

Forumium praecox

Ekzistenca jone eshte e kushtezuar nga koha. Gjithcka kemi dhe gjithcka bejme kufizohet nga koha! Megjithate kujtesa eshte pertej cdo kushtezimi. Mund te mendosh qe je pershembull 14 vjec dhe te kthehesh me kujtime ne ate moshe, pa asnje kufizim. Do te thote qe une sot nuk jam X vjec, por jam nje pafundesi momentesh qe mbart kujtesa ime.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Koha

e preferuar per mua kjo poezi per kohen:

<span style="font-weight: bold">The Paradox of Time</span>
(A Variation on Ronsard)

&quot;Le temps s'en va, le lemps s'en va, ma dame!
Las! le temps non: mais NOUS nous en allons!&quot;

TIME goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go;
Or else, were this not so,
What need to chain the hours,
For Youth were always ours?
Time goes, you say?--ah no!

Ours is the eyes' deceit
Of men whose flying feet
Lead through some landscape low;
We pass, and think we see
The earth's fixed surface flee:--
Alas, Time stays,--we go!

Once in the days of old,
Your locks were curling gold,
And mine had shamed the crow.
Now, in the self-same stage,
We've reached the silver age;
Time goes, you say?--ah no!

Once, when my voice was strong,
I filled the woods with song
To praise your &quot;rose&quot; and &quot;snow&quot;;
My bird, that sang, is dead;
Where are your roses fled?
Alas, Time stays,--we go!

See, in what traversed ways,
What backward Fate delays
The hopes we used to know;
Where are our old desires?--
Ah, where those vanished fires?
Time goes, you say?--ah no!

How far, how far, O Sweet,
The past behind our feet
Lies in the even-glow!
Now, on the forward way,
Let us fold hands, and pray;
Alas, Time stays,--we go!
<span style="font-style: italic">
Austin Dobson</span>


Re: Koha

Kurse une kohen e kam si nje litar ne fyt.Sa me shume kalon koha aq me shume mjegull ka kujtesa ime,kuptoj se vitet kalojne kur kam veshtiresi ne kujtimin banal te nje vere adoleshence,apo te nje episodi femijerie.Nuk endem dot shtigjeve te 15 vjeteve me pare sepse kam humbur rrugen.Koha po fiton luften.