Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Si mund të shihet edhe këtu , Microsoft-i e ka marrë seriozisht problemin e sigurisë. Deri më 2015 mos i bëjë tërrr syri askujt.


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Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Linux for Computers
Mac for Graphics
Palm for Mobility
Windows for Solitaire

:devil: :devil:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Pse, pse ma theve zemren? :(
Thursday, 09 September 2004

Dear Microsoft Windows,

In retrospect, this letter should be of no surprise to you. For years now I have stood by you despite the terrible things people have said. We have always managed to work through our serious problems but too many things have been swept under the table. I do not think I can stand (idly) by you any longer.

What's that? No, another service pack will not help, not this time.

I remember when we met, a warm April day, in 1992. For years I had been hearing about you, about your graphical user interface, innovations, and problems in the courtroom... I had seen you here and there, but it was not until that fateful day, April 6, that our relationship became serious. Though you had changed with the times, never like this. I was almost knocked off my feet when I first saw you. Right then I knew it, you had to be mine. Who else could offer me what you could? I wanted, no, I needed, your TrueType font support, your video playback capability, your color screen savers...

As time progressed so did my needs. Our affair took its next serious step on August 24, 1995. At the time I thought our happiness would never end. You brought me places I never thought possible. How could I refuse your Plug-and-Play cabability or your TCP/IP stack? I mean, you gave up your best friend, DOS, so our relationship could progress unhindered. It hurts me to look back at us, two starry-eyed lovers wanting nothing more than each other's company.

Then it almost all came tumbling down. June 25, 1998. What were you thinking? Were you thinking at all? You changed, like in 1995, but not like I thought you would. Still clinging to your DOS kernel, like a small, lost child clutching its teddy bear. Where was the OS I had learned to love? You feebly proffered USB support, DVD playback, and a Quick Launch toolbar, but you were beginning to mix with a bad crowd. With that invasive Internet Explorer. I knew about what happened... You let him access your Explorer. I thought that was something special between us.

Though we had a bit of a falling out afterwards, my love was rekindled after February 17th, 2000. You were once again new- Professional- just like I thought you could one day be. I knew you were once again stable, not like back in 1998, and that you were the only OS for me. I remembered what had drawn me you you in the first place- ease of use, speed, your stunning looks, your compatibility. I remember saying, "I hope things never change because I love you the way you are."

I thought that what we had meant something- your transformation in 2000 seemed to cement that. I know now that I was wrong. By Sept 17 you tried to change for the Millennium. I saw right through you- trying to settle down and fit in better with the 'home-user'. Did you think I would love you more because of a few cosmetic changes? I was not impressed with the full-color icons, fancy skins, or your new media player. I thought what we had was deeper than that. Luckily you gave me a choicer, I did not have to choose the new you, the old version would be fine. I know you meant well but you just shouldn't have done that, especially with the '1998' episode so fresh in my mind.

By October 25, 2001 more changes had come. Everyone told be how great the new you would be. I got so tired of hearing about how up to date, easy to work with, and slick looking you had become. That was all I could take. You changed so much that I didn't even know you any more. I really dug some of your new features but the old you, the you from 2000, could have done all this. So why did you have to change at all? I didn't want to upgrade you or make you into something you were not.

Well, like I wrote, I have reached my limit. Its going to take more than an automatic update to fix our relationship. I just don't feel like I know you anymore. For example, do you know what I found on the computer a few days ago? Spyware! I wonder who let that in...

Windows, I know you will try to change, but I have been hurt too many times. You should know that I have been seeing someone else for a few months now. She is fun, easy going, and will do something for me that you never even considered, share her source code.

I don't know what else to say- we had a good run, but now its over. Pack up your Media Player, your browser, hell, take Minesweeper if you have to. I am sure see each other from time to time but I know one thing, I'll never again have to depend on you.

Yours no longer,


Pan ignoramus
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

lol. Fushata bindese,

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.


1. Quando avete concluso potete spegnerlo.

2. Non si lamenta mai: oggi non mi puoi accendere perché ho mal di testa.

3. Al computer potete raccontare tutto, vi ascolterà sempre

4. Può essere programmato in modo da ottenere la risposta che desideravate.

5. Non è mai stanco per la "cosa".

6. Quando ritornate a casa alle 3 di mattina il PC non vi rompe le palle su dove siete stati.

7. Non occupa metà del letto e non vi ruba le lenzuola.

8. Non mangia salvo non calcoliate cd e floppy disk come cibo.

9. Ricorda tutto quello che volete che ricordi e dimentica tutto quello che volete dimentichi.

10. Non si lamenta mai che lo portate poco in giro.


1. Non serve la password per "entrare".

2. Non si spegne se manca la corrente e non perde i vostri dati.

3. Molto difficilmente il PC verrà a letto con voi (ma succede anche con alcuni esseri umani).

4. L? Upgrade e la sostituzione (con gli esseri umani) sono nettamente meno care.

5. Il PC non ride alle vostre battute stupide.

6. Vi guarderanno certamente male se andate al cinema con il PC.

7. Non vi impianta e non vi dice mai con la faccia blu: il programma ha eseguito un operazione non valida: error at adress 0000-0FFF.

8. I PC non sanno fare i massaggi alla schiena.

9. Sul PC non potete appoggiare i piedi freddi per farli scaldare

10. Con il computer non potete fare del sesso. Beh non proprio ma ne va? della vostra sicurezza

:devil: :devil:


Primus registratum
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Fillimisht postuar nga Besnik Bleta:
[qb] Nga një artikull botuar sot në një nga gazetat më të njohura shqiptare:
"Nesër pritet të mbërrijë nga jashtë orakli, i cili është një database, ndërsa programin dhe kompjuterat Posta Shqiptare tashmë i ka." [/qb]
hihihihih /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif kjo qenka e forte fare /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.



Forumium praecox
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Ha ha ha. Nuk e kuptova atë që ka shkruar Admirali. Desha të pyes për sa % të forumistëve e ke shkruar?


Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Lui: Me la dai??
Lei: No,al massimo te la posso masterizzare! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Profesoresha jone e Statistikes,gjate ores se Laboratorit..:Avete mai fatto LINGUAGGIO Excel??? :lol:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Ja pse PHP eshte me e mire sesa Perl.




Primus registratum
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Customer to Admin: How do you spell "HTML"?

Admin: ...then press F8.
Customer: Do I have to press "F" then "8" or both at the same time?


Pan ignoramus
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

SCO Site Defaced.

"We own all your code. Pay us all your money!" :lol:



Pan ignoramus
Re: Budallalleqe dhe gafa.

Ne harmoni me natyren. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
