

Primus registratum

Report of Helsinki about Arvanites


General data on the language

Arvanites are those whose mother tongue is "Arvanitika" (in greek: arvanites=arvani+tis+notias=Albanians from the south of balkans).The word Arberesh is used in Albanian; most linguists use the word Albanian for the language.
Arvanites (in Greek) and Arberor (in Albanian); but in Northwestern Greece, in the language, the term Shqiptar is used (the same used by Albanians of Albania) and the word Arvanites has no meaning on north-western region of greece(note; This is region of Chameria).
Nevertheless, Arvanitika belongs to the linguistic family ofAlbanian, and it has evolved from one of the two linguistic groups of Albanian, the Southern Albanian dialect(note: the dialect spoken by Albanians on the south of Balkans) . Arvanitika has a dialectical richness: there are three different groups of dialects spoken, one in Thrace, one in Northwestern Greece (near the Albanian border), and one in Central and Southern Greece. The latter, which includes a vast number of speakers of Arvanitika in Greece, has by itself a great dialectical variety which makes some of these dialects to be, or to be perceived by the speakers as, mutually unintelligible (Nakratzas, 1992:86; Trudgill et al., 1975:44; Tsitsipis, 1983:297; Williams, 1992:85).Arvanites in Greece argue whether they should use the Greek or the Latin alphabet to write their language, which has rarely been written (Gerou, 1994a; Kazazis, 1994).The dialect of Albanians in Chameria is an exception as on this case the alphabet used is the same with the alphabet in Albania.
Most Arvanites have traditionally lived in Central and Southern Greece: in most departments of the regions of Continental Greece (Sterea Ellada) and the Peloponnese (including especially most islands corresponding to these areas) and the Cyclades island of Andros. Arvanites known as Albanian or Shqiptars live near the Albanian border, in most departments of Chameria(Epirus) and in the Florina and Kastoria departments of Macedonia; also, in the border (with Turkey) department of Evros (in Thrace) and in the Salonica department (where they settled along with other Orthodox refugees from Eastern Thrace, in the 1920's). Like the rest of the population, since the 1950's, Arvanites have been emigrating from their villages to the cities and especially to the capital Athens, which, incidentally, was a mainly Albanian (Arvanite) small town in the early 1800's, before becoming the Greek state's capital (Nakratzas, 1992:87-8). It appears that urbanization has been leading to the loss of the use of the language, which has been surviving more in the traditional villages.
There have not been any official statistics on this as well as on any other minority group in Greece since 1951 (and the statistics before then are generally considered unreliable, reflecting mostly only those with a strong ethnic consciousness). Today, the best estimate for the people who speak the language and/or have an Arvanite consciousness is the estimate from Some members of the community give much the figures, around 1,600,000 (Kormoss, 1994:1; and Gerou, 1994b:2) and this refers only to Arvanites in central and south Greece. Except Turkish, Arvanitika has no legal status in Greece and is not taught at any level of the educational system.
Moreover, there are no media in Arvanitika, though in some Attica radio stations some Arvanitika songs can be heard. Arvanites are Orthodox Christians (many belong to the Old-Calendarist "Genuine Orthodox" Church). Arvanite cultural activities appear to be limited. Tsitsipis has reported only occasional folklore festivals, music and poetry contests (Tsitsipis, 1983 & 1994). Since the 1980's, there has been a creation of Arvanite cultural associations and publication of a magazine and some books on Arvanite culture (very little though published in the language). In some areas, Easter Gospel is read in Arvanitika (Gerou, 1994a). Perhaps the most significant -for the large public- venture is the release of the CD -with an attached explanatory booklet- Arvanitic Songs (FM Records, 1994).

History of the community and the language

The first Christian Albanian migrations to central and southern(note: Albanian of north-western Greece are on Albanian native lands) of what is today Greek territory took place as early as the XI-XII centuries (Trudgill, 1975:5; Banfi, 1994:19), although the main ones most often mentioned in the bibliography happened in the XIV-XV centuries, when Albanians were invited to settle in depopulated areas by their Byzantine, Catalan or Florentine rulers (Tsitsipis, 1994:1; Trudgill, 1975:5; Nakratzas, 1992:20-24 & 78-90; Banfi, 1994:19). According to some authors, they were also fleeing forced Islamization by the Turks in what is today Albania (Katsanis, 1994:1). So, some have estimated that, when the Ottomans conquered the whole Greek territory in the XV century, some 45% of it was populated by Albanians (Trudgill, 1975:6). Another wave of Muslim Albanian migrations took place during the Ottoman period, mainly in the XVIII century (Trudgill, 1975:6; Banfi, 1994:19). All these Albanians are the ancestors of modern-day Arvanites in Central and Southern Greece.
Very little is known about the Albanian presence in Thrace; it was probably a spill-over of the many migrations mentioned above. Anyhow, there were many Albanians in Eastern Thrace and in the adjacent Western Thrace department of Evros. The former, as Christians, were relocated in Greece during the compulsory exchange of Christians and Muslims between modern-day Turkey and Greece in the 1920?s: many settled in the Salonica department.
As for the Albanians of Epirus and Western Macedonia, they are considered to be part of the modern Albanian nation (Banfi, 1994:20), something which perhaps explains their self-identification as Shqiptars rather than Arberor. When frontiers were drawn up in the early XX century, a large number of native Christian and Muslim Albanian lands were given to Greece. An important part of these Albanians, the Muslim Chams, were expelled by the Greek Forces under the comand of the hatful figure of N. Zervas , this happened towards the end of World War II.
When the modern Greek state was formed, the Albanian-speaking population and its language were called Albanian .Bickford-Smith, 1993: 47; Embeirikos, 1994; Vakalopoulos, 1994:243-249). However, the policy of the new Greek state was to Hellenize all the non-Greek speaking Orthodox populations within its, then limited, territory as well as in the territories of Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace and Asia Minor still under Ottoman rule). As elsewhere in Europe, army and education were the most effective mechanisms of Hellenization, assisted by the judiciary system ready to denounce and punish all forms of behavior inconsistent with the state's nationalist culture (Kitromilidis, 1990:38; Kollias, 1994).
It is noteworthy to point out though, that, before the definite development of modern Albanian nationalism, there were efforts in the 1870's to include most Albanians under Ottoman rule in a Albanian-Greek kingdom (Castellan, 1991:333; Vakalopoulos, 1994: 243-249), just as others appealed to them for their inclusion in an Albanian-Vlach Macedonian state (Berard, 1987:292-333). The Albanians' fear of an eventual assimilation by the Greeks led to the failure of the former effort.
The result of the Hellenization policy -which was to take a very oppressive turn during the Metaxas dictatorship (1936-1940)- was that Albanians in Greece, especially after the emergence of Albanian nationalism and of the Albanian state, felt that they had to constantly prove their Greekness.? Hence, their very conservative political behavior: they had traditionally been royalists and, in large numbers, adhered to the Old Calendarist Orthodox Christian Church, which -when the split in the Greek Church over the introduction of the new calendar took place in the 1920?s- was originally supported by the royalist forces. Moreover, and more important for the survival of their language. They have preferred the term Arvanite (Arberor in their own language) for the people and Arvanitika (Arberesh) for the language, as opposed to Albanian (Shqiptar for the people and Shqip for the language) that Albanians use for themselves and their language -with the exception of the Arvanites of Northwestern Greece, as mentioned above. This attitude may also explain the efforts of some intellectuals of the Arvanite community to trace Arvanites and Arvanitikas roots back to the prehistoric inhabitants of Greece, the Pelasgians and their language, so as to claim indigenous status (Williams, 1992:87; Gerou, 1994b; Thomopoulos, 1912).
Trudgill (1994) has shown that, in Greece, as minority languages are all alien (Abstand) to Greek, the use of different names for them (Arvanitika rather than Albanian) has contributed to denying their heteronomy (i.e. their dependence on the corresponding standard language) and increasing their autonomy (by assigning them the status of autonomous languages). As a result, the minority language's vulnerability grew significantly, as well as the dissociation of the speakers' ethnic Arvanite identities from the corresponding national identities Albanian which have developed in the respective modern nation-states. Today, Arvanite ethnic identity is perceived by many members of the community as distinct from that of the other Greeks who have Greek as their mother tongue but as fully compatible with Greek national identity , an assimilation here detrimental to Greece?s homogenization and anti-minority policies.
If Hellenization was a significant factor for the weakening of the use of Arvanitika, urbanization was another. Arvanitika had survived until recently in many homogeneous villages where most people had been using the language regularly. Those, though, who moved to the cities soon abandoned the use of the language as it was unintelligible to most other city dwellers and was even perecived as a sign of backwardness; on the other hand, the children had no way of learning the language because it is not allowed to be taught at school. (Moraitis, 1994).

Current situation of the community and the language

Almost all information about the present concerns the bulk of the Arvanite community in Central and Southern Greece. The other two communities are hardly mentioned in the literature and have also been ignored in the 1987 European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) visit to the Arvanite community in Greece, an oversight which led to at least one indirect protest letter by the Tychero municipality (Kazazis, 1994); nevertheless, a 1994 second visit by the EBLUL was again limited to the Central Greece Arvanite villages.
It is widely agreed that Arvanitika today have been influenced significantly by the linguistic environment in which they have evolved, sometimes for centuries, without any contact with the Albanian communities of modern day Albania. So, it has acquired a separate (Ausbau) status from Albanian, in fact with dialectical richness; nevertheless, at least partial mutual intelligibility between Arvanite and Albanian exists (Trudgill, 1994:14). Indeed, the recent (in the early 1990's) arrival of hundreds of thousands, mainly illegal, Albanian immigrants in Greece has led to a successful test of that mutual intelligibility, when many settled in Arvanitika villages.
A comparison with standard Albanian shows that Arvanitika has suffered reduction and simplification. Reduction here means loss of: Albanian vocabulary (often replaced by Greek words duly adapted phonetically and morphologically); prepositions (sometimes replaced by Greek ones); verbal tenses; and forms. While simplification consists of loss of case forms, connecting particles and invariable verbal forms (Trudgill, 1983:115-123).
On the other hand, Arvanitika is threatened with extinction. In the early 1970's, more than 80% of the inhabitants of Arvanite villages in the Attica &Beotia departments were found to be fluent speakers of Arvanitika, though the loss of the language was more pronounced in the villages close to Athens than elsewhere; at the same time, however, the actual use of the language was more limited (Trudgill, 1975:56-61). Moreover, there has been a rather widespread indifference among Arvanites about the fate of their mother tongues, along with self-deprecation: they have been led by the dominant unilingual Greek culture to -usually sincerely- believe that these languages are deficient, lack proper grammatical structure, have a poor vocabulary (Trudgill, 1994:14; Tsitsipis, 1994:4). There are no studies equivalent to that of the 1970s , however the Arvanitika is sill in use. that the language is used today by middle aged people (interchanged with Greek) and by elderly people (in most contexts) and less by the younger generation (usually when addressing older people, in strict family context, or, sometimes, too, to make fun of non-speakers) (Tsitsipis, 1994; Trudgill, 1983:114-5). Moreover, in the Peloponnese, it seems that the users are predominantly elderly people (Williams, 1992:85-6). Experts, therefore, agree that Arvanitika in Greece is threatened with extinction more than the equivalent Arberesh language of Southern Italy, as the latter country is more tolerant and does not feel threatened by plurilingualism (Hamp, 1978; Tsitsipis, 1983).
Since the 1980s, some efforts to preserve Arvanite culture have been made. A congress was held in 1985. Four cultural associations have been created: the Arvanitikos Syndesmos Hellados (the Arvanite League of Greece) which has been publishing, since 1983, the bimonthly Besa (in Greek); the Kentro Arvanitikou Politismou (Center for Arvanite Culture); the Arvanitikos Syllogos Ano Liosion (Arvanite Association of Ano Liosia); and the Syllogos Arvaniton Corinthias (Association of Arvanites of Corinthia). Books on Arvanite culture have been published. Church reading and chanting in some Arvanitevillages has been reported (Williams, 1992:87). Finally, we had the release of a CD with Arvanite music mentioned above. Overall, though, this movement is weaker than similar ones among Vlachs and Macedonians (and certainly among officially recognized Turks).
One reason for such a slow movement is the apparent hostility of the Greek state to such ?revivals? among Arvanites which is indicated by police disruption of festivals and harassment of musicians who play and sing songs in Arvanitika; as well as by the tolerance -by the state and particularly its judiciary- of public calls, printed in the press, to use violence against those musicians; likewise, human and minority rights activists have been the object of similar threats (Stohos, 20/7/1994 and in previous issues, where even the European Union's Euromosaic project -to report on the status of the linguistic minorities in the EU- was attacked). Such hostile environment makes even the scholars' work look suspicious.
Likewise, Arvanitika has never been included in the educational curricula of the modern Greek state. On the contrary, its use has been strongly discouraged at schools (and in the army) through physical punishment, humiliation, or, in recent years, simple incitation of the Arvanitika users (Williams, 1992:86; Trudgill, 1983:130-1). Such attitudes have been discouraging children from learning their mother tongue so as to avoid similar discrimination and suffering (Trudgill, 1983:130).

This report is based on some research done on "Arvanites" by Human rights Helsinki org.


Primus registratum
Re: Arvanitet

Report i Helsinkit per Arvanitet

Te dhena te pergjithshme mbi gjuhen

Arvanitet jane ata, gjuha amtare e te cileve eshte Arvanitika (ne greqisht arvanites = arvani + tis + notias = Shqiptaret nga jugu i Ballkanit. Fjala Arberesh perdoret ne shqip, ndersa shumica e gjuhetareve perdorin fjalen Albanian per kete gjuhe.
Arvanites (ne greqisht) dhe Arberore (ne shqip), por ne Greqine Veriperendimore perdoret fjala Shqiptar dhe fjala Arvanit nuk ka asnje kuptim. Kjo eshte zona e Camerise

Megjithate, Arvanitika i perket familjes gjuhesore te shqipes, dhe eshte zhvilluar nga njeri prej dy grupeve gjuhesore te shqipes, nga dialekti i Shqiperise Jugore (ky eshte dialekti qe flasin Shqiptaret ne Ballkanin Jugor).

Arvanitika ka nje pasuri dialektesh: ekzistojne tre grupe te ndryshme dialektesh ne perdorim:
- Dialekti i Thrakes (Greqia Verilindore, ne kufi me Maqedonine dhe Bullgarine)

- Dialekti i Greqise Veriperendimore, prane kufirit me Shqiperine,

- Dialekti i zonave Jugore dhe Qendrore te Greqise.

Ky i fundit, i cili flitet nga nje numer shume i madh folesish ne Greqi, ka nje shumellojshmeri dialektesh te veta, fakt ky qe i ben disa prej ketyre dialekteve te jene - ose te perceptohen nga disa folesa - te pakuptueshme nga te dyja palet. (Nakratzas, 1992:86; Trudgill et al., 1975:44; Tsitsipis, 1983:297; Williams, 1992:85).

Arvanitet ne Greqi debatojne nese duhet te perdorin alfabetin grek apo ate latin per te shkruajtur gjuhen e tyre, e cila rrallehere eshte shkruar (Gerou, 1994a; Kazazis, 1994).

Dialekti i Shqiptareve ne Cameri perben nje perjashtim, sepse alfabeti qe keta perdorin eshte i njejte me ate qe perdoret ne Shqiperi.

Shumica e Arvaniteve kane jetuar tradicionalisht ne Greqine Qendrore dhe Jugore, ne shumicat e rretheve te rajoneve te Greqise Kontinentale (Sterea Eladha) dhe te Peloponezit (duke perfshire ketu ne vecanti shumicen e ishujve qe u perkasin ketyre zonave) si dhe ishullin e Andros ne Kikladhes.

Arvanitet e njohur si Albanians ose Shqiptare jetojne prane kufirit shqiptar, ne shumicen e rretheve te Camerise (Epir) dhe ne ndarjet Florina dhe Kastoria te Maqedonise. Gjithashtu, jetojne edhe ne pjesen kufitare te lumit Evros ne Thrake (ne kufi me Turqine) si dhe ne rrethin e Selanikut, ku u ngulen se bashku me refugjate te tjere Ortodokse te Thrakes Lindore (ne Turqi) ne vitet 1920.

Ashtu si edhe banoret e tjere te Greqise, qe nga vitet 1950, Arvanitet kane emigruar nga fshatrat e tyre drejt qyteteve, kryesisht drejt kryeqytetit Athine, e cila, incidentalisht, ka qene nje qytet i vogel i banuar kryesisht nga Shqiptare (Arvanites) !!!! ne fillim te viteve 1800, para se te behej kryeqyteti i shtetit Grek (Nakratzas, 1992:87-8). Duket se urbanizimi ka cuar ne humbjen e perdorimit te gjuhes Arvanite, e cila ka mbijetuar me teper ne fshatrat tradicionale.

Nuk kane ekzistuar statistika zyrtare per kete grup minoritar, ashtu si per asnje grup tjeter minoritar ne Greqi qe prej 1951 (dhe statistikat para ketij viti konsiderohen pergjithesisht te padenja per t'u marre parasysh (unreliable), sepse ato paraqesin vetem ata Arvanite me ndienja te forta kombetare.

Sot, vleresimi me i mire per personat qe flasin gjuhen arvanite dhe / ose kane ndergjegje arvanite eshte vleresimi i DISA personave te bashkesise, te cilet japin shifra prej rreth 1.600.000 vetash. (Kormoss, 1994:1; and Gerou, 1994b:2). Ky numer permban vetem arvanitet e Greqise Qendrore dhe Jugore.

Me perjashtim te Turqishtes, Arvanitika (nenkuptohet dhe te gjithe gjuhet e tjera qe fliten ne Greqi, shenim i perkthyeses) nuk ka asnje status ligjor ne Greqi dhe nuk studiohet ne asnje nivel te sistemit arsimor.

Per me teper, nuk ekzistojne media ne Arvanitika, ndonese ne disa stacione radioje ne Atike mund te degjohen disa kenge arvanite.

Arvanitet jane te Krishtere Ortodokse (shume prej tyre i perkasin kishes se Kalendarit te Vjeter, "kisha e vertete ortodokse", sic e quajne ata.

Aktivitetet kulturore te arvaniteve duket se jane te kufizuara. Sipas Cicipis, ekzistojne vetem festivale te rastesishme folkloristike si dhe konkurse muzike dhe poezie (Tsitsipis, 1983 & 1994). Qe prej 1980, jane krijuar lidhje kulturore arvanite dhe publikime te nje reviste dhe disa librave mbi kulturen arvanite (megjithate shume pak prej tyre jane publikuar ne ate gjuhe). Ne disa zona, predikimi i Pashkeve lexohet ne arvanitika Gerou, 1994a).

Ndoshta shitja me e rendesishme - per publikun e gjere - ka qene leshimi i nje CD me Kenge Arvanite, i shoqeruar nga nje liber i vogel shpjegues. (FM Records, 1994).


Primus registratum
Re: Arvanitet

Disa info per Aristidhin njeriun e madhe qe dime shume pak
"Ju lutem mos ushqeni asnje iluzion. Mua m?
vrane dhe keshtu kane vepruar edhe me dy kryetaret
tjere te Shoqates s? Shqiptareve "Marko Bo?ari", te
cilet vdiqen, edhe keta, nga "leucemia".
Keto fjale ua kam thene edhe miqve te tjere te mij"...
???????????????? Fjalet e arvanitasit te madh Aristidh P. Kolia
????????????????? ne shtratin e vdekjes.
??????????????? ????

???? Shkruar nga KOLEC TRABOINI, Boston

Kush nuk e ka njohur nga afer shkrimtarin e madh arvanitas,
ase nuk ka arritur te lexoje veprat e tij,kurr nuk mund ta
mendonte se sa prane me nocionin e vdekjes rronte ai njeri,
e kjo per dy shkaqe, se pari, se ai, tere jeten germoi neper
shtigjet, sa te ndritura, dhe aq te errta te historise, ku mpleksej
trimeria me pabesine, helmi me plumbin dhe thiken, ?'ka percaktoi
fundet tragjike te shume udheheqeseve arvanitas qe kane bere emer
ne historine e Greqise.
Se dyti, edhe se neper skutat e kthinat e sotme te falangave te
megaloidhese qe kerkon pushtimin e Shqiperise madje deri me
gojen e ish presidenteve si Saratzetaqis, apo te kapsalioteve
qe kerkojne publikisht kthimin e Stambollit ne kryeqytet te
Greqise, perpunoheshin plane per neutralizimin e vepres se
Aristidh P.Kolias dhe nese ishte e mundeshme edhe eleminimin
e tij fizik.
? Ne gazetat e krahut nacionalist ekstremist, Aristidh Kolia
cilesohej si armiku i Greqise, si agjent i shqiptareve, si nje
mallekim, duke hedhur mbi te te gjitha te zeza qe mund te
thuhen per nje, kushdo qe e njihte nga afer shkrimtarin
arvanitas mund te konstatonte se kishte te bente me nje
njeri zemermire, i shtruar, i qete, i dashur, i? durueshem,
qe kishte per nder qe ishte qytetar grek, por te njejten
kohe, ndjente krenari per gjakun shqiptar qe i vlonte ne zemer.
E pikerisht gjaku shqiptar ishte ajo qe urrenin me teper
fantazmat e megaloidhese,cka shprehej dhe nga nje sportist
renegat shqiptar Piro Dhima qe thoshte se nese kishte gjak
shqiptar ne damare do ti priste damaret qe te mos i ngelte as
dhe nje pike nga ai vend e nga ai popull ku lindi dhe u rrit.
? Ne kete klime e perbuzese ndaj shqiptareve dhe arvanitasve
jetonte shkrimtari dhe studiuesi Aristidh Kolia.
?? Por nuk mjaftonte vetem klima e pergjitheshme, por ishin
dhe kercenime sa te fshehta aq dhe publike per jeten e tij,
kercenime per te cilat i kishte folur dhe mikut te tij shqiptar,
piktorit Robert Alia Dragot i cili ka i punuar dy kopertina
te librave te tij.
? Letra, telefonata, pergjime telefonike, ndjekja ne ?do hap,
madje kur zhvillohej lufta ne Kosove, ne ankthet proserbe e
antishqiptare qe jetonte shoqeria greke, guximi i ekstremisteve
grek u be akoma me i madh dhe arriten deri atje qe te mbushnin
muret e kryeqytetit grek me parulla ku kerkohej denimi me
vdekjev i autorit te librit? "Greqia ne kurtin e serbeve te
?? Aristidh Kolia, pati kurajon qytetare, qe ne nje mjedis filoserb
sic ishte Greqia,te mbronte luft?n e drejt? ?lirimtare t? U?K-s?,
n? dhjet?re emisione televizive,si dhe kudo n? massmediat greke,
duke iu kund?rvu asaj propagande histerike kund?r v?llez?rve
tan? kosovar?, gjat? masakrave t? barbarive serbe n? Kosov? dhe
bombardimeve t? NATO-s mbi mbeturinat e t? s? ashtuquajtur?s
??? Aristidh Kola, si kryetar i Shoqat?s s? Arvanitasve t? Greqis?
"Marko Bo?ari", do t? akuzohej nga forcat ultrashoviniste
orthodokse greke, vazhdimisht, p?r t? v?rtet?n e ngjarjeve t?
Kosov?s,( "Edhe une jam kosovar- shkruhej ne revisten e tij
"Arvanon"),? si dhe p?r t? v?rtet?n e shqiptar?ve n?
Greqi, t? cil?t edhe i p?rfaq?sonte n?p?rmjet shoqat?s s?
tij -?t? njohur nga ligjet greke. "Ai, -shkruan avokati
Ilir Malindi, - do te hidhej n? gjyq nga organizata
ultrareakcionare greke, si dhe do t? k?rcnohej me vdekje.
Nuk ?sht? rast?si,q? n? t? gjith? Athin?n, n? pranver?n e
vitit 1999 (gjat? ngjarjeve tragjiken? Kosov?) ishin shkruar
me dhjet?ra parulla, n? t? cilat k?rkohej varja n? litar e
Aristidh Kol?s dhe vdekja e tij."
?Ishte ajo atmosfere qe e ktheu nje bisede televizive te drejtuar nga
komentatorja e televizionit grek, "Skaj", Liana Kaneli, ne nje sulm
te pacipe edhe te diskutanteve te tjere fanatike e mediokerr mbi
shkrimtarin e ftuar Aristidh Kolia, sikur ky ti armik i Greqise.
? Sulmeve te pacipa publike deri ne masmedia, shkrimtari arvanitas i
priti me gjakftohtesi, pa acarime, me nje kulture qe i shkonte pershtat
emrit te tij si shkrimtar e studiues i shquar, veprat e te cilit kishin
perhapje te gjere dhe ribotoheshin shume here.
"Shume miq ne telefonuan per te shprehur indinjaten per balten
qe hodhi mbi mua zonja Liana Kaneli,? gjate emisionit televiziv
ne "Skaj" 5 Maj 1999, dhe me pyeten perse e perballova
me qetesi , kur duhej te kundersulmoja....
?Miqt e mi mos u merzisni e mos u hidheroni per kete, sepse "
e drejta del vjen kur ti vije ora". ...E kam dashur dhe e dua
vendin tim por dashuria ime nuk eshte me fjale por me veprat
e mija te cilat do te kujtohen? kur balta e z.Kaneli te kaloje
ne harresen e shekullit.
? Kam preferuar gjithmone te shkoj kundra rrymes? e jo te shkoj
nga shkon rryma dhe fryjne ererat.Nuk jam lepire e nuk kam puthur
kurre kembet e permjera dhe per kete e paguaj shtrenjte dhe ne
menyre te perditeshme me nderin e dinjitetin dhe lirine time..."
? Por gjithesesi zemra e madhe e Aristidh Kolias e dinte se sa
shqetesim e sa deme i sillnin me krijimtari, sa tundime madje edhe
ne rrethin familjar, sepse presioni i opinjonit shoqeror binte edhe
mbi familjen e tij, mbi te afermit e miqt.
?? Aristidh Kolia gjithashtu ndiqej ne heshtje, pergjohej,ne perpjekje
per t'ja bere jeten ferr sepse ishte njeriu qe ringjalli tek qindra
mijra arvanitas ane e mbane Greqise dinjitetin e neperkembur, qe
nocionin e asaj popullsie te perbuzuar ta ktheje ne dinjitet e krenari.
? Ishte Aristidh Kolia i pari shkrimtar arvanitas qe ne librat e
fjalen e tij tha se arvanitasit duhej te ishin krenar sepse
90 perqint te heronjeve te revolucionit e pavaresise se Greqise ishin
arvanitas nga gjaku dhe gjuha.
? Por fale aftesive te tij per kerkime ne histori, per te cilen braktisi
dhe profesionin e juristit,? ai u faktoi se jo vetem bijt e arvanitasve
ishin herojt kombetare te Greqise, por edhe se kultura e arti
arvanitas tashme ishte bere pjese e tradites kombetare greke duke
perfshire kenget,veshjet dhe shkoi deri atje sa te spjegoje nepermjet
gjuhes se arvanitasve mitologjine e lashte greke, emrat e perendive te
Olimpit, cka nuk mund te behej kurrsesi me nepermjet gjuhes greke.
?? Libri i tij "Arvanitet dhe prejardhja e grekeve", botuar se pari ne
1983, liber voluminoz me mbi 500 faqe njohu mbi dhjete botime
ne Greqi, dhe u be si bibla per arvanitasit te cilet e kishin
mbajtur mbyllur kaq vjet ndjenjat e veta te krenarise per
origjinen e gjakun shqiptar.
? Bashke me librin "Gjuha e Perendive",botimi i pare 1989, te cilin
A.Kolia e konsideronte si pjese a kapitull te librit te madh
"Arvanitet",ato perbejne dy monumente qe Artistidh Kolia ngriti per
popullin e vet, e me kete monument emri i tij mbetet i pavdekshem.
? Ai, s? bashku me t? madhin Antonio Bellushi, n? vitin 1988, pran?
organizmave nd?rkomb?tare, b?jn? t? njohur zyrtarisht se n? Greqi
jetonin mbi 2 milion shqiptar?, si dhe se atje kishte mbi 600 qendra
banimi shqipfol?se. Kjo u be publike n? shum? mjete t? informimit, duke
filluar nga revista e Kozenc?s "Lidhja", q? e nxirrte Papas Bellushi.
?? Ishin pikerisht shembja e vepres se tij monumentale qellimi dhe
perpjekjet e ekstremisteve nacionaliste greke, te cilet enderronin
djegiet e tyre publike si ne gjyqet e inkuzicionit, bashke me autorin e
tyre si heretik.
? Duke mos pasur fuqi ligjore ( legjislacioni grek eshte demokratik),
ata perdoren metodat me te sterholluara per t'ja bere jeten e
padurueshme me shprese se ai do te hiqte dore nga vepra e vet.
Pra ata kerkonin se pari, vrasjen e vepres duke e shuar jehonen e
saj, duke ?pifur se autori eshte nje tradhetar i Greqise, per te
larguar arvanitasit nga vepra e tij, nga organizimi i veprimtarive,
nga blerja e leximi i revistes qe nxirrte Aristidh Kolia si drejtues
i Qendres se Studimeve Arvanite, ne fillim me emrin "Besa" e me
pas "Arvanon". Perdornin dhe metoden tjeter te sterholluar e cila
ishte dhe platforme e masmediave greke, shtypit dhe televizionit,
njollosja publike e emigranteve shqiptar si vrases te lindur dhe
hajdute.Arriten deri atje keto lloj propogandash saqe ne nje fshat
ne afersi te Athines, Kryekuq, e banuar me arvanitas, te ngrihej
i tere fshati ne ndjekje te shqiptareve, duke perdorur armet e zjarrit
dhe vegla bujqesore duke perfshire sopata, me synimin per ti
cfarosur emigrantet.
?? Aristidh Kolia e ndjente se ?'po ndodhte, e nuhaste qellimin e
mbrapsht te propogandes zyrtare qe me nje gur vriste dy zogj,
njolloste emigrantet shqiptare si presion ndaj qeverise shqiptare?
per leshime ne jug te Shqiperise, dhe e dyta te neveritej
popullsia arvanitase nga vllezerit e vet te nje gjaku shqiptaret
e ardhur rishtas ne Greqi si ata shekuj me pare. Shkrimtari
arvanitas kishte kurajon e guximin ti stigmatizinte keto
perpjekje dinake te masmedias greke qe binte mrekullisht
ne sinkrone me ultranacionalistet e shovenistet e Greqise.
? E tere ajo propogande antishqiptare, e tere ajo klime mbytese e
dinjitetit te te qenit shqiptar llogaritej te fashiste deshiren e
arvanitasve qe ta konsideronin vehten te nje gjaku me emigrantet e
perbuzur qe benin pune skllavi per pak dhrahmi pa vlere, e
rrjedhimisht vepra e Aristidh Kolias do te zbehej, do te lihej ne
nje ane si per?artjet e nje njeriu qe nuk di se c'thote.Mirepo nuk
ndodhi krejt keshtu. Vepra e shkrimtarit te madh arvanitas njohu
nje perhapje gjithnje e me te gjere, revista e tij me studime per
traditat e kulturen arvanitase kerkohej, dhe nga ana tjeter Kolia
vazhdonte te nxirrte vepra te reja.
Kishte shume libra neper duar.Kishte shume pune per te bere.
S? fundi ishte duke p?rgatitur fjalorin Arvanitas-grek, i
cili do t? mund t? b?nte dallimin e gjuh?s arvanitase me at? zyrtare
greke. Kishte koh? q? kishte hedhur iden? e botimit t? nj? fjalori me
alfabet latin t? shqiptar?ve t? Greqis? per ta afruar sa me afer me
gjuhen shqipe dhe komunikimin me historine,kulturen e artin shqiptar.
??? Aristidh Kola bashk?punonte me t? gjitha rrethet e Diaspor?s
Shqiptare n? bot?. Ai mbante lidhje? dhe gjithnj? bashk?punonte
me shqiptar?t e Amerik?s, me mikun e tij t? ngusht? e me
bashk?studiuesin Papas Antonio Belushi-n n? Kozenc? t? Italis?,
me intelektual?t e Kosov?s, t? Maqedonis?, t? Turqis? dhe t? Shqip?ris?.
Ai ishte i lidhur deri dhe me Arb?resh?t e Korsik?s
??Sikur ta ndjente rrezikun qe do ta kercenonte, ai botoi nje veper,
ne pronovimin e te ciles thirri studiues, miq e shoke te shumte,
nga Greqia, Shqiperia dhe Italia. Kishte ardhur dhe miku i tij i
ngushte, studiuesi arberesh nga Italia Antonio Bellusci si dhe
ambasadori shqiptar ne Athine Kastriot Robo.
Ishte data 24 maj. Pikerisht ne pronovimin e librit shkrimtari
55 vjecar Aristidh Kolia ndjen dhembje te papritura qe kurr nuk
i kishte ndjere me pare.?Dicka po ndodhte me organizmin e tij.
Parandjente dicka ogurzeze.
? I shkuan ndermend gjitha ato mallekime dhe kerkesa per
vdekjen e tij jo me shume se nje vit muaj me pare.
? Kaloi nje vere te nxehte athinjote me shqetesime te
jashtezakoneshme per gjendjen e papritur dhe fatin e
veprave te veta qe i kishte neper duar. Shtatori e vuri ne
shtrat. Tetori po e dermonte trupin e tij.
? I vinin shoke e miq te shumte por ai nuk gjente ngushellim.
Si nje vizion i tmerrshem i kalonte neper mend? fati i
personazheve historike arvanitase per te cilet kishte shkruar
ne vepren e vet madhore "Arvanitet".
?? Teodor Kollokotronin e helmuan ne burg, edhe pse kurr me
fjale nuk e tha publikisht se ishte arvanitas, pa?ka se mbiemri
i tij i vertete brez pas brezi ishte Bithguri, Gjergj Karaiskaqin e
vrane ne prite dhe fjala e fundit qe tha kur e mori plumbi ishte ne
gjuhen arvanitase.
? Kishin vrare dhe te tjere perfshire dhe heroinen arvanitase
Laskarina Bubulina.
? E kush nuk e di historine e kafes me helm qe u perdor per te
zhdukur arvanitasin e shquar te shekullit te kaluar, gazetarin
nga Salamina, Anastas Kullurioti?
Deri vone kishte ardhur rrjedha e helmit e plumbit, duke marre
dhe jeten e dy presidenteve te shoqates arvanitase"Marko Bocari".
?? Keto te fundi i fiksoheshin ne kujtese sepse ishin shume me
afer kohes se tij. Kishin qene adhe ata, si ai, president i arvanitasve
te Greqise. Dhe diagnoza e te dyve ne vdekjet e papritura kishte
qene e njejte: Leucemi. ? E njejta siptome vdekjeprurese per tre
presidente te arvanitaseve te Greqise ? Dy jeteve te rrembyera
mizorisht, nga duar qe kurre nuk dalin ne skene, po i afrohej dhe
nje e trete. Ish jeta e tij.
?? Ne nje nga takimet e fundit prane shtratit te vdekjes i kishin
shkuar ambasadori shqiptar bashke me nje avokat po shqiptar
Ilir Malindi i cili me pas deshmon:
"Un? pata rastin q? ta vizitoja t? madhin Aristidh Kola, n?
dit?t e fundit t? jet?s s? tij, n? spitalin e Athin?s "Evangjelizmos"
dhe pash gjendjen e tij t? pashpres?. M? tha se ishte g?zuar
q? gazetat e Shqip?ris? kishin shkruar p?r s?mundjen e tij...
I dhash kurajo, duke i th?n? se do t? sh?rohej shum? shpejt dhe
se s? bashku do t? vazhdonim me studimet dhe publikimet e reja,
mir?po... Ahhh!? Ai, me trishtim dhe krenari t? nj?koh?sishme na
tha edhe k?to fjal?:
? "Ju lutem mos ushqeni asnj? iluzion. Mua m? vran? dhe k?shtu
kan? vepruar edhe me dy kryetar?t tjer? t? Shoqat?s s? Shqiptar?ve
?Marko Bo?ari?, t? cil?t vdiq?n, edhe k?ta, nga "leucemia".
K?to fjal? ua kam th?n? edhe miqve t? tjer? t? mij"...
? " Kam shkuar ta shoh serisht ne ditet e para te tetorit -,
me thote ambasadori shqiptar ne nje bisede telefonike nga
Athina- por kur e mora ne telefon nga kati i pare i spitalit
"Evangjelizmo", qe eshte prane ambasades, me tha se ate dite
ndjehej shume keq, dhe do ta mirepriste viziten e tij ne nje nga
dite e ardheshme.
? ?Kater dite me pas me njoftojne se Aristidhi vdiq. Ishte nje
lajm tmerresisht i pikellueshem".
?? Ishte 11 tetori 2000 dita kur ndodhi fizikisht vrasja misterioze e
shkrimtarit dhe udheheqesit arvanitas, per ta mbeshtjedhe edhe kete
vdekje me nje enigme tjeter greke ne histori.
?? Por gjithesi vrasja e dyte vazhdon. Dhe kjo eshte e senderzuar ne nje
platforme po as mistike e te rafinuar si eleminimi fizik i shkrimtarit.
Behen tere perpjekjet per ta varrosur bashke me trupin dhe vepren e tij.
Ne Athine per vdekjen e Aristidh Kolias, shkroi vetem nje gazete greke.
Revista "Klan" ne Shqiperi refuzoi botimin e shkrimit me rastin e
vdekjes me shkakun se " kete teme e ka trajtuar gazeta "Albania"."
Shoket e miqt e tij te afert arvanitas kane rene si te shushatur prej
gjemes dhe mbase prej frikes. Pyetjes qe i bera presidentit te sotem te
arvanitasve Jorgo Jeru, nese keni ndermend te botoni ndonje
nekrologji, shpallje a komunikate per vepren e veprimtarit
te madh me tha se nuk kemi ndonje plan.
?? Vdekja u pasua me nje heshtje ogurzeze.
??? Hienat e nacionalizmes greke nga skutat e errta, si ju gezuan
zhdukjes fizike te arvanitasit te madh qe ringjalli "gjuhen e
perendive", tani pergatiten te hidhen ne sulme po aq
vdekjeprurese ndaj vepres se tij.
? Nese arvanitasit dhe shqiptaret nuk do ta kuptojne kete mision
te zi te megaloidhese shoveniste, qe nuk i kursen as parate dhe
as helmin, per qellime makabre ndaj arvanitasve, emigranteve dhe
mbare popullit shqiptar, atehere gjitheseicili prej nesh, ka marre
pjesen me heshtjen e tij ne vrasjen e dyte te Aristidh Kolias.
?? Vepren e arvanitasit te madh Aristidh Kolia, qe meriton nje
vend nderi ne historine e letrave shqipe, mund ta vrase edhe
indiferenca? dhe kopracia jone. ??
??? Le te mendojme sot qe te mos na vrase ndergjegja neser!
?Boston 24 nentor 2000
Botuar? ne :
"Dielli" Vol.91, Nr.4 2000
"Illiria" Nr.1115 , 27 shkurt 2001


Primus registratum
Re: Arvanitet

edhe ambasadori grek ne tirane kokosis eshte arvanit madje e flet gjuhen shqipe ne menyre perfekte