British Politics

British Politics

Blunkett dha doreheqjen, ne fakt u pushua nga Nr.10(kush tjeter)

nje goditje, dy - shume dhe te nxjerrin jashte loje...


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

eshte si puna e saj qe ska patur fillim ndonjehere dhe ti ve gishtin diku per te treguar jo nje pike por vazhdimesi /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

me ler te shpjegohem pak

kjo eshte nje teme per politiken e brendeshme britanike, me apo pa relevance per shtete te tjera. natyrisht qe e kuptoj qe kjo eshte nje teme disi "e ngushte" per interesat e te tjereve por shpresoj qe me ndonje me interesa te njejta apo qe ndjekin politiken ne Britani te nderrojme ndonje fjale here pas here.

jo shume i diskutueshem eshte fakti qe sjellja e politikes britanike si demokracia parlamentare me e vjeter, apo politikanve britanike sidomos per ceshtjet te brendeshme eshte e admirueshme dhe nga standartet nderkombetare.

te them te drejten kur hedh ndonje sy mbi politiken shqiptare me vjen kjo ndjenje neverie nga kultura etika apo filozofia politike atje saqe jam pothuajse i shkeputur nga zhvillimet atje.

prandaj, kush deshiron le te urdheroje /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

Nëse të intereson tema shkruaj diçka konstruktive, në mos, mund të shmangësh komentet pa bereqet.


Re: British Politics

Faktikisht politika britanike është për t'u admiruar. Fatkeqësisht ajo është e mirë vetëm për britanikët....


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

Pse cila politike eshte per interesat e mases? /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

oh nuk e ve ne dyshim qe eshte boring

po ndoshta kjo ka te bej me teper me ate vazhdimesi(qe thashe pak me siper) mijevjecare te sistemit, ndryshe nga nderprejet apo thyerjet e shumta ne autoritet dhe qeverisje te vendeve te tjera qe ndoshta jane me inkuizitore apo militantiste ne trajtimin e politkes se sa trajtimi adversarial parlamantar i politikes britanike me besnikerine e tij ndaj monarkise. Psh mund te krahasosh USA apo Franca.

nuk them se politika eshte nga gjerat me interesante por ja qe disa marrin nje far buzzi nga ajo dhe qe boredom e njerit eshte eksitimi i tjetrit dhe jam i sigurte qe dicka do te terheqi dhe ty nqse per momentin nuk e ke gjetur veten plotesisht ketu.

po me beso qe gjithe kjo eshte about to change

ehste koha e kthimit te kusurit, e kthimit te aleancave dhe e shperblimit te tyre, e kalimit te pushtetit ne duart e Gordon dhe rivitalizmin e e Tories me perzgjedhjen e liderit te tyre Tory Blair ne fytyren e Cameron.

Stck around fella /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

Ju lutem nese nuk doni te jepni kontributin tuaj, mund te lexoni dhe shkruani ne tema me me interes per ju. Komentet jashte teme fshihen.
Ju faleminderit per mirekuptimin!!!


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

nisur nga ngjarjet ne france mund te thuhet se politka britanike eshte mjaft me liberale se sa modeli i ashtuquajtur social francez me theksin e tij ne integrimin, apo qytetarine apo berjen francez, qe seshte tjeter vetem se mision i dhunshem shteteror per asimilimin e te huajve sipas standarteve qytetare franceze

kurse politika britanike ka tendencen te pakten te flase me teper dhe me hapur per multikulturalizem dhe qe e pranon se nuk i njeh te huajt si te barabarte, sic pretendohet ne menyre falce ne france, por si te ndryshem. dhe jo si qytetar po si individe(apo subjekte) eshte pranimi i kesaj ndryshmerie qe krijon dhe te drejta gjuhesore kulturore apo religjioze -Franca ben te kunderten, njohja e te ciles zbut problemet e integrimit.

multikulturalizmi i politkes britanike mbetet akoma megjithe dyshimet e hedhura kohet e fundit per deshtimet e tij edhe nga vete komisioni i barazise raciale si me efektiv se sa promovimi i te qenit britanik.

te qenit britanik apo anglez ne UK shikohet ne mjaft raste si rracizem apo jo poltically correct.

Ndryshe nga Franca.


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

eh FaStT eshte me mire te thone boring se sa mos te flasin fare. Ti e kishe per politiken megjithate /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Blair humbi per here te pare dhe nqse deri tani mendonte fundin tani e shikon ate, ne zyre po jo ne pushtet (lameduck PM). Brown ju desh te bente vajtje ardhje London- Tel aviv te shmangte humbjen, ashtu si dhe Straw, po ti mund te thush se ai deshte vete te humbte... Qe te dy kemi te drejte /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Cameoron deshtoj te kapitalizonte ne ngritjen meteorike te konferences me debatin e dobet televiz qe humbi. Kurse Davis, si Davis, fitoj debatin po humbi garen me gafen mbi 38 milliard shkurtime ne tax.

Ai Paxman ne BBC2 eshte such a bloody annoying gazetar

Franca siguron perseri frymezim. Atje ku Britania shikon veten ne vitet 1950.



Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

Shiko, ndoshta po t'i japim nje prizem tjeter temes behet akoma me terheqese per disa. Pasi, dua te them qe politika eshte si puna e stineve, here e ndjek e here te ndjek ajo, sidoqofte ka gjera me interes ose per te mesuar nga hulumtimi i politikes.

Une psh ndjek politiken amerikane qe eshte ndonjhere me gjak, tjeter here sikur faqja me COMICS, argetuese si Wild West, shpesh tragjike, por gjithmone me kapacitet per ndryshime boterore.

Po sikur te diskutonim ato fenomene te politkes britanike apo amerikane qe nuk gjenden ne politiken shqiptare, apo gjenden ne gjendje se prapthi ose kome? Cfare dhe si nuk egziston tek ne, dhe duhet sjelle ne egzistence. Apo cilet fenomene shqiptare do te gjendeshin komplet jashte loje ne Angli?


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

after all, amerikanet nuk eshte hera e pare qe luftojne nen komande britanike /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, nqse nuk te bezdis titulli dhe se politika amerikane ka mjaft to look up tek brits

nuk ka anglo-amerikanizem, mirepo politika, common law dhe marredhenia speciale garanton health warning nqse nuk deshiron te kthehet kjo teme ne nje tjeter irak apo palestine. Majtiste te cdo ngjyre ka me aq shumice ne forum sa te tille ne politiken e brendeshmne te te dyjave vendeve do okuponin vetem trotuare fletushka-shitesish. Larg tyre!!

mu duk vetja si Creep i Radiohead, qe "dont belong here", prandaj posti im i pare nuk thote gje.

ok, kjo eshte dhe "spirit" i temes ne fakt. ate e kam pare ne nje comparative approach duke krahasu Usa apo France, qe te mos indulge veten shume me politike lokale, po duke u shmangur cfare eshte mire apo keq, por cfare eshte ndryshe

vetem se "doesnt have to be" Shqiperia. mund te jete cilido shtet, por do preferoja qe fokusi te jete Britain. Generous enough!! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

kurse per Shqiperine do preferoja te ishe less pretentious

kjo eshte pjesa ime e pazarit /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

Very Well. E para gje qe ndodh me "Bleeding Hearts" extra left Chicken wing forumheads eshte qe per Ameriken dhe gjerat ne pergjithesi flasin me hamendje dhe duket se flene mbi dafina.

Nuk mund te diskutosh dicka ne rast se nuk ka ne anen tjeter nje complete understanding or grasp if you may te asaj cka eshte ShBA sot. While here is big and growing (We'd like to invite britain to become the 51,st state) lol - it is not as imprialistic as one would imagine. John Locke is still a college topic and politics in general can be seen as larger yet less refined copies of british poli-tricks. the country is changing, greeks and albanians are already running for mayor or city counsilor. minorities will soon be leaders, an Austrian idiot might be the president soon, or Hillary- how bout that [ndaluar]!@ This is sitill the land of oportunity though, and this stuff is all real check this out...

18-year-old mayor-elect's proclamation: "It's cool"
By P.J. Huffstutter
Los Angeles Times

HILLSDALE, Mich. — When Mike Sessions ran for vice president of the Hillsdale High School student council last year and lost, he swore he'd make a political comeback.

This week, the senior did so in a startling way: He was elected mayor of Hillsdale.

On Thursday, after officials reviewed each ballot, they announced — to the shock of many in town — that the 18-year-old had beaten Douglas Ingles, 670-668.

"It's amazing. It's cool," said Sessions, whose four-year term begins Nov. 21. "I'm so excited, I think I'm going to be ill."

School already has taken a back seat.

He missed homeroom Thursday to do phone interviews with Michigan rock-music stations. He didn't show up at the middle school where he volunteers as a teacher's aide because he and his family had been whisked to New York to do "Late Show with David Letterman."

His parents called the high-school principal and told him Sessions was sick.

"He's been coughing and getting over bronchitis since Saturday," said his mother, Lorri Sessions, 42, a custodian for a sorority house. "It's been overwhelming."

Indeed, five days before the election, Sessions wound up in the emergency room because of the bronchitis. He had spent too many nights knocking on doors in the cold, trying to persuade residents to write his name on the ballot when they voted.

"I tried to tell him to wear his coat," said his mother. "But he wouldn't."

Ingles, who owns a local roller-skating rink, declined to comment on his defeat by someone too young to have his name on the ballot during the spring primary. Earlier this month, The (Toledo) Blade quoted Ingles, 51, as saying: "How much credibility does an 18-year-old have?"

Being mayor in Hillsdale, population 8,200, is a part-time job, City Manager Tim Vagle said; it comes with a $3,600 annual stipend.

Hillsdale's day-to-day administration and operation are handled by Vagle. The mayor and the other eight council members make policy decisions and approve the budget.

Sessions won't have an office or staff. He is required to attend two City Council meetings a month.

"It shouldn't conflict with him being in school. They're held at night," said Vagle. Which is a good thing, Hillsdale High Principal Peter Beck said: "I told him that if he wins, he'll still need to finish his homework. ... I'd hate to have to suspend a city official."

In late September, days after turning 18 and registering to vote, Sessions walked into the City Clerk's Office and filed his intention to run for mayor as a write-in candidate. His advertising budget was modest: the $700 he had saved from his summer job selling cotton candy and candied apples at local county fairs. But it was enough to pay for hundreds of business cards and 50 lawn signs.

In the three weeks before the election, Sessions got classmates to help him organize public meetings and canvass neighborhoods.

"Each day after school, he would pick an area and go door to door, telling people who he was and that he was running for mayor," said Lauren Beck, 17. "He'd talk about why he should be mayor and had a sample of the ballot so he could show people where they had to write in his name."

At first, residents thought Sessions was doing it as a joke or as a way to bolster his college application by adding mayoral candidate to his list of after-school activities, along with being the announcer for the high-school soccer team.

Some people laughed. Others shut the door. But then the mood around town shifted.

"A lot of people seemed impressed that he was working so hard," said Brandon Thomas, 17, who has known Sessions since elementary school.

The candidate spoke at the Kiwanis Club, a record shop and the local firehouse. Hillsdale's three-man department was sold: Convinced Sessions would help it fill a firefighter-job opening that has been vacant for two years, it endorsed him.

Sessions even brought in stacks of voter-registration cards to the school cafeteria and persuaded students who were 18 to vote, the principal said.

Lorri Sessions and her husband, Scott, 46, a medical technician, said their son long has been interested in politics.

"He would watch the town City Council meetings on TV every week," Lorri Sessions said. "He'd try to get us to join him. He found the whole process fascinating."

A few years ago, after the automotive-manufacturing plant Scott Sessions had worked for left town, Lorri Sessions said her son began talking about running for office.

The economy in Hillsdale, in south-central Michigan bordering Indiana and Ohio, has been slumping since several large manufacturing facilities either closed or relocated in recent years. The unemployment rate hovers around 6 percent, and more than 10 percent of the population lives below the federal poverty line — $19,350 for a family of four — census figures show.

"Here's this kid talking about how there are grants to help towns like ours attract biotech companies," said shop owner John Spiteri, 49, who voted for Sessions. "I'm friends with Doug [Ingles]. He's taught my kid to skate. But people here are hungry for anyone who can pump life back into this town. I had to vote for Mike."

Sessions will graduate from high school in June and said he plans to remain in town and study political science at Hillsdale College.

The phones at City Hall have been busy since the election results were announced, with calls from curious residents and pleas from at least three Hollywood studio executives, each of whom wanted to buy the movie rights to Sessions' story.


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
(We'd like to invite britain to become the 51,st state) lol - it is not as imprialistic as one would imagine. John Locke is still a college topic and politics in general can be seen as larger yet less refined copies of british poli-tricks.

[/ QUOTE ]

me shume shance ka qe usa te behet shteti i 54 i Commonwealth se sa Britain 51 i USA. kjo eshte destini do thoshte nje burokrat ne white hall /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

nuk eshte aspak cudi qe every penny i politikes se jashteme shkon ne rivatilizmin e relikes Commonwealth qe eshte megaloidea e imperializmit heartbroken britanik ne nje kohe kur projekti evropian i ngjan robit qe ecen mbi uje apo OKB a useless time, dhe per Usa stretched financially dhe militarily ne breaking point do ishte me sensible bashkimin me klubin e njejte kulturor dhe me rritjen me te larte ekonomike dhe me industrite me eksituese te se ardhmes

rradha per ne Commonwealth eshte e gjate po flitet qe japonia te behet nje kandidate e munddeshme.

kjo shpjegon dhe ate qe quhet aloofness of Britain ne europe

Fronti i brendeshem pensionet pensionet

e merkura ora 12.00 prime minister question time. the most famous show on earth, per hete te pare Cameron faces Blair

A grade substance for him a must /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

qe edhe japonia do te behet pjese e Commonwealth tani e mesova.

sa te rrosh do mesosh.


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

Kennedy stabbed for failing to raise the game as told. you cant have a leader out of a alchoholic. nice bloke to have round your dinner table though. he'll be missed. in its village of course

whats the relevance of Lib dems anyway?

Labour keepin quiet, apparently, and not bothered by the: "you were the future, once", remark.

2006 has come with u turns

no more free dealing on cannabis in brixton. people were misled, yeah right

Cameron promised free NHS at the point of delivery. big idea to recapture the centre. looks like, his ill son told him so sleeping in a hospital bench

Bob Geldof (failed) rock star joins Tory poverty group, but not the party. Bono from U2 have fun, whereas he deludes himself

George Galloway, frist poltician enters the Big Brother House. the maverick MP chosen from bangladeshi and bengali community in london is famous for being leader of Respect (laco parti), leader of anti-war movement and for telling the US Senate to basically pisss off. but mostly for: "sir I salute your courage and indefatigability", talking to Saddam of course

p.s Rasheed Fastst dont dispear just yet, ill bring in the girls /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

Dear FAStT /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I make no apology for bringing in no girls, but here’s my last confession: I feel for Blair /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif. Yes, that’s correct. Admittedly, I’ve always admired his eloquence and his unrivalled combating skills, using his opponents to mop the floor with, but also his humour and wit which made him one of the finest conviction politician of his generation. Even his body language /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif. No shame in admitting that. After all he was a hit with women. I am not talking about Blairs babes in his cabinet. Nor those silly girls screeming at his talentless early youth rock band years. By the way did he sell any records /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif?

But now that his era is clearly and truly over he looks to have grown old, overnight, ungracefully, tired and sleepless, abandoned and powerless; easy-meal even for Glendas and Dobsons - bless him, of this world. OK, Iraq took the star status out of him and he’s looked shifty (like Bell’s cartoons /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif) ever since, but, as things turned ugly so quickly, the biggest mistake of his career, I think, was his announcement that he was not going to fight another election. That killed him. Why did he do that? No need, as pressure was not as Thacher’s. And that reminds me how little appreciation and gratitude there is out there. I don’t like Brown either to take over. Grey and boring but nonetheless equally capable. I don’t really know who I favour now /pf/images/graemlins/confused.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif.

I sincerely hope his promise to allow next premier, time to bed in, doesn’t turn nastier and end up in tears. As far as leaving when on top goes, that’s a wishful thinking now. Damage limitation and a clever exit strategy is what he needs now. You got me, I am talking about Alastair.

Ah, have a look at this interesting comment, in today’s Guardian, by J Freddland about his politics and the politics of state. Don’t be silly, of course uninfluenced by nurse booing of the last days or Prescott’s affair with his beautiful secretary.,,1771346,00.html

Take care, fella, and give us a shout now and again /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: British Politics

kjo tema do ishte shum me interesante, nsq do titullohej "Historia e Politikesh Britanike" ose dicka e tille. Sepse tani per tani, UK esht ne periferi te cdo sphere politike nderkombetare (US, EU, etc...)
Sorry diko, po ka qen kur ka qen qendra...tani ju rroft Lizi me Tonin, se edhe Londra no longer belongs to you (I mean economically).


Forumium maestatis
Re: British Politics

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
kjo tema do ishte shum me interesante, nsq do titullohej "Historia e Politikesh Britanike" ose dicka e tille. Sepse tani per tani, UK esht ne periferi te cdo sphere politike nderkombetare (US, EU, etc...)
Sorry diko, po ka qen kur ka qen qendra...tani ju rroft Lizi me Tonin, se edhe Londra no longer belongs to you (I mean economically).

[/ QUOTE ]

mos te lutem, mos ma thyj dhe ti zemren me keq. a smundeni ju amerikonsat te evitoni straight-talking /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif. ju lendoni njerzit ne ket menyre /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif(. kto gjera ne i dime ketu dhe 70 e kusur vjet te shkuara por neve spara na pelqen te flasim per deshtimet dhe jemi ne rruge te mbare per gjetjen e rolit tone te ri ne bote /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

tema sic ehste then dhe me siper eshte "versatile" /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif perfshin gjithcka dhe nuk rrefuzon asgje.

sepse UK nuk eshte cfare ka qene kjo nuk e ben ate ne periferi to cdo sfere poltike nderkombetare. Jo me kot dhe ti mbas US EU vure etj etj pika pika /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

EU nuk eshte shtet dhe nuk flet me nje ze te vetem ne arenen nderkombetare dhe UK eshte nje nga tre zerat kryesore ne te. Madje pas zgjerimit te 2004 dhe pas rrezimit te kushtetutes UK eshte zeri me me influence

ekonomia e 4 ne bote dhe qendra finaciare me e rendesishme ne Europe nuk meriton te konsiderohet ne periferi te sferes nderkombetare

aktivizimi diplomatik dhe ushtarak i UK eshte per momentin i dyte do thoja pas US me angazhime dhe baza ushtarake qe nga Gjermania balkans qipro lindje e mesme, irak, gjibraltar, belize, sierra leone, kenia, kanada, afganistan, brunei australia etj. per te mos fol per patrullim te NAVY

konstitucionalisht ka shtete qe jane akoma ne varesi te mbreterise se Lizit, bless her, 80 years dhe ja keput koken pules si te zogut

pra ka shume gjera qe shkojne still our way edhe pse jo ashtu sic do deshironim

nuk di pse them ne ne ne /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

p.s hmmm ver dhe ti nje emer se kshu me shkoj goja leng ngela duke fshire buzet /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif. gjithmone te kujtoj me sustainable developmentin. Cte bej qe te heq kete line nga memorja? Kur te vish ne londer do te tregoj me shume /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif