Oracle/Sun - Eksperienca


Pan ignoramus
Besoj jeni ne dijeni te perralles "Na ishte nje here nje kompani qe quhej Sun Microsystems" dhe tere eposin e produkteve te tij: Solaris, StarOffice, hardware SPARC dhe SPARC-II, etj.

Shume e shume veta, qe shume heret filluan menjehere te planifikojne nderrimin (lexo braktisjen) e cdo produkti Sun apo varesie te nje produkti Sun. Kalimi i teknologjive Sun nen duart e Oracle u prit shume keq, per shumicen (ku nuk perfshihen sektoret manaxhues te korporatave) fjala "Oracle" eshte ekuivalente me "Djall".

Une hasa sot ne kete koment te dikujt qe flet nga eksperienca lidhur me kete gje:

We're officially a fairly big customer - somewhere north of 800 Sun servers, if I were to guess. Add another hundred workstations or so, and we're pushing about a thousand machines running Solaris, many of them running Sun apps of one sort or another.
Oracle changed the terms of our software support to the tune of a 500% increase. That's right, they want us to pay SIX TIMES as much for support! We lost all of our training credits overnight (About $100k in training dollars). Our hardware support costs have gone up substantially as well, so we're getting rid of our full-time onsite tech. (with the money we're saving by getting rid of the onsite Sun guy, we're going to hire two hardware techs of our own who are qualified/allowed to work on ALL of our gear, and still have cash left over.)
We are planning to migrate away from all Sun/Oracle applications by the end of the current support contract. Even the groups that were using Oracle Database before this are being strongly encouraged to look elsewhere for solutions.
Ours isn't an isolated case. The general feeling in the Sun customer community is that they're standing on a sinking ship, flailing at the floorboards with an axe to make it go down even faster. Every Sun software product is now in the 'legacy' section of Oracle's (disastrous!!!) website. Contracts have gone from three pages to 500, due to the lack of blanket terms. Oracle is TRYING to piss off their "Sun" customers as much as possible, and are succeeding. Oracle Solaris is going to lose more than 70% of its purchase-time market share by the end of 2013. Separate products (iPlanet, Directory Server, StarOffice, etc.) will all be shot through the head.

A ka prekur ndokend prej jush blerja e Sun nga Oracle? A dini ndonje rast konkret te influencuar nga kjo gje dhe nese po, cfare mund te thoni per kete gje?


Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox
Ja pse duhen përdorur dhe përkrahur programet e lira. Mjafton të zëvendësosh kompaninë e mësipërme viktimë me një shtet apo një ent publik, për të parë se si janë mjelë paratë e taksapaguesve dhe se si robërohet krejt infrastruktura e një shteti, e ministrive të tij, e universiteteve dhe shkollave, e spitaleve, e institucioneve.
Nëse nevojat kompjuterike i mbulon me software të lirë, kodi i hapur të lejon të gjesh zgjidhje në raste situatash katastrofale si më sipër.
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