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Iphone Edge


Iphone 3G


Ne iphone 1.1.0 - 1.1.2 - 1.1.3 - 1.1.4 dhe nga upgrade i fundit qe ka pak jave qe ka dalur nga shtepia Apple 2.0.0
Tashme te zhbllokuar me disa menyra te thjeshta dhe shume efikase nga Hacks si "Zibri" http://www.ziphone.org/ nje nder hackerat me te medhej qe kam zhbllokuar iphone vetem ne 5 minuta..... (me programin Ziphone) dhe ish koleget e tij Dev Team me programin e ri (Pwnage tool) qe mesa duket eshte ne gjendje te zhbllokoje nga cdo rrjet Iphone 2.0 dhe 3G.
Ka disa Ndryshime thelbesore mgjt nje karakteristike e forte e tyre eshte qendrushmeria e sistemit operativ (OS X) ky i fundit ne shume gazeta dhe media thuhet se ka thyer Symbian sistemin operativ qe nokia tashme ka bere te vehten me nje kontrate 20 vjecare.

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kam I touch eshte shume i mire. para ca ditesh zbulova qe kenget qe shkarkohen nga Itune store kane dhe teksting.


Forumium praecox

Nqs ske degjuar akoma. Ekziston "Installer" nje browser instalimi i aplikacioneve dhe per versionin Itouch


Pan ignoramus

It seems the new 2.x firmware contains a URL which points to a page containing a list of 'unauthorized' apps — a move which suggests that the device makes occasional contact with Apple's servers to see if anything is amiss on your phone. Jonathan Zdziarski, the man who discovered this, explains, 'This suggests that the iPhone calls home once in a while to find out what applications it should turn off. At the moment, no apps have been blacklisted, but by all appearances, this has been added to disable applications that the user has already downloaded and paid for, if Apple so chooses to shut them down. I discovered this doing a forensic examination of an iPhone 3G. It appears to be tucked away in a configuration file deep inside CoreLocation.'"

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Nje koment i drejte i nje lexuesi:

So what if it's phoning home. You not supposed to mess with the Zohan iPhone. You got something to hide? You don't honestly think this will stop the iPhone from becoming the best selling smartphone of all time, do ya? Besides a few knowledgeable nerds, most users won't give a crap.

The same monitoring is probably done on BlackBerrys by IT people, so malicious apps don't get installed.
"I always feel like somebody's watching me ..." - Rockwell