Again changes in Facebook

Again changes in Facebook


Online network for tracking Facebook again has decided to make changes in certain parts of this service. This time changes should be easier to bring information to find interesting.</p>

Facebook during the weekend started with bringing some innovation in this service. Change has to do with the front page, which from now on can shfletohet in two ways – only popular news and status messages as well as absolutely all news Factor of the popularity of some news, photos published, status messages and similar information are determined by number of comments or mark “Like it” who have left your friends. “News directly” presents all the information published as has been the practice so far.</p>

From now users on the front page of Facebook was presented some information about friends in this country which so far have usually visible as cronyism and favoritism users or groups of similar brands.</p>

However, it is logical that a Facebooku with 300 million users worldwide and updates constantly advancing its services, but unlike the front changes, the latter seems to really fit users.</p>
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