Bushi President, po me tej?

Bushi President, po me tej?

Kur ne 2000 gjysma e amerikaneve votuan per Bushin, shume analiste thane se ky ishte nje aksident dhe votuesit do te vinin mend nga politikat e tij ekonomike, sociale dhe politika e jashtme. U gabuan.
Ja nje artikull i gazetes Angleze "Mirror"
Ju ftoj per nje diskutim mbi idete tuaja per Ameriken e G-W-BUSH II.



Nov 4 2004


THEY say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world.

This once-great country has pulled up its drawbridge for another four years and stuck a finger up to the billions of us forced to share the same air. And in doing so, it has shown itself to be a fearful, backward-looking and very small nation.

This should have been the day when Americans finally answered their critics by raising their eyes from their own sidewalks and looking outward towards the rest of humanity.

And for a few hours early yesterday, when the exit polls predicted a John Kerry victory, it seemed they had.

But then the horrible, inevitable truth hit home. They had somehow managed to re-elect the most devious, blinkered and reckless leader ever put before them. The Yellow Rogue of Texas.

A self-serving, dim-witted, draft-dodging, gung-ho little rich boy, whose idea of courage is to yell: "I feel good," as he unleashes an awesome fury which slaughters 100,000 innocents for no other reason than greed and vanity.

A dangerous chameleon, his charming exterior provides cover for a power-crazed clique of Doctor Strangeloves whose goal is to increase America's grip on the world's economies and natural resources.

And in foolishly backing him, Americans have given the go-ahead for more unilateral pre-emptive strikes, more world instability and most probably another 9/11.

Why else do you think bin Laden was so happy to scare them to the polls, then made no attempt to scupper the outcome?

There's only one headline in town today, folks: "It Was Osama Wot Won It."

And soon he'll expect pay-back. Well, he can't allow Bush to have his folks whoopin' and a-hollerin' without his own getting a share of the fun, can he?

Heck, guys, I hope you're feeling proud today.

To the tens of millions who voted for John Kerry, my commiserations.

To the overwhelming majority of you who didn't, I simply ask: Have you learnt nothing? Do you despise your own image that much?

Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores? How could you do this to yourselves?

How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him?

Kerry wasn't the best presidential candidate the Democrats have ever fielded (and he did deserve a kicking for that "reporting for doo-dee" moment), but at least he understood the complexity of the world outside America, and domestic disgraces like the 45 million of his fellow citizens without health cover.

He would have done something to make that country fairer and re-connected it with the wider world.

Instead America chose a man without morals or vision. An economic incompetent who inherited a $2billion surplus from Clinton, gave it in tax cuts to the rich and turned the US into the world's largest debtor nation.

A man who sneers at the rights of other nations. Who has withdrawn from international treaties on the environment and chemical weapons.

A man who flattens sovereign states then hands the rebuilding contracts to his own billionaire party backers.

A man who promotes trade protectionism and backs an Israeli government which continually flouts UN resolutions.

America has chosen a menacingly immature buffoon who likened the pursuit of the 9/11 terrorists to a Wild West, Wanted Dead or Alive man-hunt and, during the Afghanistan war, kept a baseball scorecard in his drawer, notching up hits when news came through of enemy deaths.

A RADICAL Christian fanatic who decided the world was made up of the forces of good and evil, who invented a war on terror, and thus as author of it, believed he had the right to set the rules of engagement.

Which translates to telling his troops to do what the hell they want to the bad guys. As he has at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and countless towns across Iraq.

You have to feel sorry for the millions of Yanks in the big cities like New York, Washington, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco who voted to kick him out.

These are the sophisticated side of the electorate who recognise a gibbon when they see one.

As for the ones who put him in, across the Bible Belt and the South, us outsiders can only feel pity.

Were I a Kerry voter, though, I'd feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets.

The self-righteous, gun-totin', military lovin', sister marryin', abortion-hatin', gay-loathin', foreigner-despisin', non-passport ownin' red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest **** in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land "free and strong".

You probably won't be surprised to learn of would-be Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn who, on Tuesday, promised to ban abortion and execute any doctors who carried them out.

He also told voters that lesbianism is so rampant in the state's schools that girls were being sent to toilets on their own. Not that any principal could be found to back him up.

These are the people who hijack the word patriot and liken compassion to child-molesting. And they are unknowingly bin Laden's chief recruiting officers.

Al-Qaeda's existence is fuelled by the outpourings of America's Christian right. Bush is its commander-in-chief. And he and bin Laden need each other to survive.

Both need to play Lex Luther to each others' Superman with their own fanatical people. Maybe that's why the mightiest military machine ever assembled has failed to catch the world's most wanted man.

Or is the reason simply that America is incompetent? That behind the bluff they are frightened and clueless, which is why they've stayed with the devil they know.

VISITORS from another planet watching this election would surely not credit the amateurism.

The queues for hours to register a tick; the 17,000 lawyers needed to ensure there was no cheating; the $1.2bn wasted by parties trying to discredit the enemy; the allegations of fraud, intimidation and dirty tricks; the exit polls which were so wildly inaccurate; an Electoral College voting system that makes the Eurovision Song Contest look like a beacon of democracy and efficiency; and the delays and the legal wrangles in announcing the victor.

Yet America would have us believe theirs is the finest democracy in the world. Well, that fine democracy has got the man it deserved. George W Bush.

But is America safer today without Kerry in charge? A man who overnight would have given back to the UN some credibility and authority. Who would have worked out the best way to undo the Iraq mess without fear of losing face.

Instead, the questions facing America today are - how many more thousands of their sons will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam? And how many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...?

Today is a sad day for the world, but it's even sadder for the millions of intelligent Americans embarrassed by a gung-ho leader and backed by a banal electorate, half of whom still believe Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.

Yanks had the chance to show the world a better way this week, instead they made a thuggish cowboy ride off into the sunset bathed in glory.

And in doing so it brought Armageddon that little bit closer and re-christened their beloved nation The Home Of The Knave and the Land Of The Freak.

God Help America.


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Sa e vret menjen o antares...Njerzit e medhej keshtu jane kundershtuar e sahre gjithmone,pastaj kane ngelur ne histori /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Fillimisht postuar nga PESHKATARI...:
[qb] Sa e vret menjen o antares...Njerzit e medhej keshtu jane kundershtuar e sahre gjithmone,pastaj kane ngelur ne histori /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
Pusho ër shejton se me vazhdu kshu s'ka me njel mo peshk për ty po do fillojn me dal peshq me tre sy e mo t'mdhej se ty.

Më tej Antares, si e ka thënë edhe ai gazetari ke funi "God help America" por do i shtopjsha edhe "God help the World".


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Antares,do te ishte me interesante sikur te na sillje ketu opinionin tend dhe te na lije hapsire per diskutim,copy-paste dhe per me teper ne gjuhe te huaj nuk me duket shume serioze!
Hidh nja budalla nje gur ne lume dhe o burra ta nxjerim.!
Daily Mirror nuk do te thote reference diskutimi,te njejtin koment mund ta lexosh dhe neser tek La Republica (nese akoma nuk e kane bere) apo diku tjeter.
Habitem,ti si anti-Amerikan qe je te beka pershtypje rizgjedhja e Bush-it kur te njejtin koment do ta beje dhe per Kerry.

Me te mira.
Bush for four more years


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Blendi! Te falenderoj per frymen e debatit jo-armqesor me te cilen fole! Po e filloj nga fundi! Une e zgjodha ta trajtoj kete teme duke cituar nje gazete dhe me sakte vete nje amerikan, meqenese po te isha shprehur vete une "Antaresi" ashtu atehere do tundej forumi nga ulerimat: Si ti i poshter shan nje popull te tere? Kush je ti qe te gjykosh njerzit/popullin me te mire, bujar , inteligjent, te kulturuar, paqedashes amerikan?
Keshtu qe ne cdo rast une do kisha alibine "Ate e tha AI". Megjithate qe te tregohem i sinqerte kjo mua me duket ndoshta analiza me e sakte dhe me e thelle qe eshtebere deri ne kete moment!
Per sa i perket asaj se "E mo se nje cope gazete eshte" une nuk jam dakord se ne si qenje inteligjente duhet te merremi me problemet qe ka shkrimi dhe jo me burimin!
Cfare do te thoshe ti p.sh. po te te kujtoja qe 2 dite para zgjedhjeve Kina (ish Ministri i Jashtem) tha qe me kete politike arroagnte prej kaubojsi mendjemadh Amerika nuk ka per te shkuar larg?
Po nese te postoja nje Leter te hapur te Gorbacovit te 1999 rdejtuar administrates Amerikane ku ai parashikon keto qe ndodhen dhe paralajmeron rrezikun qe i kanoset USA nese vazhdon me politiken prej "te forti" qe aq qejf e kane Jankite deri sa dikush t'ua fuse aty ku dihet jo tyren e pistoletes po shotganin me dy gryka!
Pra bashkohem 100% me shkrimin dhe do te doja te kisha pak kohe e durim ta perktheja se vertet ja vlen te perkthehet!
Sa per ate tjetren qe une keto do thoja edhe per Kerrin eshte pjeserisht e vertete. Une i qendroj asaj qe per boten me mire Bushi, per amerikanet do kishte qene Kerri. E them kete se ne kete menyre fundi (as mos u shkoje mendja se do jete ndryshe se kane qene perandori te verteta me baza 100 here me te qendrueshme se USA qe jane zhdukur) do te jete me i afert me Bushin se sa me Kerrin. Shikoni se si amerikanet jane bere sot kombi me i urryer pas cifuteve!


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Ja nje pyetje pakez naive:
A e perjashtoni mundesine qe Bushi edhe mund ta marre me shtruar kesaj rradhe? Fundja gjate termit te pare ai dhe populli Amerikan u ndodhen para te papriturash te pa para ndonjehere dhe u mbrojten, apo vepruan ashtu sic munden.


Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Llafi jot m'vesh t'Zotit ishalla.
Problemi qëndron që Bushi që para se ti fitonte zgjedhjet i kishte planet gati për atas që janë "next". :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Pyetja nuk eshte aspak "naive" po me vend dhe bile do te thosha e "djallezuar". Kjo do te ishte e mundur per ndonje individ te ekuilibruar e normal po jo per rasti konkret.
1) Ai nuk ka pse shqetsohet per nje term te trete, pra nuk frenohet nga cdo te thote elektorati. Pasi populli e zgjodhi edhe pas asaj qe ai i beri (amerikaneve ju kane shkuar lirite e te drejtat aty te niveli i gjeorgjise apo kazakistanit me patriot 1/2, ironike kjo se ai thote qe qafirat islamiste kane inat lirite tona!)
2) Per nje njeri qe deklaron me paturpesi se Zoti i thote keshtu apo ashtu vota popullore konsiderohet se politikat e deritanishme sado te keqia per ameriken e boten jane te drejta!
3) Per nje njeri me komplekse qe urrejtjen dhe percmimin e botes e sheh si konfirmim te drejtesise se rruges se vet moderimi eshte jashte teme!
Uroj te jem i gabuar po une keshtu mendoj!


Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Më tej besoj se mbetet për të parë.
Megjithatë, duke u nisur nga historiku i udhëheqjes Bush, mendoj se ditë të këqija na presin të gjithëve.


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Dicka nuk po kuptoj une,juve jeni integruar ne politken Amerikane qe ju shqeteson kaq shume ky fakt??
Kujt po i intereson se'c tha ministri i jashtem Kinez,ndryshe do fillonim te flisnim dhe per gjendjen shendetesore te Arafatit apo cirkun e rradhes nga lideri Kuban.

Kjo vertetoi dhe nje here qe Amerikanet nuk ndihen "mire" te jene pre e atyre qe kemi diskutuar dhe ne tema me lart,as une nuk do doja,as nje pjese e mire jona.
Ata zgjodhen vete,adoleshente apo adulte,provinciale apo qytetare,injorante apo te shkolluar,me ngjyre apo jo,gay apo stright!


Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Pikërisht Blendi, tema nuk është mbi elektoratin e Bushit por mbi ç'mund të ndodhë më tej. Ç'duhet të presim këto 4 vitet e ardhshme nga SH.B.A.

119, je gjo xheloz ti plako?


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

E ashtu eshte : vete e zgjodhen
Ata zgjodhen vete,adoleshente apo adulte,provinciale apo qytetare,injorante apo te shkolluar,me ngjyre apo jo,gay apo stright!
po puna eshte qe keta plehra pasi zgjedhin nje kryeplehre u hipin avioneve bombardues dhe shkojne ne Vietnam, Laos, Kamboxhia, Granada, Haiti, Afganistan, Irak qe te eksportojne "demokracine" apo menyren e tyre te neveriteshme te jeteses.
Po qe se shikonin punen e tyre ne vendin e tyre te siguroj une Blendi qe askysh nuk do merrej me ta bile as Bin Ladeni se do ishte duke bere tendera ndertimi ne Arabi Saudite......
Pra dhe ate 11 shtatorin nese u'a ka bere Bini (nuk e besoj) mire ua ka bere bile pak u ka bere!


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Antares,shume faleminderit per artikullin!Edhe pse eshte shkruar me nje fryme shume anti-bushiste,ne pergjithesi tregon ato ane qe ka sistemi i Bushit:regres ne lirite demokratike te individit dhe mendjengushtesi dhe arrogance.Per fat te keq pjesa me e madhe e atyre qe votojne jane te tille,Jugu dhe qendra e Amerikes, jane te mbushur tejetej me njerez qe politiken e diskutojne te dielave ne kishe.Ishalla i vijne mendte Bushit kesaj here,por si zor,se mua me duket dhe si idiot.Degjova debatin e dyte qe beri me Kerry-n dhe ishte komplet idiot,s'dinte lidhte dy llafe.Ky vend drejtohet nga ultrafetaret protestane dhe njerezit e NRA (National Riffle Association).


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Me vjen keq Antares por ketu nuk flisnim per plehra,dhe nuk kuptoj ku do te dalesh me kete term,sinqerisht,pergjigjen do ta gjesh po te rishikosh dhe nje here profilin tend .

Pra dhe ate 11 shtatorin nese u'a ka bere Bini (nuk e besoj) mire ua ka bere bile pak u ka bere!
Mendoj se pas kesaj nuk ka me vend per diskutim !!


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Habitem me juve te tere! Habitem me llogjiken tuaj. Arsyetoni juve njerez apo jo?

Fillimisht postuar nga antares
E ashtu eshte : vete e zgjodhen
O antares ty cte intereson fati i Amerikes? Ceshtja e Amerikes eshte ceshtje e brendeshme e Amerikes. Amerika keshtu e mendon e keshtu do behet. Une votova per Kerrin por shumica votoi per Bushin une jam sot me shumicen.

Cdo 4 vjet sic eshte bere per mbi 200 vjet me rradhe Amerika zgjedh qeverisjen e saj. Nese ke lexuar fjalimin e lamtumires Kerry dergon mesazhe bashkimi jo mesazhe percarje per te gjithe amerikanet votuan per te.

Nuk te pelqen ty ose botes presidenti jone nuk eshte e thene se une do jem dakort me ty edhe ne te kundert une do jem dakort me popullin amerikan. Quhen principe te unitetit ne shtetin ku jam.

Nuk e pelqen ti apo bota nuk me behet vone, nuk paske vdekur qe sot ti edhe bota.
Filloi bota po ulerin ne media, forume, tv, etj. si qente e terbuar sepse u zgjodh nje president nuk i pelqente asaj. So what???

Go George W. Bush!


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

E nise mire o Antares, por s'zgjati shume, t'u veshen syte me vrer dhe more prape si pushka e jevgut. Po e mbyt temen me duart e tua.

N.q. se do debat caaaaaalm doooooown! Mjaft me parrullat komuniste:
te eksportojne "demokracine" apo menyren e tyre te neveriteshme te jeteses.
apo me ato te tjerat qe s'dua t'i perseris.
Keshtu do besh vetem duet me Kondren dhe c'u pa pastaj.

Chill, he xhan! /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

Nje amerikan tjeter shume i nxehur........

My Fellow Americans...
Get Stuffed!

By Ben Tripp

My fellow Americans, get stuffed. After four years of a government with all the integrity of a syphilitic pimp shoplifting at Woolworth's, it comes to this: you want more. The maladministration of George W. Bush is a disaster, the first four years of which will echo down the dust-farinated halls of history, turning heads for centuries like an outburst of flatulence at the New York Public Library. But another four years of this mincing pack of rabiators will guarantee us a noise that will be heard in eternity. Even George Washington will be forgotten, two thousand years from now. History is full of guys like him: remember Caecilius Metellus? Won the battle of Pydna, 148 BC? Me either, but he had George Washington's chops back in the day. I know it's hard to imagine, but American history will someday be very old news indeed, and even the greatest men will be reduced to a name. George W. Bush will rank highest among these. Here is a schoolchild's rhyme from the year 4,327 AD:

Columbus named America in 1492,
Lincoln fixed it when it broke in two,
Things were good for a couple hundred years
'Till George W. Bush: the Bum of All Fears.

That's the entire litany of American history, twenty centuries from now. Does this bit of verse suggest there are no more presidents after Bush? No. There might be several (although they'll all be appointed). Rather Bush represents the end of American history as a noteworthy subject. It is Bush who will preside over the final ruin of America's promise to the world, the despoiling of her naturaltreasures, the failure to respond in time to global climate change, Bush who will be the cementer of 'intolerance' as the defining characteristic of our people. The French are great lovers, although there hasn't been a great French lover in seventy years. The Germans are warlike, although they've behaved themselves forhalf a century. Americans are intolerant: they voted for Bush. It's just our bad luck that the entire course of history happens to hinge on this particular span of years, and we chose Bozo the Hun for a president.

And don't go mewling about how only half of us voted for him. Don't you dare, or I'll smack your bottom. Even if you include the 5% of votes jiggered by the electronic voting machines (based on the discrepancy between exit polls and votes counted), a vast number of Americans cast ballots for this empty little sociopath. Driven by hate, fear, and a headful of helium, millions of Americans took the lowest road and voted for the worst interests of everything and everybody in the whole wide mother-loving world. Why is Nero still remembered? Because he presided over the destruction of something important. Washington? He fathered a great nation. Lincoln? He saved that nation's life. Bush? See Nero. But am I being furibund here? Sho am, boss. But I'm not exaggerating. We have two presidential elections in a row clouded with suspicion and doubt and chicanery, and the same cretin won both times. Will his people push to strike the law forbidding a third, fourth, eighth term? Of course. Will he continue destroying everything this nation has ever held dear, in the name of everything this nation has ever held dear? Yes, and here's why.

The American voter, the Average Joe, is a poltroon. This wretched specimen has the wit of a condolence card, the courage of a shaved rabbit, the morals of a schoolyard dope peddler, the integrity of a counterfeit nickel, and the gall of a second-hand coffin salesman. I take no consolation from anything. My fellow citizens are colder-blooded than serpents and stupider than a sack of toenails. How dare you vote against other Americans? That's all 'morals' is, these days: a code word for hate. How many millions of puffed-up poisonous psalm-singing sons-of-Birchers voted, not for Bush, but against queers? Against black people and Northerners and single women and poor children? What is the matter with you, that you want nothing more in this life than to stick a jackboot into the ribs of the downtrodden? There is no common good any more. Jesus Christ Himself would barf all over his anointed feet to see you venal, venomous vermin vituperate via votes. You elected George W. Bush, the Pontius Pilate of our age. Quit playing the outraged outsider, Christian soldiers. You got away with another election, you outnumbered the righteous, and we will all get everything you deserve. Bush and his gang of Confederate oliomaniacs will see to that. Here's what makes me sick: the last time, Americans voted for this Hakencreuz Hillbilly because he misrepresented what he was about. This time, they knew exactly what he was about, and they voted for him anyway.

Ben Tripp can be reached at credel@earthlink.net.


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?


The Map: county-by-county results for election 2004; red for Bush, blue for Kerry

I promised not to post anything else in this Forum, but I just couldn’t resist rubbing it in for the very last time, to the Michael Moore crowd and to all anti-Americans around the World.


Stop Whining

Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.
- Rush Limbaugh-


Primus registratum
Re: Bushi President, po me tej?

stop quoting that dopehead rush limbaugh..you f*ckface