Quentin Tarantino


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Quentin Tarantino

MR. PINK: "Like a Virgin" is all about a girl who digs a guy with a big **** . The whole song is a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. BLUE: No it's not. It's about a girl who is very vulnerable and she's been fucked over a few times. Then she meets some guy who's really sensitive--

MR. PINK: --Whoa... whoa... time out Greenbay. Tell that ******** to the tourists. It's not about a nice girl who meets a sensitive boy. Now granted that's what "True Blue" is about, no argument about that.

MR. ORANGE: Which one is "True Blue?"

NICE GUY EDDIE: You don't remember "True Blue?" That was a big *** hit for Madonna. Shit, I don't even follow this Tops In Pops shit, and I've at least heard of "True Blue."

MR. ORANGE: Look, ******* , I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked was how does it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest Madonna fan.

MR. BROWN: I hate Madonna.

MR. BLUE: I like her early stuff. You know, "Lucky Star," "Borderline" - but once she got into her "Papa Don't Preach" phase, I don't know, I tuned out.

MR. PINK: Hey, **** all that, I'm making a point here. You're gonna make me lose my train of thought.

MR. PINK: Where was I?

MR. ORANGE: You said "True Blue" was about a nice girl who finds a sensitive fella. But "Like a Virgin" was a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. PINK: Let me tell ya what "Like a Virgin"'s about. It's about some cooze who's a regular **** machine. I mean all the time, morning, day, night, afternoon, **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** .

MR. BLUE: How many dicks was that?

MR. WHITE: A lot.

MR. PINK: Then one day she meets a John Holmes ************ , and it's like, whoa baby. This mother fucker's like Charles Bronson in "The Great Escape." He's diggin tunnels. Now she's gettin this serious **** action, she's feelin something she ain't felt since forever. Pain. It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt. Her ***** should be Bubble-Yum by now. But when this cat fucks her, it hurts. It hurts like the first time. The pain is reminding a **** machine what is was like to be a virgin. Hence, "Like a Virgin."


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino



Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

S'kam cfare te them. 4 Filma,4 Kulte,njeri me i mire se tjetri.

the hitman

Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

Fillimisht postuar nga LiquidSnake:
[qb] MR. PINK: "Like a Virgin" is all about a girl who digs a guy with a big **** . The whole song is a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. BLUE: No it's not. It's about a girl who is very vulnerable and she's been fucked over a few times. Then she meets some guy who's really sensitive--

MR. PINK: --Whoa... whoa... time out Greenbay. Tell that ******** to the tourists. It's not about a nice girl who meets a sensitive boy. Now granted that's what "True Blue" is about, no argument about that.

MR. ORANGE: Which one is "True Blue?"

NICE GUY EDDIE: You don't remember "True Blue?" That was a big *** hit for Madonna. Shit, I don't even follow this Tops In Pops shit, and I've at least heard of "True Blue."

MR. ORANGE: Look, ******* , I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked was how does it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest Madonna fan.

MR. BROWN: I hate Madonna.

MR. BLUE: I like her early stuff. You know, "Lucky Star," "Borderline" - but once she got into her "Papa Don't Preach" phase, I don't know, I tuned out.

MR. PINK: Hey, **** all that, I'm making a point here. You're gonna make me lose my train of thought.

MR. PINK: Where was I?

MR. ORANGE: You said "True Blue" was about a nice girl who finds a sensitive fella. But "Like a Virgin" was a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. PINK: Let me tell ya what "Like a Virgin"'s about. It's about some cooze who's a regular **** machine. I mean all the time, morning, day, night, afternoon, **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** , **** .

MR. BLUE: How many dicks was that?

MR. WHITE: A lot.

MR. PINK: Then one day she meets a John Holmes ************ , and it's like, whoa baby. This mother fucker's like Charles Bronson in "The Great Escape." He's diggin tunnels. Now she's gettin this serious **** action, she's feelin something she ain't felt since forever. Pain. It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt. Her ***** should be Bubble-Yum by now. But when this cat fucks her, it hurts. It hurts like the first time. The pain is reminding a **** machine what is was like to be a virgin. Hence, "Like a Virgin." [/qb]
LiquidSnake ke bere ca gabime! Ne kete dialog mahnites,fantastik,mbreselenes,ne vend te Mr.Pink(Steve Buscemi) duhet te kishe vene Mr.Brown(Quentin Tarantino).Ne disa raste te tjera ne vend te Mr.Blue(Eddie Bunker) duhet te kishe shkruajtur Mr.Blonde(Michael Madsen),.Blonde(Michael Madsen),etj.Ke bo i cik rremuje,megjithate ideja ishte e bukur.

Quentin Tarantino eshte gjeni i lindur,i pakrahasueshem,i paarritshem,aq me teper po te mendosh qe ai nuk ka studiuar ndonjehere kinematografi.Eshte gjithshka fryt i talentit,punes dhe dashurise qe ai si "diletant" gjenial ushqente per artin


Re: Quentin Tarantino

Filmat e Tarantinos kane gjithmone dicka me shume, gjithmone fantazia e shfrenuar e bejne ndryshe nga te tjeret kete personazh.
Tragjirealizmi ne shumicen e filmave te tij eshte i tjeter faktor qe e ben unik.
Mua personalisht me pelqejne filmat: "Reservoire dogs", "American history X" edhe se fundmi "Kill Bill" Vol 1 & 2


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

C'te shkruash me?keta m'i moren fjalet per tarantinon :smash:
Megjithate s'ke c,ti shash se eshte i paarritshem. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

Dicka nuk kuptoj une!
Filmi me i fundit i tij:Hero!
Mire qe eshte i teri ne kinezce,po nuk kuptoj se ku e ka horrorrin!Eshte i realizuar ne menyre fantastike,Ka ngjyra te hatashme,ka efekte speciale te mahnitshme!Po ngjarja e gjuha te lene per te deshiruar!Dhe me e bukura eshte se ne funt te filmit,ne records nuk eshte emri i tij fare! /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

eshte prodhim i tiji, jo ide mesa di ky i fundit.

po quentin djali eshte i Veçante, se zgjedh mbi te gjitha muzike te veçante per filmat e vet. e nderthur situaten me muziken qe te knoq.


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino is my favourite motherfu.cker! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Pa shaka,ai eshte nje kineast jashtezakonisht i talentuar,duke pasur parasysh qe nuk ka kryer studime kinematografie.Punet e tij te fillimit ishin shkrirja e dhuntise se tij unike,qe me pas sikur shteroi.Dialogjet,kolonat zanore,aktoret,skenaret,etj gjithcka ishte zgjedhur ne menyre perfekte atehere.Keto filmat e tij te fundit me kane lene pa fjale.Nuk mund ta besoj qe eshte Quentin Tarantino i "Pulp Fiction" dhe "Reservoir Dogs" regjisori i "Kill Bill" apo "Hero".Nuk me kane pelqyer fare,prisja dicka tjeter,kuptohet.Mbeta i shume i zhgenjyer!


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

dicka nuk kuptoj une!
Filmi me i fundit i tij:Hero!
Mire qe eshte i teri ne kinezce,po nuk kuptoj se ku e ka horrorrin!Eshte i realizuar ne menyre fantastike,Ka ngjyra te hatashme,ka efekte speciale te mahnitshme!Po ngjarja e gjuha te lene per te deshiruar!Dhe me e bukura eshte se ne funt te filmit,ne records nuk eshte emri i tij fare!
Arsyeja eshte se nuk eshte film i Tarantinos!As skenari nuk eshte i tiji!


Re: Quentin Tarantino

HERO nje film koti,vetem efeskte speciale JO TE PA PARA,sekuenca qe zgjatin e zgjatin e zgjatin,dialogje te lodhshme ne kode nderi kinez...Me ka palos nja tre here gjumi ne kinema gjate ketij filmit:(

-s'me kish ndodh ndonje her :eek:


Primus registratum
Re: Quentin Tarantino

Hero film i Tarantinos??????????????????????????
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Shume shume gabim.....Per ata qe akoma nuk e dine Tarantino ka bere vetem 4 filma
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill (Vol 1,2)
dhe ka bere sebashku me Robert Rodriguez skenaret e From Dusk Till Dawn 1,2,3