Alfa 169 in the Chrysler 300C platform

Alfa 169 in the Chrysler 300C platform


The first signs of cooperation between Chrysler and Fiat have begun to appear. U.S. media report that the Italians intend to limuzinën its new senior class to build the U.S. Chrysler factories.</p>

It is assumed that Alfa Romeo will have to use the Chrysler plants in Ontario, where he will build the new model 300C so that in his platform Trashëguesi process of model 166 – the 169.</p>

Milaneze weather have confirmed the posterior axis as one of the main characteristics of the new 169 model, the 300C architecture could serve as a basis especially when considering that Italians were not successful in finding a proper partner in Europe Western.</p>


The new 169 model, however, will not share the same engines with those of Chrysler.</p>
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