

Primus registratum

Lonely is not when I am sleeping, dreaming of having your baby, like last night. It is knowing it will never happen, knowing that I can never let it happen.

Lonely is not having no one knock on my door; It is having to undress myself when you are not around.

Lonely is not having to sit on the table and eat by myself. It is having my food prepared from people who get paid to do it. The food is loveless. Tasteless.

Lonely is not contemplating particular moments spent together; it is dreaming of our hopeless/absurd future.

Lonely is not wanting you from afar; it is not being with you when we are near.

Lonely is not being incapable to express what we really think in the back of our minds. It is being able to withhold what we most want to say. For we don't know how to say it. Still.

Lonely is not when I am not seeping in your bed, lying on my belly with arms and legs spread as if about to fly. It is when I fail to imagine all of its details--including the dust on the over-head light.

Lonely is not being unable to find the right words to describe how I feel; it is being unable to feel you.

Lonely is not when you rebuke me (no, this actually turns me on.) It is rather when you remain perfectly passive.

Lonely is not having you not know exactly how I think. It is rather not having you know what I think.

Lonely is not being alone; it is pursuing our quests--inherently solitary.

Lonely is not not having you share my bed, or even know how it looks; it is thinking that it's perhaps better for me that you don't.

Lonely is not missing you when I'm down and fearful. It is missing you when I'm high.

Lonely is not when I dance in front of my mirror, half-naked, to music you wouldn't like; it is dancing to trip-hop with overtly forward and sexy men while thinking of you.

Hyper Hot Hippy Hipparchia

Re: Lonely

i'm lonely lonely lonelyyyy
i'm lonely lonely in my lifeeee
i'm lonely lonely lonelyyyyy
god help me help me to surviveeeee

kshu thote grupi nana .. kshu mendoj edhe une /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Lara Croft
Re: Lonely

Think "alone" is not bad
Then only one person's pain
Only one person's guilt
Only one person's Shame, only me to blame
Only my tears to cry
Only my Fears to feel
Only my screams to hear
Only me to lose
Think "Alone" is not so bad
Better than going mad.


Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

Under the moonlight I catch myself listening
To the whispers that are my memories
Images pass across my recollection
Postcards from my past
A song plays on the radio
It is the soundtrack of my reminiscence
Looking out to the distant horizon
A flash of lighting showing reality
Storm clouds foretelling the approach of the storm
The road I travel on
An interstate without an exit
Only rest stops along the way to rest my weary eyes
When I close my eyes
I remember
The rearview mirror won’t let me forget
This road I travel has become my companion
My destination lies ahead in the distance
Billboards peering in the rearview mirror
Remind me where I’ve been
A tear stained map showing my direction
It is the road and there isn’t an exit


Forumium maestatis
Re: Lonely


Like a breath.
Or wind
Or the invisible air
The tide; yes
do not leave me
Stay, rest
I am here see me
Know that I see you
Do not be alone
When we can Be.



Re: Lonely

Sot ndjehem me vetem se gjithmone /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/blush.gif ,Valdi ti mos fol fare se e di ca do thuash.
Ju duket anormale qe nje dite te bukur te cohesh ne mengjes dhe te mos kesh deshire te shohesh asgje,te besh asgje,te degjosh asnjeri...
Te dalesh dhe te endesh vetem,vetmia te behet pjese e domosdoshme,ushqim...refuzim i atyre qe s'te pelqejne,i shperfill,te cingerisin nervat.vetmia te behet shok i kujtimeve qe me vete di ti mbaj vetem une,shkak idiot per te te larguar,krenari percelluese....
Do doja te kisha prane dike /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif !


Forumium praecox
Re: Lonely

ti vajze ke nevoje urgjente .... per

nje qen




Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

me gudulis qiellzen, thus, qesh, prova qe secili nga ne e ka nje muze. e pastaj per here te dyte gudusilem nga ideja qe muza eshte mese e ndryshueshme. ata qe nuk e ndryshojne ose jane dembele, ose nuk duan qe kulti i ngritur me aq mundim te rrezohet e t'ja fillojne prape nga fillimi. dmth, ose jane serish dembele, ose s'kane besim tek vetja.

te shkruash romantic crap si thote glam. is to scratch a surface that is itching, either because you want fast relief or because you don't want to/can't go deeper. Nothing wrong with helping oneself.

vec me vjen keq per ato muza qe kujtojne se jane te perjetshme.

per sa i perket vetmise, them se duhet pranuar si balancues.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Lonely

Hello mengjesi. And welcome back where the monitor is your ears and the keyboard your mouth.

Vetmine te tere e shohin nen driten e bindjeve dhe rrethanave te secilit individ ne vecanti. Dhe zgjidhjet gjithashtu i ofrojne sikush sipas menyres se vet, kush nen tingujt e nje muzike, kush nen shoqerine e nje gote birre, kush me nukes and shotguns, kush me watching people go by, kush me grabbing people that go by...
It's because it's different that it's beautiful.. nese e quajme dot vetmine beautiful. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."


Re: Lonely

Fillimisht postuar nga Stay Behind:
[qb]ti vajze ke nevoje urgjente .... per

nje qen


Not that kind of dog /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif !(ndonje qen i panjohur )!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Lonely

Fillimisht postuar nga mengjesi:
[qb]me gudulis qiellzen, thus, qesh, prova qe secili nga ne e ka nje muze. e pastaj per here te dyte gudusilem nga ideja qe muza eshte mese e ndryshueshme. ata qe nuk e ndryshojne ose jane dembele, ose nuk duan qe kulti i ngritur me aq mundim te rrezohet e t'ja fillojne prape nga fillimi. dmth, ose jane serish dembele, ose s'kane besim tek vetja.

te shkruash romantic crap si thote glam. is to scratch a surface that is itching, either because you want fast relief or because you don't want to/can't go deeper. Nothing wrong with helping oneself.

vec me vjen keq per ato muza qe kujtojne se jane te perjetshme.

per sa i perket vetmise, them se duhet pranuar si balancues.[/qb]
Ku je mi se u bere per mall, sot kisha ba ne men me i nis pm rrapes qe te bente nderlidhjen...
WB cuttie /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Evald kur flet nje medioker si ti se si me vjen, vetem se nuk dua te ndyj tastieren!

yeah you are hot babe, of your own thoughts.
Telling the truth is not enough. Many have already done so, many and more...


Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

Malet nen oqean jan me te vertete te habitshem. Por malet male ngelen, oqeani mund ti beje te padukshem por perseri s'mund tua ndryshoje dot karakterin. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

Hipparchia, very nice topic. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Une personalisht do doja te thoja qe gjerat duhen marre ne menyre me pozitive.
Disa njerez thone qe ne momentin e fundit para se te vdesesh, krejt jeta jote te shfaqet para syve, duke na kujtuar gjithcka qe kemi eksperimentuar, sikur do qe ne te reflektojme mbi te per here te fundit. Per shumicen prej nesh, jeta qe patem nuk ishte nje qe e gezuam.
Une besoj qe ne momentin e fundit ne nuk shohim jeten tone, por vete jeten. Si ne nje cope letre miqesore e perdorur ne forme "kujtuese" se cfare kemi po humbnim. Gjithashtu nje shtyrje te fundit nderkohe qe ishim poshte moralisht, per menyren se si e abuzuam ate. Edhe njehere, per shumicen nga ne, jeta ne toke nuk ka qene e kendshme dhe ky reflektim i fundit i lumtur na kujton ne per te.
Shume here arsyeja jone per te qene ne kete pozite... duke i qendruar jetes i ashper, nuk ka qene krejt vepra jone, por e te tjereve, indiferenca e te cileve krijoi kaq shume dhimbje.
Per ata qe kane qene trajtuar me doren e padrejte, vetem nje gje do te kete me te vertete rendesi ne fund te fundit... te jesh i afte te marresh dhuraten e fundit, te shohesh bukurine e vertete te jetes dhe ta lesh boten duke ndjere nxehtesine e saj.
Prandaj cdo moment jete duhet vleresuar, qofte edhe ai ne vetmi. Ne ato momente thjesht njeh veten dhe deshirat e tua me mire.
Shpesh shohim vetem njeren ane te historise, por nuk shohim ate tjetren, qe sikur te mos ishim vetem nuk do ti kishim provuar kurre ndjenjen e te munguarit te shume gjerave esenciale, qe kemi ne jete dhe nuk ia dime vleren...


Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

that is called selfishness!

You need to learn how to live a life that isn't centered around a constant search for something that might--or might not--satisfy. :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Lonely

Rrjeshtin e fundit qe Hipparchia harroi ta shkruaje.

Lonely is not when we are apart. lonely is when you come to my room, when you do everything just as i had wished for it, are the fullfillment of my every inner fantasy, AND I STILL FEEL LONELY.

Cuz you don't even exist you poor imaginary creature of my ego. You're just some made up image that i put together from scraps of magazines and books i read, you look like the people on "B.H. 90210". You cand breathe oxygen dear, or you'd die and wash away as i flush morning piss and backthroat spit.

Sorry for feeling lonely. It's just that i'm trying to make a career out of being a victim.
There's people around me, alive and beautiful, capable of loving and giving and sharing. But i'm just too fucking mad. And that goes for all the lonely little suckers of this topic here.

Don't worry, be lonely.