Re: Ironic!!!
Ironic.. mu kujtua nje episod qe e pata pare ne nje film.. ku ne nje komunitet po ndodhnin shume gjera te cuditshme, dhe te tera te keqiat me te medha i ndodhnin dikujt qe kishte besuar tere kohen, gjate gjithe jetes tek Zoti. Dikur nje mik i tij e pyeti:
"How comes, you are the most devoted man I have ever known, and still you receive no aknowledgement for what you do and believe? Aren't you tired?"
Ai i pergjigjet:
"You know, in the Bible there is a man called (s'e mbaj mend, sorry.. :| ). He spoke with God all his life, and God sent him to war. he went! He saw what few people could ever see, he wished he was not born. After many many years he came back, where he found his house ruined and after he asked around he came to know his wife had been raped and raped and then with his son burned alive. In deep pain he turns up and yells: 'I gave you my life.. I dedicated my life to you. I gave all I had for you. I have made all whom I have met to have trust and faith in you. I have no regrets. You told me to go to war and I went there without no question. I come back and see what I deemed most beloved in this life to be butchered and treated like no other has been before. And yet I have faith in you... With grief and pain, I only ask you... i beleive I have earned this much... I only ask you to tell me why.. why.. ME!'
A light appeared in front of him and a quiet sound filled the area: 'You are my most valuable follower and what you have done noone else has! But since you asked me to be honest with you.. there is something about you that pisses me off! You now have to find it out!"
Bashkebiseduesi ngriti supet, u mbeshtoll mire me pallton dhe shallin qe kishte veshur dhe nuk foli me as nje fjale!
"Being the one is like being in love! Nooone can tell you, not even you! You just know you are!"