Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?


Primus registratum
Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

Mire dita te gjitheve.

Une jam duke kerkuar nje program muzikor qe mundem ti kethej formatet nga .ram, .rm etj etj. ne .mp3 nese dikush e din ndonje program te tille me tregoni.



Primus registratum
Re: Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

Une shkarkova kete program mirepo ky program nuk i pranon formatet .rm .ram A dini ndonje program tjeter??


Primus registratum
Re: Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

Pervoje edhe njehere pasi nuk ka mundesi...
Ky i imi i pranon formatet Wav,rm,ra,cda...

Furor Aquila

Primus registratum
Re: Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

If you want to record streaming sound (ex. from real player) to mp3 you can use Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder or Easy mp3 recorder. These programs directly record sound coming out of your sound card at the same quality. As for the Streambox Ripper an older version should do the job. I had the same trouble as you did till I found out about Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder and Easy mp3 recorder. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

Ne shqip te lutem se jo te gjithe e flasin kaq bukur Anglishten si ti dhe nuk te kuptojme....


Primus registratum
Re: Pak ndihme ne qoft se ka mundesi?

Mos kujtoni se kenget se kenget do kene cilesi te mire?!
Po ju them une qe nuk degjohen mire hic.