Compliments And Other Romantic Gestures.

Compliments And Other Romantic Gestures.

If you find yourself buttering up your date in order to further your own ends, than you are in the wrong and you should back of immediately. If you compliment the woman you are with on her great beauty in the hope that she will feel flattered and jump into bed with you, you will have stolen her trust and her body. You will have taken something that is not rightfully yours. You stole.</p>

If, however, the woman you care about is having a bad hair day and is annoyed, you are right  to assure her that she is still beautiful. While this may not be completely honest, neither is it a lie. Because you love her, to you she is beautiful, in all circumstances and times. The whole beauty of love is that it makes rational evaluation impossible.</p>

Consider the fact  that there are a billion parents on this planet and each is convinced that their kid is the cutes.</p>

Even if you don’t think she really is beautiful, there is someone out there to whom she is attractive and beautiful. Also, within her there are many beautiful things. You can love things about her.  Your act of flattery is not false better and bring more joy to the relationship. You are not manipulating her for your own purposes.</p>

The definition of a romantic gesture is that it is completely devoid of self-interest. A romantic gesture is one undertaken with the sole intent of making your date feel cherished and special. Any ulterior motive destroys the romance.</p>

While compliments are important romantic gestures, there are plenty of other things you can do to show your date you care. When you are buying a present or planning some great surprise, you can double-check whether it is truly romantic by honestly thinking about whether you stand to gain anything from giving it. If you do, then choose something else.</p>

So, for example, if your girlfriend is a terrible housekeeper, she won’t feel flattered by your giving her a vacuum cleaner. Rather than telling her with this gesture that she is special and beautiful, you are telling her, “Do a better job of cleaning your apartment. And by the way, if you have some extra time, come and do mine as well.” She will feel used. And if your boyfriend snores, then a gift of nose braces may well seem insulting. Spend the money on earplugs for yourself. Always go for something that nervier no other purpose than to please your date. Buy her flowers, and watch her light up. Flowers can’t clean a coffee stain or do the laundry, they can only express your affection for her. Similarly, you might want to try writing him a poem. He will feel moved, because poetry is such a private and selfless offering. Also, if you put something in about “all those sleepless nights with you,” he may heat the hint about his snaring.</p>

If you are given a gift in a date and you hate it, should you lie?
If your date bought you plastic roses, should you say that you love plastic flowers even more than real flowers? Of course not. There is no need to compromise your integrity in order to flatter your date. You could say, “This is the most beautiful gift i have ever received” when really you are thinking, “You cheap so and so, you should be shot, although you would probably recycle the metal if you were.” Or you can say instead, “Thank you so much for thinking of me. I am touched that wherever you do i am on your mind. When i marry the other guy, i’ll be thinking of you too.”</p>

In short, always make your date feel cherished, special, and remembered.</p>

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