The price of our happiness.


Primus registratum
The price of our happiness.

Karamatzov Brothers strangely come to mind this morning…-- And even more strangely, of all the themes and the dilemmas suggested in the book I only think of one of them…If you could cure all the evils of the world and secure happiness by killing a child, would you do it...?
The puzzle has already been solved… it's me, you, and all the others around us who are already doing it. We have simply found an easier method, which erases and avoids the possibility of leaving any traces of culpability in our consciousness. The act is no longer painted by the brutal nuances generated from the ghastly idea of killing a small child. Nowadays we do things more conveniently…we exploit; with the full knowledge that we ourselves might be exploited the same way we exploit those behind us.

Take a look at yourself, notice the labels on the clothing that you are wearing…its ok we all fall prey of labels. Me…-I’m wearing a pair of banana republic pants, and then let’s see here is my shirt that says “express”, my shoes say “nine west”, my watch says the same thing, and my purse says “kenneth cole”…No, I’m not trying to show off at you, and I’m not trying to advertise either…My point is that if I were to omit the labels from these pieces of garments it would make them of no value, they would look like anything else…So why then do we so proudly wear these labels, and find ourselves always asking for more and for better? Don’t ask me…because even if I understand that the purchase of these goods whose costs greatly exceed the benefits and whose prices greatly exceed both the cost of manufacture and the price of other goods which fulfill the same function, I still fall prey of them.
Let’s get back to our fine clothing…after having looked at what you are wearing do not calculate their cost (it has no real value ; the money is gone), but do calculate the amount of work submitted by all the people that were exploited in the process of producing them (in the long chain of the assembly line, you will even find that small child that I was talking about early on, perhaps he/she is the replacement of the other child who we killed…), consider here all the other things that you own in your life, and then finally tally all the costs to our “happiness” in an excel spread sheet…How sad, for the knowledge of this exploitation is what makes our lives valuable… Yet, for some people all this material abundance has not resulted in an abundance of happiness.

… the price of our happiness…or wait…wasn’t there someone who said there is no price tag on happiness…mmmmm


Forumium maestatis
Re: The price of our happiness.

po, sidomos kur per te arritur tek lumturia te duhet avion, tren, autobuz, furgon, makine, gjera qe edhe pse punojne me nafte te afrojne me njerez.
disa do te kenaqeshin me cheap love dhe do te rremonin perqark, te tjere do te kerkonin priceless happiness, per te cilen do te paguanin cdo lloj cmimi...


Forumium maestatis
Re: The price of our happiness.

Medalja ka dy jemi thjesht ne gjendje te bejme nje zgjedhje midis dy aneve te saj.per te qene i lumtur nuk do shume ,por pikerisht eshte ana tjeter e medaljes ajo qe te ben te mendohesh dy se vertete lumturia do ishte e thjeshte e arritshme a do ta kerkonim sic e kerkojme ne gjithe boten.Njerezit lene gjithcka pas dore per te arritur dashurine.gjithcka ka nje kosto oportune te lene pas,nje alternative me te mire nga e cila eshte hequr dore.ndonjehere na duhet te dorezojme kaq shume nga vetja thjesht per tu ndjere mire.Pyetja qe kemi eshte a ja vlen e gjitha kjo?Sa do te me kushtoje e gjitha kjo?te gjithe ne e masim koston e lumturise sipas asaj qe kemi hequr dore per ta patur.nuk eshte vetem per kete ndjesi,eshte per te gjitha ndjesite,deshirat,kenaqesite qe njeriu kerkon te kete ne jete.Nje here kam pare nje film,ku i jati merr doktorin e djalit te vet peng per te operuar djalin qe do i vdiste vetem sepse skishte leke ta paguante.E gjitha kjo sepse ai si dhuronte dot djalit te vet lumturine,jeten ,dashurine.por e beri kete zgjedhje edhe pse do perfundonte ne burg pas kesaj,por ama edhe pse cmimi i lumturise per djalin e vet ishte i lart,ai e beri.eshte prind,do ta bente.keshtu funksionojne gjerat.cdo kush e mat lumturine me ate qe le pas me keqardhje ose jo.Ne fund te fundit gjithcka keshtu ecen.As parate se bejne njeriun e lumtur.dikur nje shoqe me ka thene.lumturine e arrin me kedo qe do,nuk jane parate qe do te te bejne te ndihesh me mire dhe eshte e vertete.gjeja me e tmerrshme eshte te mendosh se lumturine mund ta arrij me para.deri diku po,per te qene realiste,por kurre lumturine qe buron nga shpirti,lumturine qe te ben te te shpertheje shpirti dhe te te shkelqejne syte.eshte e veshtire te vesh cmime per gjene qe do me shume ne jete,njeriu kerkon gjithmone me shume sepse sdo asnjehere te mendoje se momentet e lutmurise se tij mbaruan pikerisht kur gjeti sekretin e saj.Nese do dinim sekretin e arritjes,cmimin e saj,sdo ta kerkonim kurre,jam e sigurt,kurre!