Pan ignoramus
Budallalleqe dhe gafa.
Nganje here te tere ne hasim ne lloj lloj sajesash, gafash dhe "inatesh" ne lidhje me programe te ndryshme, internet, etj.
Shkruani ketu ato qe do te gjeni se ju bejne per te qeshur ne lidhje me boten e kompjuterave.
"Two weeks ago it was revealed that Microsoft's MSN portal targeted Opera users, by purposely providing them with a broken page. As a reply to MSN's treatment of its users, Opera Software today released a very special Bork edition of its Opera 7 for Windows browser. The Bork edition behaves differently on one Web site: MSN. Users accessing the MSN site will see the page transformed into the language of the famous Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show: Bork, Bork, Bork!
"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."
Nganje here te tere ne hasim ne lloj lloj sajesash, gafash dhe "inatesh" ne lidhje me programe te ndryshme, internet, etj.
Shkruani ketu ato qe do te gjeni se ju bejne per te qeshur ne lidhje me boten e kompjuterave.
"Two weeks ago it was revealed that Microsoft's MSN portal targeted Opera users, by purposely providing them with a broken page. As a reply to MSN's treatment of its users, Opera Software today released a very special Bork edition of its Opera 7 for Windows browser. The Bork edition behaves differently on one Web site: MSN. Users accessing the MSN site will see the page transformed into the language of the famous Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show: Bork, Bork, Bork!
"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."