Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D


Primus registratum
Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

Kur double-click per te hapur Lokal Disk D me shfaqet tabela
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dhe me kerkon te zgjedh programin me ane te te cilit une mund ta hap.

Mund te me jepni nje pergjigje si ta rikthej ne gjendjen e meparshme qe local disk D te hapet direkte me double-click


Pan ignoramus
Re: Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

Mua me ka ndodhur 2 here nje gje e tille madje jo vetem per disk D por edhe per C dhe nje tjeter E qe kisha. Shkaktohej prej nje virusi. Shume antiviruse atehere nuk e njihnin fare dhe pas shume provash dhe tentativash gjeta nje qe e hoqi, me duket nje version i Kaspersky antivirus.


Re: Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

Shkarko kete programin ComboFix dhe instaloje ne PC. E pastaj ndiq proceduren.


Re: Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

Ose ne kete menyre. Nqs merr vesh anglisht, vetesherbehu /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

To correct and solve this error, follow this steps:

1. Run Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del or right click on Taskbar)
2. Stop wscript.exe process if available by highlighting the process name and clicking End Process.
3. Then terminate explorer.exe process.
4. In Task Manager, click on File -> New Task (Run…).
5. Type “cmd” (without quotes) into the Open text box and click OK.
6. Type the following command one by one followed by hitting Enter key:

del c:\autorun.* /f /s /q /a
del d:\autorun.* /f /s /q /a
del e:\autorun.* /f /s /q /a

c, d, e each represents drive letters on Windows system. If there are more drives or partitions available, continue to command by altering to other drive letter. Note that you must also clean the autorun files from USB flash drive or portable hard disk as the external drive may also be infected.
7. In Task Manager, click on File -> New Task (Run…).
8. Type “regedit” (without quotes) into the Open text box and click OK.
9. Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
10. Check if the value name and value data for the key is correct (the value data of userint.exe include the path which may be different than C drive, which is also valid, note also the comma which is also needed):


If the value is incorrent, modify it to the valid value data.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

Provo ndonje antispyware...

si psh. doctorspyware...

e kam testuar vete


Forumium praecox
Re: Nuk hap dot LOCAL DISK D

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: klejla</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Kur double-click per te hapur Lokal Disk D me shfaqet tabela
Open with....
dhe me kerkon te zgjedh programin me ane te te cilit une mund ta hap.

Mund te me jepni nje pergjigje si ta rikthej ne gjendjen e meparshme qe local disk D te hapet direkte me double-click

Kjo gje shkaktohet nga viruset. Ndiq si me poshte me kujdes qe ta pastrosh kompjuterin te pakten nga ky virus.

Perderisa viruset ne te shumten e rasteve shumohen duke ruajtur nje kopje ne &quot;SYSTEM RESTORE&quot; sygjerohet qe para se te ndiqni hapat e meposhtem te fikni &quot;SYSTEM RESTORE&quot; dhe te pastroni cdo &quot;RESTORE POINT&quot; te ruajtur ne kompjuter.

1- Shko te kjo faqe:

2- Shkarko programin:
PRT v2.5.0.3 - Perlovga Removal Tool

3- RESTART dhe Boot ne &quot;SAFE MODE&quot; me ane te &quot;F8&quot;

4- Egzekutoje programin &quot;PRT&quot; me te drejta si Administrator

5- RESTART perseri

besoj pas kesaj duhet te punoj ne rregull.