Nervishiatiku !


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Nervishiatiku !

Mjeku popullor dua ndonje keshill nga ty apo dhe nga ndonje qe di per kete teme per semundjen e nervishiatikut.

Baban tim e ka zene qe prej 7-8vjetesh ne kemb.Deri tani e zinte ne fund te pranveres apo fillim vjeshtje.I mpihet kemba e s'mund te eci.I kalonte me kompleks vitaminash B6,B12...(gjilpera)
Por kete vite e ka zene e s'i pushon as me ilace dhe e ka mbajtur gjate gjithe kohes.

Shpresoj te kem pergjigje te shpejt.


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

Sic e shikon me poshte nervi shiatic qe esthe ne te dyja kembet nuk kurohet me vitamina vetem por dhe me ilace te tjera deri ne operacion.

gjeja me e rendesishme esthe diagnositkimi, deri ku ka arritur demi, duhet lab test dhe sidomos MRI. sic thote me poshte duhet doc ta dije ne c'pjese esthe demtuar nervi dhe sidomos me e rendesishme cfare e shkakton ate dhe aty te behet nderhyrja jo thjesht per te "maskuar" dhimbjen.

sic e shikon pavaresisht se mund te thuhet qe tre persona jane me nerv shiatic s'do te thote qe mjekimi apo nderhyrja kirugjikale esthe e njejte.

me poshte thuhet qe nderhyrjet jane tre:

terapi fizike

What you need to know about sciatica
Overview of sciatica causes and symptoms
Sciatica—pain along the large sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg—is a relatively common form of back pain.

Sciatica is usually caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve from a herniated disc (also referred to as a ruptured disc, pinched nerve, slipped disk, etc.). The problem is often diagnosed as a "radiculopathy", meaning that a disc has protruded from its normal position in the vertebral column and is putting pressure on the radicular nerve (nerve root).

For some people, the pain from sciatica can be severe and debilitating. For others, the pain from sciatica might be infrequent and irritating, but has the potential to get worse. Usually, sciatica only affects one side of the lower body, and the pain often radiates from the lower back all the way through the back of the thigh and down through the leg. Depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain may also radiate to the foot or toes.

One or more of the following sensations may occur as a result of sciatica:

Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting

Burning or tingling down the leg

Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot

A constant pain on one side of the rear

A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up

While sciatica can be very painful, it is rare that permanent nerve damage (tissue damage) will result. Most sciatica pain syndromes result from inflammation and will get better within two weeks to a few months. Also, because the spinal cord is not present in the lower (lumbar) spine, a herniated disc in this area of the anatomy does not present a danger of paralysis.

Symptoms that may constitute a medical emergency include progressive weakness in the legs or bladder/bowel incontinence. Patients with these symptoms may have cauda equina syndrome and should seek immediate medical attention.

Any condition that causes irritation or impingement on the sciatic nerve can cause the pain associated with sciatica. The most common cause is lumbar herniated disc. Other common causes of sciatica include lumbar spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or isthmic spondylolisthesis.

Nerve pain is caused by a combination of pressure and inflammation on the nerve root, and treatment is centered on relieving both of these factors. Typical sciatica treatments include:

Manual treatments for sciatica (including physical therapy and osteopathic or chiropractic treatments) to help relieve the pressure.

Medical treatments for sciatica (such as NSAID’s, oral steroids, or epidural steroid injections) to help relieve the inflammation.

Surgery for sciatica (such as microdiscectomy or lumbar laminectomy) to help relieve both the pressure and inflammation may be warranted if the sciatic nerve pain is severe and has not been relieved with appropriate manual or medical treatments.


What causes sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It starts in the low back at lumbar segment 3 (L3). The nerve roots run through the bony canal, and at each level a pair of nerve roots exits from the spine.

The nerve is named for the upper vertebral body that it runs between (for example, the nerve that exits at L4-L5 is named L4). The nerve passing to the next level runs over a weak spot in the disc space, which is the reason discs tend to herniate (extrude) right under the nerve root and can cause leg pain.

The sciatica symptoms (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness) are different depending on where the pressure on the nerve occurs. For example, a lumbar segment 5 (L5) nerve impingement can cause weakness in extension of the big toe and potentially in the ankle (foot drop) (See Figure 1).

Common conditions that can cause sciatica, or pain along the sciatic nerve include:

Lumbar herniated disc—A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner core of the disc (nucleus pulposus) extrudes through the fibrous outer core (annulus) and the bulge places pressure on the contiguous nerve root. In general, it is thought that a sudden twisting motion or injury can lead to an eventual disc herniation. A herniated disc is sometimes referred to as a slipped, ruptured, bulging, or protruding disc, or a pinched nerve.
See also Lumbar disc herniation

Lumbar spinal stenosis—This condition involves a narrowing of the spinal canal. It is more common in adults over age 60, and typically results from enlarged facet joints placing pressure on the nerve roots as they exit the spine.
See also Lumbar spinal stenosis

Degenerative disc disease—While disc degeneration is a natural process that occurs with aging, in some cases it can also lead to pain along the sciatic nerve. The condition is diagnosed when a weakened disc results in excessive micro-motion at the corresponding vertebral level and inflammatory proteins from inside the disc can become exposed and irritate the area.
See also Degenerative disc disease

Isthmic spondylolisthesis—Relatively common in adults (approximately 5% to 7% of adults), this condition rarely causes pain. It occurs when a small stress fracture, often at the fifth segment, allows the L5 vertebral body to slip forward on the S1 vertebral body. Caused by a combination of disc space collapse, the fracture, and the vertebral body slipping forward, the L5 nerve can get pinched as it exits the spine.
See also Isthmic spondylosthesisa

Piriformis syndrome—The sciatic nerve can get irritated as it runs under the piriformis muscle in the buttocks, leading to sciatica.
See also Piriformis syndrome - another irritation to the sciatic nerve

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction—Irritation of the sacroiliac joint can also irritate the L5 nerve, which lies on top of it, and cause sciatica.
See also What is sacroiliac joint dysfunction?

Re: Nervishiatiku !


gjeja me e rendesishme esthe diagnositkimi, deri ku ka arritur demi,
O bona sa per kulture te pergjithshme lali: po tu demtu cdo lloj nervi nuk ndjen me asnje lloj dhimbjeje /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

Ida dhe babi im eshte me shiatik kete vere /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif
po ben gjilpera dhe tani ndihet pak me mire...
dua dhe une informacion, por shqip do me ndihmonte me shume...
dua dhe keshilla kurimi, riedukimi te muskujve dhe ndonje gje tjeter te dobishme ju lutem


Re: Nervishiatiku !

Paguaji babit nje jave pushime tek Termat e Rumanise..Ai uji ngehte plot me minerale thone qe e sheron shiatikun. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

me co nje pm te lutem me me shume info /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif
po per vize si i behet, apo s'ka nevoje?


Re: Nervishiatiku !

Vallaj se maj mend emrin e websajtit qe e dha ai emisioni tek discovery chanel. mbaj mend edhe ne Shqiperi e ka pas dhene programin. Megjithate shko tek google edhe kerkse "termal treatments"+Romania :cool:


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !


e para punes perktheva fjalet e doctorrit dhe kuptohet qe s'ishte 100%
psh une nuk di si ta perkthej inflammation, dikush mund te thote accarim por nuk esthe.
e dyta shife mire thote ne c'pjese te nervit esthe bere demtimi.

pastaj aman more burre i dheut te gjithe hidhen perpjete. mire per mua por dhe per fjalet e MD.


Re: Nervishiatiku !

O bona,
ky eshte dallimi midis nje infermjereje edhe pse em master dhe nje qe studion dhe eshte mjek!!!

Po te kishe vene re nuk korrigjova cfare kishe copy& paste por shpjegimet e tua

quhet infiamim qe eshte mbledhja e lengjeve umorale /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

LD :kiss: dergoje babin ne nje klinike te beje mire analizat se po nuk u be mire fisoterapia e ngacmojne me keq eshte nerv qe inervon pothuaj gjithe kemben /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

i ka bere te gjitha honey :kiss: dhe i kane dhene ca gjilpera qe behen ne kocke. tani ndihet me mire, por mjeku im me tha qe kthehet kjo lloj dhimbje. ndoshta do bente mire te shkonte ne llixha, por kam frike mos bllokohet me keq? si thua?


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

Gjylperat qe behen heqin momentalisht vetem fryerjen e nervit. Jane tip kortizonash e nuk bejne mire, por te heqin dhimbjen.( Nuk duhet abuzuar)

Duket ne fillim sikur kryen punen se ndjehesh mire, por ne se vuan vertete nga shiatiku duhet me bo kura. Ne Shqiperi ka qene llixhat ne Peshkopi, qe vallai u kthejshe si i ri prej tyre.

pS: Personalisht para dy vjetesh e kam provu :mad: Le le ca dhimbje, por me pat ardhe nga pesha e rende qe mbaja. :mad:

Kjo eshte si keshille, peshat e renda demtojne shume.


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

ti rrofsh Papi, po une e kam larg babin tim. foli sa te duash ne telefon, prape do beje c'te doje :shrug: nuk e kontrolloj dot nga kaq larg. mundohem nganjehere ta ve ne be, qe te mos levizi e mos te hipi me ne biciklete, por aha :smash: nuk me degjon /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Re: Nervishiatiku !

Ld. varet nga pse i eshte shkaktuar ky lloj infiamimi.Nese ka ndonje cike hernia distale normal qe duhet te eliminoje peshat...ama jo te gjithe i pergjigjen ne nje njejten menyre nje lloj terapie. Prandaj me mire nje vizite te specializuar tek ndonje neurolog ne nje klinike te specializuar...ka mjek te huaj qe bejene vizita ne shqiperi.

ps. Prinderit tone nuk jane mesuar me kulturen e vizitave dhe te kontrollove rutine :smash: Me acarojne nervat edhe mua. :shrug: me kete sjellje mesjetare :sleep:

Re: Nervishiatiku !

erva sa me te fen qe ai ai bebi O angelos eshte cum cum po cum fale i mile... :wub:
Me vjen keq per ty po o kopja e babit vete /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
edhe pse do kishte be me mire te kishte marre vettullat e mamit /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Duan dru!!!!!!! se kane frike te vizitohen dhe skan frike te degjojne ndonje mjek popullor apo ato fallxhoret e rrugeve :mad: :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

Babai im nuk eshte peshe e rende,perkundrazi eshte i dobet.dhe nga ilace te ndryshme qe i kane rekomanduar vetem ato kompleks vitaminash(B6,B12...) i benin efekt per 7vjet me radh por kete vite nuk i ben derman asgje.Nje doktor i tha per operacion por dhe kjo meduket se nuk eshte e sigurt ne ka rezultatet e duhura.Dhimbjet i ka gjate gjithe kohes,te qete nuk mund ta lere kemben per shkak dhe te punes.

Ndaj dhe doja dhe ndonje keshille nja mjeku popullor,se mos i ulen dhimbjet.

Mjeku Popullor po munde na shkruaj ndonje keshill!

Raif Emini

Primus registratum
Re: Nervishiatiku !

Fillimisht postuar nga Ida:
[qb] Mjeku popullor dua ndonje keshill nga ty apo dhe nga ndonje qe di per kete teme per semundjen e nervishiatikut.

Baban tim e ka zene qe prej 7-8vjetesh ne kemb.Deri tani e zinte ne fund te pranveres apo fillim vjeshtje.I mpihet kemba e s'mund te eci.I kalonte me kompleks vitaminash B6,B12...(gjilpera)
Por kete vite e ka zene e s'i pushon as me ilace dhe e ka mbajtur gjate gjithe kohes.

Shpresoj te kem pergjigje te shpejt.
Faleminderit. [/qb]
Nervi shkiatik nuk sherohet as me gjilpera por as me pilula dhe edhe ma hiq me operacion.
Me Mjeksi me baroja eshte i mundur mjekimi 7-42 dite (terapi e perditshme) per ta zgjedh problemin ne teresi.