Nje arsye pse duhet vleresuar Linux / Torvalds shtyn leshimin e Kernelit 3.0 per nje bug te rregullu


Still here
Po lexoja qe dalja e kernelit te ri 3.0 eshte vonuar pasi pak ore para publikimit ishte gjetur dhe bere patch nje bug qe kishte te bente me sistemin e skedareve. Disa skedare rezultonin te zhdukur kur ata ekzistonin, por ne nje rast teper te rralle.
Ajo qe me beri pershtypje eshte njoftimi i L. Torvalds. Ne nje teme Google+ ai shkruan:
Why do we always find the subtle bugs just before a release?

Looks like I won't be releasing 3.0 today, just because Hugh found this incredibly subtle pathname lookup bug. We have a patch, we understand the problem, and it looks ObviouslyCorrect(tm), but I don't think I want to release 3.0 just a couple of hours after applying it.

Of course, the bug is so hard to see that Hugh needs weeks to reproduce it even with his stress test, so we could just ignore it and backport the fix later. But I really hate making releases with known issues even if it's almost certainly a "nobody will ever hit this in practice" issue.

Oh well.

Megjithese bug eshte dicka qe ndoshta nuk mund te haset pothuaj kurre, megjithese e kane bere patch, per te qene te sigurt, po e vonojne! Perfeksionizmi duhet kerkuar deri ne fund!