A e dini pse?


Re: A e dini pse?

Jo Mi Kordele se kte nuk e dike...


Re: A e dini pse?

cazzo kush rri e ja shkrun ketyre prap na e para :mad: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

The Albanian flag and its origin
Gules, a double-headed eagle sable. The eagle goes back to George Castriota, an Albanian Christian who became a Turkish general in the 15th century under the name of Iskander Bey, or Skanderbeg. He later returned to the Christian faith and led the fight of the Albanians against the Turks in the 1440's. He used the Byzantine two-headed eagle on his seals, hence the modern flag. The modern flag had at various times a helmet or a star above the eagle. The star gules lined or dates from the Communist takeover in 1946 and has recently been removed.

The violation of the usual tincture rule may not necessarily be due to the fact that it is a flag rather than "real" arms: see the Subic arms of Bosnia, which were gules, a wing displayed sable.

Francois Velde, 30 June 1995

"In 1443, during the battle against the Hungarians of Hunyadi in Nish (in present day Serbia), he [Skenderbeg] abandoned the Ottoman Army and captured Kruja, his father's seat in middle Albania. Above the castle he rose the Albanian flag, a red flag with the black double-headed eagle, the present-day Albanian flag, and pronounced to his countrymen the famous words: "I have not brought you liberty, I found it here, among you". He managed to unite all Albanian princes at the town of Lezha (League of Lezha, 1444) and united them under his command to fight against the Turks.
During the next 25 years he fought, with forces rarely exceeding 20,000 against the most powerful army of that time and defeated it for 25 years. In 1450 the Turkish army was led by the Sultan Murad II in person, who died after his defeat in the way back. Two other times, in 1466 and 1467, Mehmed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, led the Turkish army himself against Skenderbeg and failed too. The Ottoman Empire attempted to conquer Kruja 24 times and failed all 24 of them. [but finally seized Kruja on 16 June 1478, after Skanderbeg's death in 1468]"

The fortress has been partially rebuilt and is now a museum (Muzeu i Gjergji Kastriotit Skënderbeut). In one of the halls are shown the reconsituted standards of the lords who faught with Skanderbeg. The history of Kruja siege is depicted in Kadare's novel 'The rain drums'.

Ivan Sache, 1 May 1999, citing and expanding a website dedicated to Skanderbeg



Primus registratum
Re: A e dini pse?

Prá, mallkue njaj bir Shqyptari,
Qi ketë gjuhë të Perendís,
Trashigim, qi na la i Pari,
Trashigim s'i a lên ai fmís;
Edhè atij i u thaftë, po, goja,
Qi e perbuzë ketë gjuhë hyjnore;
Qi n'gjuhë t'huej, kúr s'âsht nevoja,
Flet e t'veten lên mbas dore.

jack owar II

Primus registratum
Re: A e dini pse?

Fillimisht postuar nga argent7:
[qb] a e dini perse e ka shqiperia flamurin me dy krena edhe nga vjen shqiponja [/qb]
shqiponja vjen prej lidhjeve me perandorine romake, pjese e s'ciles kane kene edhe tokat shqiptare...dy krena, sepse tokat jane kone ner ndikimin bizantin, e bizanti asht udheheqe prej dy qendrave: konstantinopojes e romes...per ket arsye edhe rusi e ka shqiponjen me dy krena...

prej: http://users.panola.com/AAGHS/EILAND/birds_of_prey.html
To previous scholars, the origins of the Russian and Eastern European double headed eagle are to be found in the Byzantine empire. The Byzantines adopted the double headed eagle to symbolize the union of Eastern and Western empires. There is some question if it was introduced by Constantine I (306–337), but it is clear that the symbol was used shortly afterwards. It is well known that Byzantine power extended into the Balkans and across Anatolia.

jack owar II

Primus registratum
Re: A e dini pse?

Fillimisht postuar nga Kordelja:
[qb] Po more e dime , gege dhe toske, jug dhe veri, ne nje trup te vetem. [/qb]
me i vete kosovaret, shumica kane me thane: dy krena, kosova e shqipnia...athue, a duhet tash me ja qite edhe nji krye shqipes per pune t'tokave n'maqedoni?