shym urgjente dsh,please heeeelp
kjo eshte detyra finale.u mundova ca po ahah,asgje spo me vinte ne koke.po pati mundesi ndonjeri nga ju per te me dhene pergjigje do ja kem per nder tere jeten
1. Write a program that will create a class of student having 4 data members: name, age, stuid, and gpa.
2. The member functions will be show, get, default constructor, find, remove, lookup, and an overloaded consturctor.
3. Use the menu class to interface with the user.
4. Allow the user to create student objects and store them in an array of student pointers.
5. The menu selections should be: show all of the students whose addresses is stored in the array, create a new student, lookup a student, and remove a student.
6. Use the overloaded constructor to create three students when the program begins to run and store their addresses in the array.
7. Fomat the output so that if the user inputs a gpa of 3 it will be displayed as 3.00.
8. Use tabular output.
9. Use error checking for the age and gpa.
me duhen para te martes,nese mundeni ti beni....
kjo eshte detyra finale.u mundova ca po ahah,asgje spo me vinte ne koke.po pati mundesi ndonjeri nga ju per te me dhene pergjigje do ja kem per nder tere jeten
1. Write a program that will create a class of student having 4 data members: name, age, stuid, and gpa.
2. The member functions will be show, get, default constructor, find, remove, lookup, and an overloaded consturctor.
3. Use the menu class to interface with the user.
4. Allow the user to create student objects and store them in an array of student pointers.
5. The menu selections should be: show all of the students whose addresses is stored in the array, create a new student, lookup a student, and remove a student.
6. Use the overloaded constructor to create three students when the program begins to run and store their addresses in the array.
7. Fomat the output so that if the user inputs a gpa of 3 it will be displayed as 3.00.
8. Use tabular output.
9. Use error checking for the age and gpa.
me duhen para te martes,nese mundeni ti beni....