be told, of the one whom dirt poured with cold, silent granting and long to last sleep, cherish the sun now lay too deep.

"The flower in ripen'd bloom unmatch'd
Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely snatch'd,
The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
Than see it pluck'd to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair." (Byron)

Unsaid have been so many words, that mind would never dare, to speak aloud for they would hurt, the heart too much to bear. But now you rest, long years have past, too far my horse would ride, on land of friend and foes alike who stop me never tried. But now by bones have come to ache, for time leaves none behind, yet deeper is the scar within, the war of heart and mind.

" I know not why
I could not die,
I had no earthly hope - but faith,
And that forbade a selfish death." (Byron)

Someone whispered, oh it was she, and old friend of times of Ode, we meet again as long past deeds, are now common for us to be told. You who remain forever young, this time those starlike eyes, they're truly yours, I know, but waste no time, today I will not follow.

"And I felt troubled - and would fain
I had not left my recent chain;
And when I did descend again,
The darkness of my dim abode
Fell on me as a heavy load;
It was as is a new-dug grave,
Closing o'er one we sought to save, -
And yet my glance, too much opprest,
Had almost need of such a rest." (Byron)

And the Lady kissed his fore, her friend had need of sleep, opened did the casttle gates, their last secret to keep. Go my friend and rest assured, noone will add you more scars, farewell to you, we will meet again, up there among the stars. And as he strode, slow and shaken, she held a cup of wine, part did the flowers upon the grave, to house it and sang the final song divine:

"Shpirti im qe sot y mbyll
Dhe gezimin m'a perzuri.
Neper mal e neper pyll
Zu debora prej qekuri.

Bjene floket nje-nga-nje
Mi katundin e shkretuar.
Dyke mardhur nene te
Dheri fjet e ri mbuluar

Flet nga-dal e shpirti im,
Dhe ne zi pikoj si fleta,
Pa me qit as pipelim
Tere fili, tere jeta.

Ne kaq heshtje-e qetesi
Ndjej vajtimthin e nje shpesi:
Psheretin me ze te ti
Jet' e trembur se mos vdesi...

(( Dimer - Lasgush Poradeci ))



Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif t'a konsideroj kete si mbyllje Guri, se u lodha duke ju gjemuar? /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

e pse? ishte aq e bukur, sa shpresoj te vazhdoje pasi na jep rastin te lexojme nje gershetim te perkryer midis krijimeve personale dhe poezive me te bukura te koherave :thumbsup: /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Guro :eek: :eek: qe ishe i talentuar e dija po keto te fundit meritojne many many drinks /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Nderime..respekte :kiss:


Pan ignoramus
Re: dashurite e vjetra

/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jepjani falenderimet eniad. Ajo i ka te tera fajet! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra




Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[qb] /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jepjani falenderimet eniad. Ajo i ka te tera fajet! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
:wave: [/qb]
Felenderimet shkojne edhe per ty, keshtu qe nuk del i lare /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif . You never make a sin alone, don't you? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

i didn't mean for you to REALLY end this /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif

anyway :kiss: :kiss:
ishte me shume se kenaqesi t'u lexoje YOU BOTH /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

...Didn't really know I was turning back to right here, had no intention as a matter of fact. But, today happened in a flash that I recalled my first love. :lol: This was my right-away reaction. So cute we are as teens, having all those dreams which more than this are crazy utopias coming from lack of life experience. Not longing to recall what hapened and remember every single letter of every sentimental saying said then, at that time, it's so much useless. Only was surprised and amused at the memory :lol: Laughing heartedly.

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Ka nga ato qe te lene shije te njejte me ndijimet e pas-vjelljes pas nje alkoli te tepruar, sidomos ndodh te ngjasojne me shijen qe te mbetet ne goje me ore te tera, nuk ka kurgje ne bote qe ta pastroje te pakten per disa ore.


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

des fois ca revien a la surface,
comme un eclaire, ou juste un petit truc qui te rappel l' existence du "truc" dans ton passe...
ca me manque juste dans mes moment de solitude, voire de tristesse, mais dans la vie quotidiene je me rappel meme pas de toi...
bcp trop de choses qu'on faisait a deux, je les fais seule, et c'est aussi bien ansi...
les chansons, nos chansons, ne me troublent plus...c'est du passe et on est au present...
quand tu me dis des mots gentil, j'aurais tant voulu les entendre avant, aujourdhui je suis indiferente...
je serais toujours la pour toi...toujours...mais pas comme tu voudrais, de l'eau a coule sous les ponts......
je suis desole...
tu est desole
mais a quoi ca serre??? a rien...
cherche plus a comprendre, moi j'ai arrete depuis un moment,
la vie, cette putain de vie de merde...on ne la verra plus jamais dans le meme sens...tu est toujours la, moi je suis partie...

je pense a toi maintenant, la, maintenat tout de suit, cette chanson, me rappelle plain de truc, plain de chose...plain de souvenirs...

Entre nous,
C'est l'histoire
Qui commence au hasard
De nos yeux qui se cherchent
Entre nous

Entre nous,
De nos bras
C'est le temps qui donnera
Un premier rendez-vous
Entre nous


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Cna bere me ju fut google language tashi /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Indiference e perzier me nje nenqeshje disi te cuditur …duke pyetur veten …vertet ke qen ti pjese e atij teatri , tragjik per kohen qe ndodhi, komik per ate qe erdhi pas…
……dhe ai mall apo kurioziteti i mbetur u shua dalngadale, u kthye ne pluhur qe era e shperndau randomly cepave te trurit pa asnje rregull ……..dashurite e vjetra …..kapituj te mbyllur perfundimisht …
Lol, keto i kupton pas ndonji telefonate te larget , kur veren qe zeri yt ska me asnje ngjyre, asnje dritherime, asnje intonacion, mbetet i akullt dhe pergjigjet nen rutinen per te treguar se ajo qe ka mbetur eshte vetem miresjellja… /pf/images/graemlins/tonguee.gif…


Still here
Re: dashurite e vjetra

ah dashurite e vjetra!

Dashuri e vjeter quhet ajo dashuri e cila
a) Nuk eshte plotesuar (konsumuar) asnjehere
b) Me mendje te hapur kemi vleresuar qe edhe nese e konsumuar apo vrasese, nuk duhet ta kujtojme me urrejtje, por me kenaqesi.

Kur kam qene 9-10 vjec kam dashur nje goce. Dashur duket si fjale gjyshash dhe po ta fusesh ne moshen 9-10 vjec nuk ka sens. Po tamam tamam dashur quhet ajo. Eshte si puna e asaj fjales se fundit qe themi para se te flejme .... une thoja emrin e saj dhe me ate mendim me zinte gjumi.
Per me shume se 100 vjet kisha humbur kontaktet me te dhe te rrotullon nje dite jeta qe perplasesh me nje dentiste (po themi) e cila ka emrin e saj, ka syte e saj, ka buzeqeshjen e saj ... dhe vetem kaq. Asgje tjeter nga ajo vajza e vogel qe mbaja mend te kisha dashur sa te me ngushtohej kraharori kur isha i vogel ...
(... do vazhdoje ...)


Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Ka nga ato qe te lene shije te njejte me ndijimet e pas-vjelljes pas nje alkoli te tepruar, sidomos ndodh te ngjasojne me shijen qe te mbetet ne goje me ore te tera, nuk ka kurgje ne bote qe ta pastroje te pakten per disa ore.

[/ QUOTE ]
pse ti ke histori interesante /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: dashurite e vjetra

Per te jashtmit (te tretet) ashtu duken /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Sidomos kur une jam ne humor te mire dhe di si ti tregoj /pf/images/graemlins/pickellonja.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: dashurite e vjetra

ti ke lene histori dashurie te vjetra pa na treguar???
ta mbash mend!!! /pf/images/graemlins/smash.gif

ne forum t'i kishe shkruar, se i lexojme vete pastaj /pf/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/pickellonja.gif