Cho Seung-hiu: Studenti-vrases i Virginia Tech
Nje total prej 33 studentesh duke perfshire dhe Cho-ne u vrane te Henen e kaluar.
Me poshte jane disa prej shkrimeve dhe komenteve te tija. (ne anglisht se kohe nuk kam te perkthej)
"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off, I didn't have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But now I will no longer run...'
Ankesa te here pas hershme ndaj tij ishin bere prej studenteve dhe profesoreve. Neglizhenca e autoriteteve ne shkolle beri qe vrasja e dy studenteve ne 7:15 am te vijonte me vrasjen e 30 te tjereve pas 2 oresh.
Nje total prej 33 studentesh duke perfshire dhe Cho-ne u vrane te Henen e kaluar.
Me poshte jane disa prej shkrimeve dhe komenteve te tija. (ne anglisht se kohe nuk kam te perkthej)
"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off, I didn't have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But now I will no longer run...'
Ankesa te here pas hershme ndaj tij ishin bere prej studenteve dhe profesoreve. Neglizhenca e autoriteteve ne shkolle beri qe vrasja e dy studenteve ne 7:15 am te vijonte me vrasjen e 30 te tjereve pas 2 oresh.