Aeroplani i Hiroshimës - cështje teknike?
Enola Gay ishte aeroplani i cili lëshoi bombën atomike në Hiroshima. Tani ky aeroplan do të shfaqet në një muze në SHBA. Po jap lajmin nga BBC Website:
Enola Gay display angers victims
The museum has spent months refurbishing the plane
Survivors of the US attack on Hiroshima have expressed anger at a US museum's decision to display the plane that dropped an atomic bomb there in 1945.
The Enola Gay, a restored B-29 bomber from World War Two, is to go on show at a Washington museum.
But some victims complain the museum dishonours the memory of those killed by not displaying casualty figures.
About 140,000 Japanese died in the Hiroshima bombing, while many others died later from radiation poisoning.
'Consistency' argument
Members of action group the Enola Gay Non-violent Action Committee travelled to the Smithsonian National Air and Space museum on Friday to deliver a petition calling for the figures to be included.
I was under that cloud
Hiroshima survivor Sunao Tsuboi
They asked for photographs showing the devastation caused by the bomb to be displayed.
Sunao Tsuboi, who still bears the scars he suffered from the bombing, was only one mile (1.6km) from the epicentre when the bomb was dropped on 6 August 1945.
"If the Enola Gay is going to be displayed, they should also say what happened beneath the plane on the day the bomb was dropped," he told French news agency AFP.
"I was under that cloud."
However the museum's director, retired general John Dailey, has resisted calls for the death toll to be included.
"We don't do it for other airplanes," he told French agency AFP.
"From a consistency standpoint, we focus on the technical aspects."
The museum has spent months restoring the B-29 bomber for display in a giant hangar at its Steven Udvar-Hazy Center, near Dulles International Airport in Washington DC.
The Enola Gay has proved contentious for the museum before, when in 1995 portions of its fuselage, undercarriage and engines went on display as part of an exhibition about the atomic bomb, leading to protests.
Three days after the 1945 Hiroshima bombing, the US dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.
Within days the Japanese officially surrendered and World War II end, although debate has raged ever since over whether the act hastened the war's end and saved thousands of lives or was one of the world's worst war crimes.
Gjenerali John Dailey, shefi i Muzeut, pohon se muzeu "përqëndron vëmendjen në aspektet teknike".
Gjepura, zoti gjeneral. Ju përdorni ato argumente që përdoreshin nga teknikët, të cilët ndërtuan kampin e përqëndrimit Aushvic etj. Ata u mbrojtën me fjalët: "Ne merremi vetëm me cështje teknike."
Njerëzit e teknikës për më shumë se 100 vite kanë qenë të mbrojtur nga "alibia teknike". Nuk paskan kurrfarë përgjegjësie morale, vetëm marrin urdhëra dhe bëjnë ndërtimet teknike! Nuk merren me politikë, thonë.
Ky qëndrim është moralisht i dëmshëm, bile kriminal. Viktimat e bombës së Hiroshimës kërkojnë vetëm që të shfaqen në muze edhe pasojat e bombës, vetëm kaq. Dhe kjo kërkesë refuzohet nga gjenerali.
Luftërat janë "të shenjta" dhe nuk duhet të diskutohet për përgjegjësi - nëse ti je në palën fituese..... E tillë është bota jonë edhe sot... dhe ne jemi 5-6000 vite larg kohës së gurit!
Enola Gay ishte aeroplani i cili lëshoi bombën atomike në Hiroshima. Tani ky aeroplan do të shfaqet në një muze në SHBA. Po jap lajmin nga BBC Website:
Enola Gay display angers victims
The museum has spent months refurbishing the plane
Survivors of the US attack on Hiroshima have expressed anger at a US museum's decision to display the plane that dropped an atomic bomb there in 1945.
The Enola Gay, a restored B-29 bomber from World War Two, is to go on show at a Washington museum.
But some victims complain the museum dishonours the memory of those killed by not displaying casualty figures.
About 140,000 Japanese died in the Hiroshima bombing, while many others died later from radiation poisoning.
'Consistency' argument
Members of action group the Enola Gay Non-violent Action Committee travelled to the Smithsonian National Air and Space museum on Friday to deliver a petition calling for the figures to be included.
I was under that cloud
Hiroshima survivor Sunao Tsuboi
They asked for photographs showing the devastation caused by the bomb to be displayed.
Sunao Tsuboi, who still bears the scars he suffered from the bombing, was only one mile (1.6km) from the epicentre when the bomb was dropped on 6 August 1945.
"If the Enola Gay is going to be displayed, they should also say what happened beneath the plane on the day the bomb was dropped," he told French news agency AFP.
"I was under that cloud."
However the museum's director, retired general John Dailey, has resisted calls for the death toll to be included.
"We don't do it for other airplanes," he told French agency AFP.
"From a consistency standpoint, we focus on the technical aspects."
The museum has spent months restoring the B-29 bomber for display in a giant hangar at its Steven Udvar-Hazy Center, near Dulles International Airport in Washington DC.
The Enola Gay has proved contentious for the museum before, when in 1995 portions of its fuselage, undercarriage and engines went on display as part of an exhibition about the atomic bomb, leading to protests.
Three days after the 1945 Hiroshima bombing, the US dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.
Within days the Japanese officially surrendered and World War II end, although debate has raged ever since over whether the act hastened the war's end and saved thousands of lives or was one of the world's worst war crimes.
Gjenerali John Dailey, shefi i Muzeut, pohon se muzeu "përqëndron vëmendjen në aspektet teknike".
Gjepura, zoti gjeneral. Ju përdorni ato argumente që përdoreshin nga teknikët, të cilët ndërtuan kampin e përqëndrimit Aushvic etj. Ata u mbrojtën me fjalët: "Ne merremi vetëm me cështje teknike."
Njerëzit e teknikës për më shumë se 100 vite kanë qenë të mbrojtur nga "alibia teknike". Nuk paskan kurrfarë përgjegjësie morale, vetëm marrin urdhëra dhe bëjnë ndërtimet teknike! Nuk merren me politikë, thonë.
Ky qëndrim është moralisht i dëmshëm, bile kriminal. Viktimat e bombës së Hiroshimës kërkojnë vetëm që të shfaqen në muze edhe pasojat e bombës, vetëm kaq. Dhe kjo kërkesë refuzohet nga gjenerali.
Luftërat janë "të shenjta" dhe nuk duhet të diskutohet për përgjegjësi - nëse ti je në palën fituese..... E tillë është bota jonë edhe sot... dhe ne jemi 5-6000 vite larg kohës së gurit!