25 Reasons Why Women Want To Call Men But Shouldnt!

25 Reasons Why Women Want To Call Men But Shouldnt!

25 Reasons Why Women Want To Call Men But Shouldn’t!</p>

1.      He didn’t call you.
2.     You think he lost your number.
3.     You think he thinks you are not interested.
4.     You have to tickets to a show.
5.     You need a date for a wedding.
6.     Your mother told you to call him.
7.     Your girlfriend said “Call him:
8.     Your brother said he’d be flattered if a girl called him.
9.     You can’t sleep well since he stopped calling.
10.   You want to ask him why he stopped calling.
11.    You want to get his recipe for chili.
13.   You can’t live without him.
14.   You want to ask him what it is about you he didn’t like.
15.   You want to know how he is doing.
16.   You want to wish him a Happy Birthday.
17.   Your phone number is unlisted now and you want to give him your new number.
18.   You are thinking about joining a convent and wanted his opinion.
19.   You want to know if the new women is thinner, prettier, smarter, better in bed, or more successful than you are.
20.  You are just calling to say “hi”.
21.   You are never home and you are hard to reach.
22.  Your answering machine is broken.
23. You are going to Paris.
24. You want to ask him one more time “Is it really over”.
25. He said “Call me”.
26. You miss his voice.</p>

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