Re: Perseri per linux
dea_alb. Nuk eshte dhe aq ceshtje distribucioni Linux sesa X server (display server). Nese eshte hera e pare ose je ne fillimet e Linux OS, duhet te ngulitesh ne mendje qe NUK ka instalim driverash ne meyren alla Windows. Disa distribucione e emulojne kete gje (per kete me te miret qe kam pare jane SuSE 8.0 dhe RedHat 8.0) dhe bejne autodedeksion te video hardware, por asgje me shume se aq sepse thjesht zgjedhin driver-in e duhur nga depozita e madhe e X (konkretisht X-Free 86)
Atje kishte kete informacion:
Support (accelerated) for the NV1, Riva 128, 128ZX, TNT, TNT2 (Ultra, Vanta, M64), GeForce (DDR, 256) and Quadro is provided by the XF86_SVGA server and the nv driver.
Support (accelerated) for the Riva 128, 128ZX, TNT, TNT2 (Ultra, Vanta, M64), GeForce (DDR, 256), Quadro, GeForce2 (GTS, Ultra, MX), GeForce3, and Quadro2 is provided by the "nv" driver.
All chipsets supported in 3.3.6 except the NV1 are also supported in 4.2.1. Support for the newer chips listed above (starting with the GeForce2) is available only in 4.2.1.
ose shihe nje here vete tek:
Megjithate mendoj se ke pak rruge per te bere dhe pak nerva per te testuar. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif
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