American icon ends in the hands of Chinese

American icon ends in the hands of Chinese


Only four months after the start of the assumptions that General Motors (GM) will sell the Chinese manufacturer Hummerin to industrial engines “Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery”, officially agreement is reached.</p>

According to the draft agreement, the Chinese manufacturer will take over 80 per cent stake in the Hummer, while 20 percent will belong to a private investor Suolang Duojiu.</p>

Although Americans were not willing to reveal how much money they get for Hummer, unofficial sources claim that it was a lot of 150 million dollars. Under the agreement, the Chinese will continue to produce great sports cars in the GM factories in Shreveport of Mishawaka until June 2011, or at the latest by June 2012.</p>


In order to purchase the place officially, Amin also have to make the U.S. and Chinese regulatory agencies</p>
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