Arti dhe shendeti mendor
Aftesia shprehese e atyre qe vuajne nga semundjet mendore apo kane aftesi te kufizuara, eshte e jashtezakonshme dhe shpesh transformohet ne forma qe jo cdokush eshte i afte te zoteroj.
Me kthehen nder mend fjalet e nje mikut tim:
"nuk eshte se ata nuk jane ne gjendje te komunikojne, jemi ne [njerezit 'normale'] qe shpesh nuk duam apo nuk mundemi ti kuptojme."
Po filloj kete teme me nje poezi te shkruar nga nje femer autiste:
In a room without windows, in the company of shadows,
You know they won't forget you, they'll take you in,
Emotionally shattered, don't ask if it mattered,
Don't let it upset you, just start again.
In a world under glass, can you watch the world pass,
And nobody can touch you; you think you are safe,
But the wind can blow cold, in the depths of your soul,
Where you think nothing can hurt you till it is too late.
Run till you drop, do you know how to stop?
All the people walk right pass you, you wave goodbye.
They all merely smiled, for you looked like a child,
Never thought that they’d upset you, they saw you cry.
So take advice, don't question the experts.
Don’t think twice, you just might listen,
Run and hide, to the corners of your mind, alone,
Like a nobody nowhere.
Aftesia shprehese e atyre qe vuajne nga semundjet mendore apo kane aftesi te kufizuara, eshte e jashtezakonshme dhe shpesh transformohet ne forma qe jo cdokush eshte i afte te zoteroj.
Me kthehen nder mend fjalet e nje mikut tim:
"nuk eshte se ata nuk jane ne gjendje te komunikojne, jemi ne [njerezit 'normale'] qe shpesh nuk duam apo nuk mundemi ti kuptojme."
Po filloj kete teme me nje poezi te shkruar nga nje femer autiste:
In a room without windows, in the company of shadows,
You know they won't forget you, they'll take you in,
Emotionally shattered, don't ask if it mattered,
Don't let it upset you, just start again.
In a world under glass, can you watch the world pass,
And nobody can touch you; you think you are safe,
But the wind can blow cold, in the depths of your soul,
Where you think nothing can hurt you till it is too late.
Run till you drop, do you know how to stop?
All the people walk right pass you, you wave goodbye.
They all merely smiled, for you looked like a child,
Never thought that they’d upset you, they saw you cry.
So take advice, don't question the experts.
Don’t think twice, you just might listen,
Run and hide, to the corners of your mind, alone,
Like a nobody nowhere.