Re: /
ne vashdim......
Indriti nuk di gje fare qe kam hapur kete teme, ai eshte ne boten e tij busy nga faqja personale dhe ajo e Fierit. he doesn't have time sweety to go to forums and open discussion about smth that he get rewarded for. he get's paid for his work, and he doesn't want me to post smth in here so he can get famous.I was the one that posted here just for funn, getting an albanian opinion because all his users on his website are foreign. Nqs te ka rene rasti dhe e ke pare faqen personale, nuk do te thoje keshtu per ngjyrat sepse ai ka edhe punime me ngjyra me te hapura. Ajo qe ti shikon momentalisht eshte kerkese nga klientet e tij (php nuke comercial theme pack)
SQARIM: indriti me henrin nuk bashkepunojne me qe prej tre vjetesh, henri eshte busy me shkoll dhe indriti me punen.
i hope that's very clear for you, plus everyone mburren for smth at least i have a reason , and he is worth doing in it. Thank you for the good words and like i said we as well accept opinions even when those have chriticism on it.
have a nice day