ndihme o popull


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ndihme o popull

Tani kam bere format ne hard disk kam vendosur Windows XP Pro iki ne cfaredo chat me kerkon te instaloj JAVA por me percjell ne Microsoft Update gje qe nuk dua te shkoj sepse ne kontrollin qe do beje <<Update>> do shikoje se do jete i jashteligjshem se nuk jane origjinale sistemi kooperues
Ndonje mendje si mund ti behet kush ka ndonje mendim do i jam mirenjohes

Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox
Re: ndihme o popull

Provo njëherë të shkarkosh JRE drejtpërsëdrejti prej www.sun.com dhe ta instalosh në makinën tënde.
Nuk kam idenë se si mund të reagojë XP pas këtij hapi, (nuk e njoh XP fare, veçse si emër). Po qe se edhe pas kësaj të kërkon update, provo të çaktivizosh update diku brenda Windows-it. E nëse prapë të bie në qafë...nyja që nuk zgjidhet, pritet.


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Re: ndihme o popull

ne radhe te pare falimnderit per shpjegimet shume mire nje gje te tille kisha ndermend dhe une te shkarkoj JAVA nga www.sun.com se dhe ne vende te tjere qe kam pyetur me kane dhene te njejten pergjigje po desha ta shtroj nje here ne albforum se desha te sigurohem ate do bej ekziston nje file rreth 30 Mb po cfare te bejme durim
Dhe nje here falimnderit dhe kur ta instaloj do ju them dhe perfundimin


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Re: ndihme o popull

po ku jetoni ju mer daje, ndryshohet kur te dush numri i winxp dhe bohet sagllom. una dit per dit boj update dhe nuk kom pagu asi lek per xp.

ps. mjafton qe te vendoset si serial nje qe fillon me numer dhe jo me shkronje.


Primus registratum
Re: ndihme o popull

Jo vetem qe duhet te skarikosh SDK 1.4 por duhet qe te kesh kujdes dhe lidhur me JVM sepse WinXP vendos ne path Virtual Machine te Windows qe nuk eshte praktikisht e njejta gje si ajo e JAVAs. Nese i be update do te marresh ato pislluqet e Microsoft-it panvarsisht nga fakti nese e ke apo jo "te crackuar" XP tende

pacFat plako


Primus registratum
Re: ndihme o popull

Mund te jete e gjitha se nuk eshte hequr opsioni i update i Win ne automatik.
per ta hequr shkohet te paneli i kontrollit, atje eshte nje ikone per update automaike, hape dhe hiqe qe aty opsionin. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forumium praecox
Re: ndihme o popull

Fillimisht postuar nga *Shqipe*:
[qb] Mund te jete e gjitha se nuk eshte hequr opsioni i update i Win ne automatik.
per ta hequr shkohet te paneli i kontrollit, atje eshte nje ikone per update automaike, hape dhe hiqe qe aty opsionin. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif [/qb]
Shkurt, sakt, bukur. Madje ne fund te shkel edhe syrin.. papapapapapa



Primus registratum
Re: ndihme o popull

Sugjerimet e kolegeve jane te sakta, por qe ti te mos instalosh gabimisht JVM e Microsoft(qe eshte kopja me e shemtuar e Java te Sun) kur Win XP ben update, mjafton qe tek My Computer ne desktop, right-click dhe zgjidh Properties, tek dritarja qe te hapet, kliko tek Automatic Updates, dhe zgjidh opcionin qe te lejon ty te zgjedhesh se cfare update te instalosh, pa hyre automatikisht.

Besnik Bleta

Forumium praecox
Re: ndihme o popull

Mbase do kishte interes lidhur me subjektin e këtushëm:

"Then there are the really nasty deviations from global standards that Microsoft has deliberately introduced to sabotage interoperability and freedom of choice. Take HTML and Java for example. The Frontpage web editor, the IIS webserver and the various backend E-commerce products all generate proprietary extensions to HTML and scripting languages that only Internet Explorer on Windows will handle correctly, and renders all other web browsers and platforms unusable. The same goes for Java support: Microsoft Java does not follow the Java specifications. Again this means that applets in this particular dialect can only be executed by Microsoft's own Java engine on Windows. Yet Microsoft used the Java label for products that were incompatible with the Java standard. This caused Sun to file suit. Microsoft then dropped the global Java standard entirely and now only supports their own Java dialect. The net result of this whole procedure is that Microsoft web server products and development tools generate code that needs Windows, Internet Exporer and the Microsoft Java engine at the user end in order to work properly."

Support for the platform-independent Java programming language on the other hand has been dropped entirely from Windows XP, which leaves only Microsoft's own scripting and language support. Microsoft claimed that this was done in response to legal actions from Sun, but in truth the legal agreements allow them to ship Java with their products for several years to come -- provided they follow the Java standard. Rather than doing this, Redmond's marketeers decided to remove Java from Windows XP entirely. Even Microsoft hasn't been able to explain how this benefits the user community. First they attempted to corrupt Java by creating their own incompatible variety, but Sun filed suit and won. Under the conditions of that legal settlement, Microsoft was forbidden to ship their own incompatible product and call it Java, but they were allowed to support 'pure' Java. In an open letter to their customers, Microsoft claimed that "Sun resorted to litigation to stop Microsoft from shipping a high performance Java virtual machine that took optimal advantage of Windows" and that "Sun's idea of choice is that you can have any language you want, as long as it is Sun's version of Java under Sun's control." So now Microsoft tries to kill of Java (and platform independence) by removing Java support from Windows. After accusing Sun of restrictive policies, they now allow their own customers to use only Microsoft's version of Java under Microsoft's control. Of course the latter is available on Windows only, while Sun's Java may be implemented on any platform by any developer, provided that the Java standard is followed and compatibility issues are respected.


Primus registratum
Re: ndihme o popull

Ti falimnderit qe more mundimin te shkruaje <<ose te kopjoje>> ate text po ekziston nje problem i vockel nese une do dija aq shume anglisht sa per te arritur ta perktheja dhe ta kuptoja mbase do isha profesor po fatkeqesisht per mua eshte e pamundur
pastaj ate problem une e zgjidha sic kishit thene dhe ne postimet e meparshme rrugen per kete ceshtje bera Download nga www.sun.com dhe deri tani cdo gje ok dhe prape falimnderit per ndihmen qe me dhate