Benjamin Franklin. Pjese nga historiku i baballareve te Amerikes
Nje pjese nga fjalimi i nje prej themeluesve te USA. Pyetja eshte: A ka qene anti-semitist?
Benjamin Franklin
'Gentlemen, a great danger threatens the United States. This danger
is the Jews. Everywhere they act to bring down morality. Throughout their
long history, they have remained isolated, cut off from the nations among
which they lived. They have not integrated into the cultures, but acted
always to incite financial crises and strangle the economies [of these
nations], as happened in Portugal and Spain. If they are not expelled from
the U.S. in accordance with the constitution, within a hundred years they
will come to this land in great numbers, and will take us over and destroy us.'"
Me sa duket nuk e dinte se cfare do te thote anti-semitizem ne ditet tona. T'ja falim gabimin kesaj koke te lavdishme te historise se demokracis!
Nje pjese nga fjalimi i nje prej themeluesve te USA. Pyetja eshte: A ka qene anti-semitist?
Benjamin Franklin
'Gentlemen, a great danger threatens the United States. This danger
is the Jews. Everywhere they act to bring down morality. Throughout their
long history, they have remained isolated, cut off from the nations among
which they lived. They have not integrated into the cultures, but acted
always to incite financial crises and strangle the economies [of these
nations], as happened in Portugal and Spain. If they are not expelled from
the U.S. in accordance with the constitution, within a hundred years they
will come to this land in great numbers, and will take us over and destroy us.'"
Me sa duket nuk e dinte se cfare do te thote anti-semitizem ne ditet tona. T'ja falim gabimin kesaj koke te lavdishme te historise se demokracis!