Windows Vista


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Windows Vista

Ka pas rastin njeri me pa/perdor Windows Vista? Kam pare ca screen-shots po mu duk identik si MacOS X (ose ndoshta mund t'ken qen MacOS X edhe dikush per tu tall ka vene Win Vista ke fotografija. ...nejse, na thuni nai gjo, si ju duket?


Primus registratum
Re: Windows Vista

Windows Vista eshte fazen beta2, keshtu qe ato scrren qe ke pa jane te verteta. problemi eshte se duhet me qen betatesteur qe te maresh nje te tille te Microsoft...


Primus registratum
Re: Windows Vista

Tonce, pa ofendim, por keto versionet e phazes jane si puna e Microsoft SP 7 per Home Edition /pf/images/graemlins/shocked.gif.
Versioni BETA i Vistes nuk eshte si mesenxheri i Yahoo-se apo MSN-se.
Provojeni cuna!
Mos harroni backup-in e regjistrit para provave!


Primus registratum
Re: Windows Vista

instalova ate Vista Inspirat ...gjo e lezetshme, vetem se t'grin nga RAM 2 ore me u hap komplet windows kur nez kompjutrin.


Primus registratum
Re: Windows Vista

..e me, edhe une aq kam, ...nja 256MB. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Pan ignoramus
Re: Windows Vista

Ky shkrim eshte ne anglisht. Ndoshta do te duhej ta kisha perkthyer me perpara, por po e ve nje here keshtu sic eshte dhe do e perkthej me pas:

Would you trade a market of 95% of all Windows-users for even 50%? And how long do you think it'll take before Vista hits 50%? We techies know that Vista isn't really that much of an improvement over XP now and the average user doesn't, but they will as soon as people they know get it -- and are likely disappointed unless they're upgrading from 98.

Let's rehash Vista for a moment:
1. Aero: You can make XP look just like Aero right now for free; just go look at or
2. The sidebar (is that even still on Vista?): desktop sidebar [] works even on Win 2k. And then's there the Google Desktop.
3. Better security: You'd be better off sticking with Win 2k or XP and getting the free version of Win Patrol []. More security and it uses less than 5 mb of Ram to run in the background -- how much memory is Vista going to require again?
4. DirectX 10: It'll be almost useless for a long time. No game company is going to trade the market of almost all Windows-users for the Vista-users market exclusively. I predict that when games get more advanced they will either use OpenGL or even program what the game needs into the game itself (which likely won't be a permanent upgrade to your system).

Those are its pluses! Consider the biggest negative of all: 8 different versions, each costing more than the last. Is everyone going to rush out and buy a copy of Vista when the version they can afford has less features than the copy of XP they already have? Most who do so would by mistake.... and they won't be very quiet about how they feel they got screwed either. Personally, I think the 8 versions thing is what is going to be the biggest detriment to selling it. MS is trying to force everyone to pay through the nose for Windows and a great many simply will not. MS has forgotten that their target market is cheap; if they weren't a lot more of them would be using Macs (and I'm no Apple fangirl by any means, so don't take it that way).

Pirate Vista? A lot of them won't even bother with that when they find out from folks who have it that it's not really that much of an improvement over XP (from a user's standpoint) and requires powerful, expensive hardware -- which a lot of people simply don't have even now. You can't download hardware over p2p so Vista will be useless to many, who aren't going to upgrade without a compelling reason to do so. And what complelling reason will there be? MS's own games? That's not good enough for most, not so long as there are a lot of games that still support XP. No, I think Microsoft's only real hope lies with companies like Dell, who will sell pre-built computers with Vista. And guess how happy those people are going to be when they find out that they have to pay do much exta for features? To summarize, I think word of mouth alone will do a lot to prevent Vista's widespread adoption -- it will cost too much to have anything beyond the basics, most hardware can't even utilize it and hardware that can won't be all that common for another couple of years. For all that inconvenience Vista Premium should have a boatload of great features, but it's apparently not going to. Even with all that aside it would be very foolish for a game company to go Vista-only because the Vista market share is going to be too small. And if Vista bombs they certainly won't. Even if it is suceesful, its market share is still going to be low enough compared to previous versions of Windows that marketing games to it exclusively just wouldn't be profitable enough, especially since OpenGL can be used instead.

Come to think of it, maybe Vista will do more to push OpenGL than anything else. Bonus! Go MS! :-D


Re: Windows Vista



Primus registratum
Re: Windows Vista

Rekomandohet me 1.5 - 2 GB Ram per te pasur Aero Effects. Mgjt dhe me 512 ja del mbane, por mos u habit nqs te fillon dhimbja e kokes nga ngadalesia /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Mund te marresh nje VISTA RC1 falas nga Microsoft ketu:

Mund ta shkarkosh eshte nja 3 GB, ose te blesh nje DVD, paguan koston e dergimit. Nqs e shkarkon, te nisin ne email nr serial per instalimin si dhe link nga ta shkarkosh. Shkarkimi mundesohet nga serverat Akamai, te cilet te ofrojne nje download manager per shkarkim, nmq te mos kesh probleme dhe nese linjen e ke shume te ulet.

Mos harroni qe VISTA eshte njesoj si XP, vetem se do ofrohet me cmim me te larte dhe me shume kufizime ndaj userave /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif Prandaj, per mendimin tim, XP /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox
Re: Windows Vista

Koment-parodi nga Harmonious Botch, botuar në Slashdot, 7 Nëntor 2006, @10:40AM

Bill: Më ka zënë meraku, Steve. Po na rrëshqet më shumë toka me Linux-in. Ka mbërritur në zgrip, atje ku fillon e bëhet OS edhe për ata që nuk e kanë një dell.

Steve: Kam një mendje. Blejmë një tjetër version të Linux-it.

Bill: Shkallove? Me rrengun e SCO-së nuk i hodhëm dot njeriu hi në sy.

Steve: Jo, jo kështu. Në vend që të provojmë t'i hedhim hi syve gjykatësit, do të provojmë t'ua hedhim klientëve tanë.

Bill: Pa hë? Kjo është tashmë politika e kompanisë.

Steve: Po, por do të qarkullojmë versionin tonë. Do t'i themi publikut që po i hipim edhe ne trenit të Linux-it, dhe me fshikullin tonë të marketingut, ka për t'u bërë shpejt versioni mbizotërues i tregut. Mandej kur publiku të jetë bindur që MSLinux ËSHTË Linux, bëjmë ndryshime shkallë shkallë për ta kthyer në një rrangallë të tejfryrë e të papërdorshme. Dhe e pat dhe Linux-i!

Bill: Hiqe nga mendja! Mos harro, Steve, dikur shkruaja software. Asnjë programues që ka respekt për veten nuk do t'i vinte zjarrin me dëshirë një OS-i. Ku të gjejmë ne një dorë programuesish të bëjnë këtë?

Steve: Kemi ata tipat që shkruajtën Vista-n. Them se do ja dilnin mbanë.


Still here
Re: Windows Vista


Aktualisht nuk e kam provuar. Zakonisht cdo OS i ri i Microsoft eshte pritur me mosbesim. Qe nga Win 95 qe ishte revolucion e deri tek Vista. Nuk jam ndonje fan i madh i Microsoft, po ama mos harroni qe ne nje fare menyre kane revolucionuar boten e kompjuterit. Ndoshta Vista sjell te njejtet koncepte.

Problemi i kostove? Ai po qe eshte problem, po qe besoj do kete tolerance nga Microsoft sidomos tani qe me Linux mund te besh shumicen e veprimeve qe beheshin normalisht per perdoruesit normal vetem me WinOS (e kam fjalen per Documents, some graphic design and similar).


Forumium maestatis
Re: Windows Vista

Dje doli release zyrtar i Windows Vista Build 6000 ( BillGates Version ). Gjeja qe te habit eshte lehtesia me te cilen eshte thyer ky sistem: akoma pa dale ne treg, e kane crackuar ne 100 menyra te ndryshme. Une po pres qe te gjej dikur versionin ne italisht per ta shkarkuar. PC shyqyr zotit e kam aq te fuqishem sa te perballoje grafiken e Vista's, por une e dua thjeshte per ta pare si sistem dhe po me pelqeu do ta mbaj ne nje particion te HDD.

Ah qe s'kemi aq leke sa te blejme nje Gbook5 nga MAC... /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


Re: Windows Vista

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
..... por une e dua thjeshte per ta pare si sistem dhe po me pelqeu do ta mbaj ne nje particion te HDD.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Do ishte intersante te merrja vesh se e mban ne 2 particione!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Windows Vista

Patjeter, po ti ate muhabetin e carjes se k**** ne menyre sistematike, e mban mend ?


Re: Windows Vista

Komplimentet e mia per fjalorin! Ke qene edhe moderatorr pale.
Nqs s'te pelqen diskutimi mund edhe te heshtesh dhe te mos replikosh me. Kete fjalor perdore ne shpi, aty ku mund te ta kene mesuar.