Al Qaeda duke pregatitur sulm ne Shqiperi
Al Qaeda Albanian Branch Prepares Attacks?
26 April 2004 | 07:46 | Dnevnik, Macedonia
The European representative for Al Qaeda, the Muslim priest Abu Hamza, has said that the Albanian branch of the terrorist network will carry out an attack if Tirana does not stop at once its support for the United States, Macedonian daily Dnevnik writes. “Al Qaeda has its people I nAlbania and soon they will be ready for action,” Abu Hamza said in a London mosque.
Zedhenesi Evropian per Al Kajden, Imami Abu Hamza, ka thene qe dega shqiptare e Al Kajdes do te ndermarre nje sulm/atentat n.q.s. Tirana nuk nderpret menjehere mbeshtetjen per Sh.B.A, shhkruan e perditshmja Maqedonase Dnevnik. "Al Kajda ka njerezit e vete ne Shqiperi dhe se shpejti do te jen gati te sulmojne", Abu Hamza tha ne nje xhami ne Londer.
Al Qaeda Albanian Branch Prepares Attacks?
26 April 2004 | 07:46 | Dnevnik, Macedonia
The European representative for Al Qaeda, the Muslim priest Abu Hamza, has said that the Albanian branch of the terrorist network will carry out an attack if Tirana does not stop at once its support for the United States, Macedonian daily Dnevnik writes. “Al Qaeda has its people I nAlbania and soon they will be ready for action,” Abu Hamza said in a London mosque.
Zedhenesi Evropian per Al Kajden, Imami Abu Hamza, ka thene qe dega shqiptare e Al Kajdes do te ndermarre nje sulm/atentat n.q.s. Tirana nuk nderpret menjehere mbeshtetjen per Sh.B.A, shhkruan e perditshmja Maqedonase Dnevnik. "Al Kajda ka njerezit e vete ne Shqiperi dhe se shpejti do te jen gati te sulmojne", Abu Hamza tha ne nje xhami ne Londer.