Tune-Up Utilities 2006 v5.1.2318


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Tune-Up Utilities 2006 v5.1.2318

per ata qe se din ky esht programi qe ne momentin e sotem mbahet si me i sigurti dhe me efikasi per mirembajtjen e pc .lidhjes internet e shum e shum opsioneve .
ndryshe quhet (thika zviceriane) per efikasitetin dhe menyren e pastrimit te pc si psh regjistrin.junk files.etj

ja dhe ne anglisht qe te keni pak me shum ide mbi ate qe ben :

Tune-Up Utilities 2006 v5.1.2318

TuneUp Utilities 2006 optimizes the performance of your computer, solves problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs
Find out how easy and effective Windows tuning can be with the test winner! TuneUp Utilities 2006 lets you make your system faster, more comfortable and more secure in a matter of minutes.
The complete package combines all important functions for system optimization, configuration, cleanup and maintenance in a modern graphical user interface.

NEW! Completely redesigned interface
NEW! Corrects up to 400% more errors
NEW! Configures and optimizes Mozilla Firefox
NEW! Customize icons, the window style and the boot and welcome screens under Windows XP
IMPROVED! Automatically scans your system for settings that might be slowing it down and corrects them
IMPROVED! Lets you take control of the system start process
Lets you control the look and feel of the Windows interface
Deletes sensitive data permanently
Removes unneeded ballast from your disks
Defragments the Windows registry
Restores accidentally deleted files
Speeds up your Internet connection
Frees up system memory (RAM)
Windows applications

linku qe po ju jap esht trial version dmth instaloni programin dhe nese doni versionin e plot ja ku keni serial number Smile

Name: www.serials.ws
Company: www.serials.ws
