Problem në CuteFTP client - 01/20/03


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Problem në CuteFTP client - 01/20/03

According to Secunia -at - a vulnerability has been discovered in the CuteFTP 5.0 XP client, which could allow arbitrary
code to be run on the affected computer.

This security flaw lies in the fact that CuteFTP does not correctly check input data. When listing directories using the LIST command, the plication
expects a response of no more than 256 bytes. If a bigger response is returned, this causes a buffer overflow.

This vulnerability could be exploited to allow arbitrary code to be run on the affected computer.


Re: Problem në CuteFTP client - 01/20/03

shif adresen e hostit a e venos tamam apo jo> SE psh tek lycos host adresa futet
me kupton? Ose hosti ku je rregjistruar tu mund te jete me Browse jo me ftp