Patentat Software


Pan ignoramus
Patentat Software

Software-Patents in Europe: The threat prevails

Soon the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers will again decide about the legalisation and adoption of so-called software patents in Europe, which are already used by large companies in other countries to put competitors out of business. This can lead to the termination of many software projects such as KNOPPIX, at least within Europe, because the holders of the over 30,000 already granted software patents (currently without a legal foundation) can claim exclusive rights and collect license fees for trivial things like progress bars, mouseclicks on online order forms, scrolling within a window and similar. That way, software developers will have to pay the software-patentholders for using these features, even in their own, completely self-developed applications, which can completely stall the development of innovative software for small and medium companies. Apart from this, the expense for patent inquiries and legal assistence is high, for even trying to find out if the self-developed software is possibly violating software-patents, if you want to continue to market your software. Contrary to real patents, software-patents are, in the draft proposed by the commission, monopolization of business ideas and methods, even without any tangible technical implementation.

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Primus registratum
Re: Patentat Software

Megjithese e lexova prape s'e morra vesh se c'ishte kjo 'software patent'. Ju qe merrni vesh Inglisht ma explain pak?


Forumium praecox
Re: Patentat Software

/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif pritet nga autori i temes te behet perkthimi i teksit, ku dhe anetaret e tjere mund te diskutojne e te japin mendime. Rregull ky i cili eshte ne krye te kushteve te perdorimit:

Pika 1: Gjuha kryesore e Albforumit është shqipja.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Patentat Software

(Zemer Tingulli, po as une s'eshte se merrem me programim te rangut te tille o burre i dheut /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

"Patentat Software" ne Europe: rreziku vazhdon

Se shpejti Parlamenti Europian dhe Keshilli i ministrave do te vendosin perseri per legjislacionin dhe adoptimin e te ashtuquajturave "patenta software" ne Europe, te cilat ne disa shtete te tjera ka kohe qe jane ne perdorim per mbajtjen e konkurences jashte tregut. Nje situate e tille do te conte ne "vdekjen" e shume projekteve ekzistues, si psh KNOPPIX (shenim i perkthyesit: nje version live-demo i Linux), te pakten ne Europe, per arsyen se mbajtesit e rreth 30 000 "patentave software" te leshuara (aktualisht pa kurrfare baze ligjore) do te jene ne gjendje te kerkojne te drejta autori dhe te kerkojne taksa licensash per gjera te thjeshta sic mund te jene "progress bar", "klikim mouse neper faqet e aplikimeve online", "scroll (rreshqitje) brenda te njejtes dritare" dhe te ngjashme me keto. Ne nje situate te tille cdokush qe merret me zhvillim software do te jete i detyruar t'i paguaje "mbajtesit te licenses" nje takse perdorimi per keto veprime/teknika, madje dhe ne programet qe ata zhvillojne krejtesisht vete, nje situate e cila mund te sjelle nje ngecje ne vend te zhvillimit dhe aplikimit te software te rinj dhe me ide te reja per kompanite e vogla dhe te mesme. Pervec kesaj, kostoja per patentimet dhe ndihmes ligjore te rastit eshte e larte, sikur vetem te merret parasysh perpjekja per te vendosur nese nje aplikacion i zhvilluar vete eshte duke shkelur apo jo ndonje te drejte autori ose bie ne kundershtim me ndonje "patente software", gjithmone nese synohet vazhdimesia per shitjen e aplikacionit ne fjale. Ne kundershtim me patentat reale, "patentat software" jane (sipas nje dokumentacion-kandidat nga komisioni) monopolizim i menyrave dhe ideve te biznesit, pa qene e nevojshme te kete fare implementim teknik.

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