Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????


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Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

ej po kur futesh me boot disk kur particionet jan NTFS nuk dalin kurse kur jane FAT32 dalin .


Forumium maestatis
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Mbase nuk e kuptova une mire pyetjen tende! Do te formatosh nje volum NTFS per te bere nje instalim te ri, apo do te formatosh nje volum, ku nuk ke sistem operimi?
Ne rastin e pare, supozojme se C:/ eshte particioni qe do te formatosh! Pasi fut diskun dhe arrin ne momentin kur te shfaqen particionet, nuk ka rendesi cfare formati ka, jepi Delete ketij particioni! Me pas, do te te pyese ne c'lloj formati do ta formatosh particionin! Aty ke mundesine te zgjedhesh NTFS apo Fat! Ne rastin e dyte, kur do te formatosh nje particion, pa sistem operimi ne te, D:/ ku ke vetem lojra e muzike, shtyp mbi ikonen e particionit me te djathten dhe jepi format! Me duket se kjo funksionon nese dhe me pare ke patur NTFS ne kete particion!


Primus registratum
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Milanistii une s'jam i qarte fare, po kam pershtypjen boot disk do jete nje floppy qe punon nen Ms-Dos, dhe MS-DoS nuk suporton NTFS

Nqs nuk ke njohurite e duhura per te bere formatimin nga CD i Windows XP ose 2000, gjate instalimit, te keshilloj te perdoresh Partition Magic 8, programin qe instalohet nen Windows, dhe ta besh qe aty.


Primus registratum
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Do t'ju lutesha shume qe te mos jepni pergjigje te kota te tipit: "nuk e di", "Sjam kam idene"..etj etj
Nese nuk keni ide per zgjidhjen e problemit te parashtruar ketu beni mire te mos pergjigjeni fare.

Per te bere formatimin ose me sakte per te menaxhuar particione NTFS mund te perdoren Partition Utility nja nga te cilet eshte Partition Magic qe thote dhe XHaXHi_ELi.

Ne rastet e sistemeve Windows 2000 Server ose 2003 Server ku PQ8 nuk punon, mund te perdoresh Acronis PartitionExpert.


Primus registratum
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Milanistii une s'jam i qarte fare, po kam pershtypjen boot disk do jete nje floppy qe punon nen Ms-Dos, dhe MS-DoS nuk suporton NTFS

po ke te drejte boot disk eshte ajo qe thua ti.mund te me shpjegosh pak si ta formatoj.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Ok Milanisto! Po e shpjegoj si e bej une kete pune! Nese do te formatosh ne sistemin NTFS, do te thote qe ke Win2000 ose ndonje version me larte! Vendos ne CD-ROm diskun e instalimit te Windowsit dhe ne momentin qe kerkon te boot-osh me CD shtyp Enter! Do te filloje boot-imi me disk! Ne nje moment te caktuar te pyet nese do te besh upgrade apo do te instalosh nje fresh copy te programit! Zgjidh kete te dyten! ME pas do te pyetesh ne cfare particioni do te instalosh!Shiko cfare opsionesh te dalin dhe zgjidh te fshish particioni perpara se te instalosh! Do te pyetesh me cfare lloj formati do ta besh formatimin, zgjidh NTFS! Me pas cakto dhe cfare madhesie do te kete particioni i sapokrijuar! Keto hapa jane! Nese ngaterrova rradhen e ndonje hapi, perpiqu dhe ti pak vete! Ndryshe nuk meson! Haj, na thuaj si vajti perpjekja!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Pasi ke futur diskun windows xp qe ka perbrenda dhe butin, mjafton te ecesh sipas hapave qe ajo vete te thote deri sa te arrish ne tabelen qe ke kater opsione te detyrueshme

Format NTFS Quick
Format NTFS
Format FAT32 Quick
Format FAT32

zgjidh o te paren ose te dyten dhe je ne rregull...


Primus registratum
Re: Si formatohet nje particion NTFS????

Fillimisht postuar nga milanistii:
[qb] Milanistii une s'jam i qarte fare, po kam pershtypjen boot disk do jete nje floppy qe punon nen Ms-Dos, dhe MS-DoS nuk suporton NTFS

po ke te drejte boot disk eshte ajo qe thua ti.mund te me shpjegosh pak si ta formatoj. [/qb]
Kjo eshte ne Alglisht mare nga nje liber
TuneUP Your PC.

Nje shtese,me sa di Formati behet perpara se
te instalosh nje Window me te avancuar(por nejse)..

Formatting a drive makes it ready to receive files and folders you want to store there.
It also wiper out any exsting files and folders on the drive,so you shoud reformat only after you remove evrything from the drive that you want to keep.

To format a drive,use the FORMAT command at the command prompt,as descrideb in the following steps.

1-)Restart your PC using the startup disk(unless you just did so at the and of the preceding steps)
A message appears like this:(The diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to the drive D.)

Make note of which drive letter appears in this message.

2-)Type the leter that was in the message,followed by a colon,and press Enter.
For example,type D:and pres Enter.

The starup disk has more utilities on it than can normally fit on a single floppy.
They are stored there in compressed format.When you start the PC using the startup disk,it creates a virtual disk out of part of your system's memory(also called a RAM disk)and decompresses some of the utilities onto it.It assings the next available drive letter to the RAM disk after accounting for your hard disk(s).So if you have a single hard disk C,the RAM disk is D.Make a note of the onscreen message to see what drive letter your RAM disk uses.

3-)Type format c: and press Enter.A warning appears that all data will be lost.

4-)Type Y press Enter to confirm.The drive formatting process begins.

5-)Wait for the drive to be formatted.It can take sevaral minutes.(Larger disk take long).

6-)When you see a prompt for a volume laber,enter one(up to 11 chapters)and press Enter,or if you don't want one,just press Enter.


The volume laber is the name that appears under the drive's icon in Windows.It is not critical;you can skip entering one if you want by simply pressing Enter.