Breathe And Relax

Breathe And Relax

Most men fail to master the world of emotions, and one result is that they are rendered incapable of harnessing their full power. Fortunately, power less and power suppression can be recovered and reversed. And it is not as hard as you might think. Most power suppression tales place in your body, in the form of shallow breathing. Most people breathe shallowly and often hold their breath.</p>

They get inadequate oxygen to their blood system and their brain. They lose more power and the cycle pulls like gravity. Then feel uptight, literally and figuratively, when they hold in their chest muscles.</p>

Try a brief experiment. Taken ten normal breaths and pay careful attention to all ten. Are you breathing with only a small portion of your breathing capacity?
Now breath slowly and deeply ten times. Close your eyes and allow yourself to do ten more slow, deep breaths, ten breaths with awareness.</p>

Breath and relax, breathe and feel your present emotion. Breathe, bubble up, and let it go. Don’t worry about it. Breathe and relax. Looses any tightness in your chest or head or neck or stomach or groin. Relax you whole body and feel the life force rushing through you, feel your basic aliveness.</p>

If something saddens you, breathe slow and deep, feel the anger, and let it go.
If something makes you scared, breathe slow and deep, feel the fear, and let it go.
If you are happy about something, breathe slow and deep, feel happy, and let it go.
If you love someone, breathe slow and deep, feel love in your heart, and let it go.


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